March 30, 2022

Bidenfail uses cue-card to answer reporter's question--written on Biden's card!

Two days ago fake-president Porridgebrain gave a "press conference"--actually a carefully-scripted propaganda exercise.  He was holding a cue-card as he answered the questions.

Okay, a cue-card isn't substantively different from a teleprompter, which many presidents have used.  So what's significant about this, eh?

It's that the unseen, unidentified "journalist" whom Porridge called on to ask the question asked virtually the exact question shown on Porridge's cue-card.

Think about that for a minute.  That means the "journalist" is working with the regime--as almost ALL members of the Lying Mainstream Media are--to make voters believe the installed Democrat figurehead is at least vaguely competent.

To repeat: almost every so-called "journalist" is working with the regime.  It's why they don't actually investigate regime corruption or policy disasters (like the open southern border, or killing U.S. energy independence, or changing laws to give trannies special status, or encouraging Russia to make a "minor incursion" into Ukraine, then pushing voters to support U.S. intervention.

Really smaht stuff like dat.

Source: Citizen Free Press 


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