March 31, 2022
March 30, 2022
Bidenfail uses cue-card to answer reporter's question--written on Biden's card!
Two days ago fake-president Porridgebrain gave a "press conference"--actually a carefully-scripted propaganda exercise. He was holding a cue-card as he answered the questions.
Okay, a cue-card isn't substantively different from a teleprompter, which many presidents have used. So what's significant about this, eh?
It's that the unseen, unidentified "journalist" whom Porridge called on to ask the question asked virtually the exact question shown on Porridge's cue-card.
Think about that for a minute. That means the "journalist" is working with the regime--as almost ALL members of the Lying Mainstream Media are--to make voters believe the installed Democrat figurehead is at least vaguely competent.
To repeat: almost every so-called "journalist" is working with the regime. It's why they don't actually investigate regime corruption or policy disasters (like the open southern border, or killing U.S. energy independence, or changing laws to give trannies special status, or encouraging Russia to make a "minor incursion" into Ukraine, then pushing voters to support U.S. intervention.
Really smaht stuff like dat.
"Corporate president" of Disney admits having "many many LGBTQIA characters," complains "not enough"
The woman below is the "corporate president" of the Disney company, Karey Burke. In the video at the link below Karey says she has two children, and that one is transgender and the other is "pansexual."
I know, what are the odds of BOTH of your kids and pan, eh? Odds are so long that one might well guess that Mom had some influence on that result, eh?
With that in mind, watch the "corporate president" of Disney complain that even though Disney has "many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories," she's distressed that there aren't enough Disney movies with LGBTQIA lead characters!
Think about that entire sentence: She admits that Disney movies--aimed squarely at kids--have "many, many, many LGBTetc characters right now, but then complains that there aren't enough stories with LGBTetc LEAD characters.
Translation: She admits Disney is pushing queer agenda, and wants even more of it.
She adds that from now on she wants "a minimum of 50 percent of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities."
When the biggest influencer of childrens' "entertainment" in the world insists that "a minimum of 50 percent of LGBTQIA and racial minorities," is that something you want your kids to soak up?
When you watch the vid at the link below, note Karey's speech patterns: Like Obama without a teleprompter, she constantly says "um" and uses other space-filling syllables. This woman realizes she's pushing damaging ideas, and the space-filling syllables are her efforts to persuade herself that her ideas are really somehow good.
If you ever saw Obama try to keep speaking when his teleprompter went blank, you've seen this before.
The vid is just two minutes long, but before you watch it, commit another two minutes to watch it AGAIN, but this time with the sound off. Reason is that with the sound ON, you're distracted by her halting, uncertain speech patterns and you don't get the full impact of the *content* of what she's saying. But with the sound off you can get it from the captioning.
Rational folks will wonder how this woman ever got to be president of Disney. But then you think "She has two messed up kids, so OF COURSE she was a perfect choice for a company bent on pushing as many of your kids as possible into trans or some other bizarre choice.
Yes. Choice.
March 28, 2022
Ever heard of a laptop belonging to Biden's son?
If you're an average American, not much. That's by design: the Lying Mainstream Media spiked the story. Fifty-one former so-called "top U.S. intelligence agents" signed a letter saying it was "Russian disinformation."
The one media outlet that ran with the story--the New York Post, which ran the story on its front page--had its social media accounts suspended by Twatter for over a week for running the story.
The Mainstream Media spiked the story because the laptop contained tens of thousandsl of emails showing Biden corruption: literally taking bribes from foreign nations. Hunter--a crack addict with no useful skills--was being paid (literally) a million dollars a year to be a nominal member of the board of directors of a shady Ukrainian gas company. (For the record, Hunter has no experience in energy.)
The Chinese government gave Hunter (ha) a twenty percent stake in a $1.5 BILLION "investment fund" really knew how to pick great stocks? Nah.
The laptop was also full of photos and videos of Hunter smoking what appeared to be crack. But since Hunter is a private citizen that's not considered serious today. What IS serious is the evidence of bribes the Bidens received from foreign companies and governments.
The memos and emails on the laptop clearly show that Joe Biden and his grifting family sold out our country. The mentally incompetent husk of a crooked old pol is owned by foreigners.
But stunningly, it gets worse: We now know that the FBI-- supposedly the nation's top "law enforcement agency"--had the laptop--with all its contents--by December of 2019, ten months before the presidential election.
There can be no doubt that the top officials in the FBI knew what it contained--and that the whole Biden family was totally corrupt. Yet they did **nothing**.
Same story with the 51 "former U.S. intelligence agents" who signed a letter saying their vast experience suggested the story about the laptop was "Russian disinformation." The Mainstream Media ran with that, and the story vanished--in part because Twatter deleted any user posts that mentioned it..
Face it: this corrupt, corruptly installed “president,” installed by malignant forces allied with his party, is a huge danger to our nation.
