November 24, 2023

You really have no idea what's coming--even after I've repeatedly explained it

As most adults know, the federal gruberment does its budget accounting on "fiscal years" (FY) that start on 1 October and end the next year on September 30.

In the last four FYs, ending last September 30, the regime spent a staggering $9 trillion more than it took in--which was added to our now-$34-TRILLION national debt.

Every DAY the regime spent $6.2 billion more than it took in in revenue.

You still don't grasp the problem, so to put that in perspective consider that it took our government 219 years to accumulate the first $9 trillion in debt.  That debt was reached 16 years ago.

Now we're adding that much debt in just four years.  And from now on we'll have to spend a staggering TRILLION dollars every year just to pay the interest on that debt.  We can't avoid paying that, every year.

Starting to get it yet?

Nah, you're not.  Oh, you understand what I've written above--for about ten seconds, but then a normal psychological mechanism called "normalcy bias" takes over and causes you to reject what you just read.

Works like this: "Everything is perfectly, citizen!  Yesterday we had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends.  Some NFL teams played their traditional TG-day games.  Airplanes flew people back home.  Your home's heating came on when you touched a switch.  Water flowed when you opened the valve.

"Totally normal, citizen.  So that thing you just read, about debt and billions of this or that CANNOT be real.  Or if it's real, it can't be serious as he claims, because that would mean...catastrophe.  It's unthinkable.  If it were real, and as serious as this guy we've never met claims, the media would have warned us!  Our 'leaders' would have taken steps to avoid it!

"Normality cannot end.  That is simply un-possible, citizen.  Out of the question.  After all, when we reached the first nine trillion in debt life continued perfectly normally, right?  That proves that trillions in total debt mean nothing!  So why would adding another nine trillion in four years be any different, eh?  They're just numbers, and numbers have no power.  In fact, the Democrats been tellin' us--an' duh teachers been teachin'--dat maff beez RAAAaacist!  So there!"

Yep, like I said: "normalcy bias."  You can read the facts, and what they unavoidably mean, but your defense mechanism keeps you from "internalizing" what it means.  It's literally too distressing to accept.

Okay, so show me which of the facts noted above that you claim are false.  Then we can talk about what they mean--not just "speculatively" or "spun to please Democrats," but really.



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