November 21, 2023

Is world ending? Democrat website runs piece on deficits, national debt, interest costs!

I think maybe the world will end this week.

Just kidding, but a story in the Democrat-fellating website Politico sure makes it seem like it: they posted a piece *seemingly* worried about...the huge size of the national debt--which is closing in on $34 TRILLION.

As I've been writing for years, this is a huge problem, because just paying *just the annual interest* on that debt will cost us over a TRILLION dollars in the coming year.  That's an amount greater than any other government expenditure.

And if that's not enough of a problem for ya(because most people are math-phobic), the equal problem is that this CANNOT BE FIXED (short of the equivalent of nuclear war).

Let me repeat that for my sophisticated Democrat friends:  *Cannot.  Be.  Fixed.*

Let me explain:  Corrupt, stupid congresswhores--most of whom are totally unable to grasp numbers--have passed law after law obligating the gruberment to spend more money than it takes in.  They did that to bribe voters to keep 'em in office.  

To be able to keep doing that, decade after decade, the Treasury Department borrows the difference.  It's like you spending more than you make, by putting a thousand bucks a month on your credit card.

(Hey, how's that working for ya?)

Over decades that debt is now, as noted above, closing in on $34 Trillion.  Problem is, congress refuses to cut spending back to what the gruberment takes in--i.e. a "balanced budget," just like families have to do.  So they continue to have to borrow more *every year.*

But even if by some miracle congress were to cut spending back to *exactly* what the gruberment takes in, *that wouldn't reduce the gargantuan debt by a penny.*  Meaning unless interest rates drop a LOT, the government will have to pay a TRILLION dollars in interest every year for the rest of your life.

Here's a little game for your supposedly "smaht" Hahvahd-educated friends:  Suppose by a total miracle congress passed a "budget" that cut spending to a BILLION dollars LESS than revenue every year, AND then used the surplus to pay down the national debt.

Yeah I know, both those are pure fantasy, but play along for a minute.

So if the gruberment were somehow to pay down the debt by a *billion dollars a year,* how long do your smaht friends think it would take to pay off the debt?  Really.  Ask 'em.

34,000 years.  Which gives you a vague idea of the magnitude of the problem.

Of course as you could have guessed, Politico blames...Republicans:
>>Even GOP lawmakers acknowledged an inability to reach consensus within their own ranks on the path forward. Democrats want to focus on raising taxes, not spending reductions —and some Democrats don’t believe deficits are an urgent issue at all.>>

Yeah, well..."some Democrats" believe open borders are great, and that tent camps on sidewalks are good for a city.  And that "no guns allowed" stickers on doors keep bad people from coming in and shooting others.

In other words, they're unable to grasp problems.

Now there's a well-known psychological response when people realize (often unconsciously) that death or disaster is inevitable:  they go into denial.  And what does that do?

It has two big effects:  First, it causes "leaders" and so-called "elites" to double down on demonizing anyone who describes the problem.  See, "Whatever we've been doing for decades must be exactly right...because we've been doing it, and we're smaht.  So anyone who says we're headed for implosion must be wrong!  And dangerous!"

Second, as more "ordinary people" begin to at least unconsciously recognize the problem, and that there's no fix for it, they start to exhibit increasingly dystopian behaviors, like taking known-deadly drugs, eating Tide-pods, shooting up WalMarts and so on.

Democrat: "Dat crazy-talk, deplorable!  We not seeing any of dat kind of stuff goin' on!"

Ah.  Well.  Guess we're done here.  Have a nice day. 

Source: Politico (leftist) 


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