The laptop confirms that Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca company invested in the chain of bio-weapons labs set up by the CIA and Department of Defense and operated through their front company Metabiota, with tendrils reaching to the Wuhan, China, virology lab that was the most likely point-of-origin for Covid-19.
Money money money everywhere along the trail for the Biden Family: millions from shady sources in Russia… and then millions more from the board rooms of Chinese companies connected with the intel and military arms of the CCP.
If the American public had known of these payoffs, Joe Biden would certainly not have been the beneficiary of the engineered balloting irregularities that determined the 2020 election. But thanks to a corrupt FBI, CIA and a compliant media, American voters either never knew about any of the corruption, or else believed the Narrative from the intel agencies that the entire story was "Russian disinformation."
How is it possible that the laptop--and all its damning contents--was withheld as evidence in the momentous impeachment trial of Donald Trump--which, after all, was supposedly based on claims by Democrats in congress about a phone call by Mr. Trump to the president of Ukraine about those very matters involving the Bidens and a corrupt Ukrainian gas company?
Answer: Because FBI officials knew their role in pushing the Russiagate tale was unravelling. The truth about its seditious role was in danger of being exposed, and top FBI officials had decided that President Trump had to be removed from office before top agency officials found themselves indicted for serious federal crimes.
How do we stand for that?
And the FBI continued to hide the existence of the laptop through the first fifteen months of Joe Biden’s astoundingly calamitous term in office, leading to the dangerous point that America has arrived at today.
Many Americans can now see that everything in American life is now going south. Joe Biden has knocked the remaining props out from under the country’s standard of living. We are on track to go medieval in months, not years: no replacement parts for our machines, money that’s rapidly losing value, signs of food scarcity, skyrocketing prices for gasoline, food and fertilizer; buffoons and mere incompetents for cabinet secretaries.
For many Americans life is veering off-the-rails into historic political disorder. In this new pandemonium the best of us will remember what was once best about us: freedom, the rule of law applying equally to all, regardless of power; freedom of speech, the dignity of work, the value of telling the truth.
For now, the wicked prosper and prevail. If that doesn't change, and very soon, our beloved, once-powerful nation will be beyond hope of recovery.
[Adapted from James Howard Kunstler]
March 27, 2022
AOC: "This graph? It doesn't mean anything. Why do you ask?"
Americans have been incredibly fortunate to live in a land of hard-working farmers who used both good practices and reasonable technology to produce an abundance of food.
One of those technologies is...fertilizer.
And guess what! Fertilizer now costs four times as much as it did when Porridgebrain and his merry band of communists stole office, and control of the senate.
Of course the average liberal Democrat has no idea what that actually means, so we'll tell ya: The price of food is about to get even higher.But don't worry, comrade. It's no big deal. Duh gruberment--duh Porridgebrain regime--will jus' send ev'rybody checks for, does $1,500 per adult sound? Plus $1,300 per kid, of course. Or for those with EBT cards, the regime will jus' put dat number right into yo' account. And ain't nobody gon' check to see if yo' really have 16 kids, cuz...reasons. So hey, no problem, right?
What? Whaddya mean "Where will that money come from?" Dey jus' print it! Cuz duh gummint own duh money-printin' stuff. Ev'rybody know dat. Gosh, you mus' be one a' doze dumb deplorables!
White House posts a piece on official website praising a communist supporter of terrorists and dictators--cuz female
You can tell everything about the people ruling you by the people they praise and admire.
On Friday a White House "Initiative" group posted a gushing piece honoring a woman they called "an activist," Yuri Kochiyama. What the White House carefully omitted was that Kochiyama was a communist who openly admired terrorist Osama bin Laden and numerous other bloodthirsty killers, like Mao, Stalin and Che Guevara.
Kochiyama was a communist who praised Mao's Great Leap Forward (which resulted in an estimated 60 million killed) and 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden.
Just after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, she said "I thank Islam for bin Laden. America's greed, aggressiveness and self-righteous arrogance must be stopped." She effusively praised bin Laden, saying "To me he is in the category of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro."
She wasn't being critical of that group of bloodthirsty terrorists and dictators.
She also praised Peru's Maoist terrorist group "the Shining Path," led by philosophy professor Abimael Guzmán. In its 12-year war to overthrow the Peruvian government and impose communist rule, Guzman's communist followers killed at least 24,000 people.
But hey, can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, eh comrade?
Like bidenfail nominating the ghastly, anti-white Katanji Brown-Jackson to the supreme court, the White House deliberate chose to lavishly praise a communist who supported the mastermind of flying jet airliners into the Twin Towers, and a communist movement that killed 60 million in China and a relatively paltry 24,000 Peruvians.
Many dozens of White House staffers had to approve posting the gushing praise of this communist and terror supporter on the official White House website. So either they're all dumb as rocks, or this is someone they all admire.
This is who's ruling the United States today. They're communists, pure and simple. They're not even trying to keep it a secret anymore.