April 24, 2023

NY Times claims Dems support Biden running in 2024. Nevertheless, he won't be their nominee

If you're under age 40 or so, you may not have heard of Joseph Goebbels.  He was Adolf Hitler's minister of propaganda, and his contribution to politics is that he's reported to have coined a principle for all politicians.  Translated from the German it's more or less:
    “Never tell a small lie.  But if you tell a huge lie, people will believe it, because it's so audacious."

Today The New York Times wrote that “Joe Biden” is about to announce that he's running for re-election in 2024.  The Times ran it under the header "How Democrats Learned to Cast Aside Reservations and Embrace Biden 2024"

So the Times claims "Democrats have cast aside reservations," eh?   Really?

Biden may well announce that he's running, but he won't be the Democrat candidate in 2024.  And that's been the plan for well over a year now.

The Dems will gently get rid of him for two reasons.  One is simply his age:  Biden is 80, and will be 82 on election day of 2024.  The second-oldest president at the end of his term was Ronald Reagan, at 77--and Reagan was twice the man biden is.  And you say the Dems want to run Porridgebrain again?  Not even close.

Instead they'll nominate photogenic (at least the brain-dead soccer moms who carry the Democrat party think so) corruptocrat Gavin Newsome.

As you'll see, being a known corruptocrat is actually a resume-enhancer for Democrat pols, because it means the wealthy know they can bribe you to increase their wealth.  Men who can't be bribed are of no use to the elites.

The second reason may be more serious: it's that the evidence that Porridgebrain and his family have been taking millions in bribes from China and other foreign interests is becoming harder to ignore, thanks to the razor-thin GOP majority in the House.

The evidence was there all along, but the Democrat party was able to block any government investigation while Trump was president--mainly by impeaching Trump twice.  And of course the Mainstream Media would never investigate any Democrat president.  So here we are.

This is exactly what you get when all you do is tell lies, always, about everything.  Joe Biden’s crimes have finally caught up with him. He sold out this country to China.

But no matter what evidence surfaces of real high crimes and misdemeanors, Biden will never be impeached, because the GOP knows the senate will never vote to remove him, since that requires a two-thirds majority in the senate.  And unlike Republicans, Democrats NEVER break ranks.

Instead, around the end of this year the White House physician will report that Joe has some medical condition that would prevent him from serving for four more years.

The coalition of rogues and frauds that backed Porridge--the permanent bureaucracy known as the Deep State--was determined to do anything to prevent Donald Trump from winning in 2020,  They managed to use their control of the Media, and social-media censorship, to hide biden's corruption from enough of the American public to win. 

(They were also determined to do anything needed to make sure Trump wouldn't be allowed to run again in 2024.  That was the entire purpose of the scores of undercover FBI agents who led the protest on January 6th.  You don't believe that, because you believe the FBI isn't corrupt.)

Thus when the NY Post published the story of Hunter Biden's laptop three weeks before the 2020 election, the Media rushed to dismiss the story as "Russian disinformation."  Millions of Americans believed the Narrative--because the contents were so obviously incriminating.  But the Washington Post and NY Times kept telling us it was "Russian disinformation," and they'd never lie, right?

The story was so shocking that voters literally couldn't believe it was true.  So they simply believed the Narrative of "Russian disinformation."  Even after the WaPo, a year later, finally admitted that yes, the story was accurate, most Americans didn't believe it.  Couldn't.

Even to this day.  So all the Mainstream Media has to do now is simply say nothing more, and the story will die.

But in 2022 the Republicans managed to eek out a thin majority in the House (though it's getting thinner), and now a tiny faction of that party is trying to expose the vast network of lies the Democrats have inflicted on this poor nation for years.

One recent example is the letter signed by fifty-one  retired members of the intel community who swore that the laptop story "had all the earmarks of a Russian disinfo operation."  So that must be accurate, eh?

But now the person who drafted that cunning Fable--former CIA director Mike Morell just testified under oath to the House Judiciary Committee that he a) was asked by biden flunky Tony Blinken to draft such a letter; and b) that he invited the other fifty to sign the letter.

It's worth noting that biden appointed Tony Blinken Secretary of State.

Want another lie?  You don't, but reality doesn't care.

An IRS whistleblower (as yet unnamed) has told the Inspector General that both the IRS and the DOJ were mishandling every case sparked by the emails on Hunter’s laptop.  The whistleblower claimed a “high government official”--now revealed to be biden's Attorney General Merrick Garland--has been helping cover up the crimes revealed by the laptop's emails.

Of course no American over the age of 14 believes any members of the biden family will ever even be charged for their many crimes, let alone prosecuted.  We've lived to long to believe justice ever catches up with the "elites."

But the problem is that the Democrats know more and more damning revelations are just waiting to surface.  And while they know their Media allies will suppress most of those revelations, why take the chance?  So they'll take biden out and have an open primary--which Newsome has already won.

Oh, sorry, did I leak that too soon?  My bad.

You DO know Hilliary stole the 2016 nomination from Bernie Sanders, right?

Nah, you don't.  Because if that had happened, the Mainstream Media would surely have told you, right?


Since they didn't, you don't believe it happened.

So in an absolutely masterful, brilliant ploy the Democrat party will neatly ease Porridgebrain out before the end of this year.  The joyous article in the Times that begins "Mr. Biden has all but cleared the field despite concerns about his age" is nothing but a Narrative:  a reassuring, soothing story to prevent Porridge from being seen as a lame duck 18 months earlier than usual.

The normally-perceptive Jim Kunstler, who agrees that biden won't be the Democrat nominee, regardless of what he says this week, ends his piece by saying the Democrats "have lost control of the narrative."

No, they haven't.  They're still in control of it.

They always control The Narrative.  It's what they do best.

H/T James Kunstler



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