November 27, 2021

Anything strike you as odd about this graph?

Anything seem...unusual...about the graph below?  (Clicking it may make it larger.)

"Well it seems kinda odd that a state in India--which doesn't have our faaabulous health-care system--would have only ONE-TENTH as many deaths per capita as the U.S."

Yeah, that seemed odd to me too.  Say, you don't suppose all those folks who said U.S. covid deaths were hugely exaggerated because the CDC ordered that anyone who died after testing positive for duh virus using the hugely unreliable PCR test at 40 cycles was to be counted as "caused by Covid," do ya?

"Wait, they would never do that!  Would they?  I mean, why would the CDC wat to hugely exaggerate the number of Americans dying of covid?"

Yeah, it's hard to imagine why they'd do that.  Unless the directors had stock in one of the companies making the vax.  And of course that's just silly.

"Agreed.  I guess the people of India are just way healthier than Americans."

Yeah, that must be it.  The other odd thing is that after July of this year, the death RATE in that Indian state has been almost zero, while the U.S. rate has gone way up again.  Yet the biden people say 60% of Americans have been vaccinated, compared to just 18% of residence of Uttar Pradesh.

"Gosh that does seem odd.  You'd think that with three times more Americans having been vaxxed, it would be the other way 'round."

Yep, it's almost like the vax isn't keeping people from getting the virus and dying.  Weird.  It's almost like the Indians have some secret cure, some sort of miracle drug no one else knows about.

"That's just crazy.  If there was a cheap, safe drug that cured people, our CDC and FDA and Fauci would know about it, right?"

You're right, of course.

Source and details.


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