April 25, 2023

Two days after leftist shill site says 70% don't want Porridge to run, he announces; Media cheers

Two days ago the leftist website "Mediaite" ran this headline:

70 Percent Think Biden Shouldn’t Run Again

The story used a poll out Sunday from NBC News.  But wait!  Didn't we just see a poll from the Wall Street Journal showing Trump supposedly losing to biden by three percent?  And according to dat poll, the Great Hope fo' da GOP, DeSantis, only beating the sainted biden by three percent?

Why yes, yes we did.  And yet poll after poll shows Trump leading DeSantis by somewhere between 20 and 30 percent.  Does any of this make sense?

Sure it does: You show DeSantis supposedly "winning" a head-to-head against the sainted biden to make more conservative voters believe DeSantis is the only candidate who can beat biden.  So the conservative vote splits.  Trump still takes the nomination, but half of GOP voters stay home because they're never-Trumpers, and the Dems win again.

Oh, and an hour ago biden announced he IS running for re-election next year.  But as I've predicted, later this year his doctors will announce he's got a grave medical condition that will prevent him from serving, and he'll "sadly, regretfully" withdraw--giving the Dems a huge sympathy boost.  He'll claim he wanted to stay in the race because he would have soundly defeated Trump, and the Lying Mainstream Media will agree.  The headline above will be conveniently forgotten, making the charade look very authentic.

This whole charade is so obvious a child could predict it.


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