March 30, 2022

"Corporate president" of Disney admits having "many many LGBTQIA characters," complains "not enough"

The woman below is the "corporate president" of the Disney company, Karey Burke.  In the video at the link below Karey says she has two children, and that one is transgender and the other is "pansexual." 

I know, what are the odds of BOTH of your kids and pan, eh?  Odds are so long that one might well guess that Mom had some influence on that result, eh?

With that in mind, watch the "corporate president" of Disney complain that even though Disney has "many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories," she's distressed that there aren't enough Disney movies with LGBTQIA lead characters!  

Think about that entire sentence:  She admits that Disney movies--aimed squarely at kids--have "many, many, many LGBTetc characters right now, but then complains that there aren't enough stories with LGBTetc LEAD characters.

Translation: She admits Disney is pushing queer agenda, and wants even more of it.

She adds that from now on she wants "a minimum of 50 percent of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities."

When the biggest influencer of childrens' "entertainment" in the world insists that "a minimum of 50 percent of LGBTQIA and racial minorities," is that something you want your kids to soak up?

When you watch the vid at the link below, note Karey's speech patterns:  Like Obama without a teleprompter, she constantly says "um" and uses other space-filling syllables.  This woman realizes she's pushing damaging ideas, and the space-filling syllables are her efforts to persuade herself that her ideas are really somehow good.

If you ever saw Obama try to keep speaking when his teleprompter went blank, you've seen this before.

The vid is just two minutes long, but before you watch it, commit another two minutes to watch it AGAIN, but this time with the sound off.  Reason is that with the sound ON, you're distracted by her halting, uncertain speech patterns and you don't get the full impact of the *content* of what she's saying.  But with the sound off you can get it from the captioning.

Rational folks will wonder how this woman ever got to be president of Disney.  But then you think "She has two messed up kids, so OF COURSE she was a perfect choice for a company bent on pushing as many of your kids as possible into trans or some other bizarre choice.

Yes.  Choice.



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