April 22, 2023

The tranny shooter in Nashville left a manifesto. It's been a month. Why hasn't it been released?

If you pay attention to events outside your town... Oh wait, most of you don't.  You struggle to raise your kids or study for finals or hold down a job or keep food on the table, so you don't have the time or energy to keep track of everything that's going on.  And yeah, that takes a LOT of time!

In any case, those of you with long memories may recall that late last month in Nashville a female wanting to be male shot her way into a Christian elementary school and killed six people, including three 9-year-old students.

The afternoon of the shooting the police chief said she'd left a "manifesto," which they'd recovered, and added that it could shed light on her motive.

It's now been a month, but we haven't heard a single word about the contents of the manifesto.  Why?

The answer is that the FBI seized it, and has ordered the two local cops who saw it not to comment on it. But why?

The answer to that is: the biden regime's obsession to push the wonders of trannyism on the public.

As Pete Hegseth put it, if the killer had been a white nationalist or a pro-life activist or a Trump supporter, and had left behind a "manifesto" that would infuriate Americans, the FBI would have  released it immediately,  He said people who had seen the shooter's manifesto described it as "dark." 

The only plausible reason the biden/harris/Democrat regime doesn't want you to see it is that it paints trannies in a bad light.  Whoa, can't have THAT, eh citizen?.


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