New drug hits DC, 3-4 times more potent than fentanyl. How does the WaPo react? Hmmm...
Just saw a piece from the cesspool called Washington DC, wailing that a NEW drug has been found there, reportedly three to four times more powerful than fentanyl. And as you could predict, it's killing users.
So just to review: for most of the last 50 years heroin has killed more people than any other drug. Most sites say the smallest dose of heroin that will kill a normal adult (in this case "normal" only refers to body weight) is about 30 milligrams--just over an ounce. So how does fentanyl compare?
Most sites report that the smallest dose of fentanyl that will kill a person is TWO milligrams.
Jeff Bezos's newspaper, the Washington Compost, did a story on the new DC cool-kidz drugs, but the Post "reporter,"oddly, didn't seem all that concerned. After all, the Narrative right now is that the drugs we should all be worried about are prescription painkillers like oxycontin and oxycodone--cuz they're made by eeeeebil capitalist companies which are easy, fat targets for left-wing "activists."
By contrast, illegal fentanyl and the two new kewl-kidz drugs are walked across the open southern border by ...what did bidenfail order everyone to call em? Oh yeah: "undocumented non-citizens." So since the regime *totally* supports open borders, the Post doesn't wanna criticize drug smuggling because that implicitly criticizes the Democrats.
Here's the Post's take on the new drugs:
Forensic analysts have identified a new and highly potent family of synthetic opioids in the District’s illicit drug supply, a worrisome discovery in a city already struggling with a wave of fatal overdoses that shows no signs of abating.
The opioids are called protonitazene and isotonitazene, respectively. Experts estimate that each is several times more powerful than fentanyl, the synthetic opioid that has displaced heroin in many parts of the United States and is now responsible for the majority of the country’s drug overdoses.
The identification of nitazenes in D.C. comes as the District is dealing with an opioid crisis that has never been worse. The District saw an estimated 498 fatal overdoses over [the last year].
As yet there is no indication that the new drugs are widespread, and fentanyl remains the primary threat to opioid users in D.C.
There ya go, sparky. Don't worry your head about duh new drugs, keep your focus on duh old ones. Wouldn't wanna go lookin' for trouble, eh?
But their discovery is an ominous development because the drugs could be less vulnerable to some of the primary tools used to prevent overdoses.
It's not known whether fentanyl testing strips — which warn users about the possibly higher potency of their drugs — can detect nitazene substances. And more of the overdose antidote Narcan may be needed to revive someone who has overdosed on the new drugs.
Ah, the real problem is NOT drugs 3 or 4 times more potent than fentanyl but that it may take more Narcan to revive overdosers.
It's astonishing: New drug makes it to DC, deaths going up, so how does the Post react? Calls to imprison or kill the drug sellers and suppliers? Put more cops on the beat to arrest drug sellers? Stop illegal invaders who are bringing the stuff into the U.S.? Not even close. The Post's main concern seems to be that the normal dose of the antidote might not be enough to save duh po' overdosers.
Amazing. Wait...considering who runs both DC and the federal gruberment, utterly predictable.