April 22, 2023

Two teens--14 and 17--steal car, crash into a family, killing a 6-month-old child. But it's Chicago, so...

In Chitcongo last Sunday two teens, ages 14 and 17, did what teens all over America do on Sundays:  they stole a car and went tearing thru the streets at high speed.

Just like kids everywhere, eh?  Hey, kids will be kids, eh?

Unfortunately their joyride was cut short--when they crashed into a small pickup truck driven by a mother and three children.  One of the children--age 6 months--was killed, the other two and the mother hospitalized.

Now, in a civilized society the two thieves would be given significant prison sentences.  But in Chitcongo the two po' car-stealin, baby-killin' kidz have already been released without posting bail.  And two or three years from now--if the case indeed ever goes to trial, which is highly unlikely--the Cook County DA--the notoriously corupt Kim Foxx--will reduce what should rightfully be a manslaughter or negligent homicide charge down to 'failure to yield right-of-way" or "unauthorized use of a vehicle" or some other meaningless, no-penalty charge--and the car-stealing child-killers will walk free.

And at that point the dozen or so good people remaining in that Democrat-ruled shithole--unable to recall the case from years earlier--will shrug and say "Whut?"

And a minute ago I find that, as if on cue, both perps have been charged with "criminal trespass to a vehicle," just a misdemeanor.  (Damn I'm good!)  And if you think there will be any punishment for "criminal trespass" you're too naive to breathe.

More predictions: 1) You will never learn the names of the thieves/killers; and 2) nor will you ever learn their race.  Which of course will tell you that the thieves weren't white, since if they had been, that fact would have been endlessly bleated by every Mainstream Media outlet in minutes.

What a society tolerates, it gets more of.  So the Powers that run Chitcongo will see to it that the perps aren't punished, since that might send a message to *other* would-be car thieves.

Hey, can't have *that,* right?




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