How can 241 million mostly-unvaxxed people have no covid cases?
Uttar Pradesh is a state in India. It has 241 million people. It's a poor "state" with extremely high-density citiies--ideal for spreading duh Chyna virus. And only a few percent of those densely-packed people have had the leaky "vaccine."
So based on U.S. experience (70% fully vaxxed, if you believe the Narrative), Uttar Pradesh should be getting on the order of ten-thousand new cases of the Chyna virus per day.
So how many new cases did they find last week?
That's not a typo. 199 cases. 33 districts in that densely-populated state have been declared covid-free.
"WAIT! That has to be lie, cuz if it were true, it's such remarkable news that the media would certainly have told us, right?"
Yes. And a big media outlet did. You just don't read it, or even know it exists, so you couldn't possibly find it--something American media knows very well, which is why they can blythely ignore the story, confident you'll never hear it. (It was the Hindustan Times. And not a single mainstream U.S. media outlet ran the story. "Contradicts the Narrative, so we're not interested," eh?
Democrats--the sheep who believe every word uttered by Fauci, Walensky and their fellow corruptocrats--will bleat that the reason is that Uttar Pradesh is so isolated by the Himalaya mountains that few outsiders go there, so the virus hasn't had a chance to infect many locals.
Hahahahaha! Nice lie, Democrats. Good try. Cuz you *have* to do something to deny reality if it contradicts your Narrative. Gotta keep the sheep believing the Narrative at all costs.
So how in the world is Uttar Pradesh having virtually no cases of the deadly Chyna virus, when the U.S. is recording so many thousands per day? How have they ended the plandemic?
The government of India gave virtually everyone a cheap, safe, widely-available drug--one that the top medical "experts" in the U.S. government have banned you from taking, **even though it was approved by the FDA for human use way back in 1996.**
Let that sink in for a bit.
In fact those same so-called "experts" that have banned the drug have gone so far as to threaten to cancel the state medical license of any doctor who prescribes this legal, FDA-approved drug to treat covid patients.
Again, take a moment to let the implications of that sink in.
These so-called "experts" didn't ban the drug due to ignorance. Instead they intentionally undertook a series of ORDERS and other acts to keep Americans from using the drug that turns out to be the cure. Those orders and acts allowed more Americans to get the virus--and made it more likely that those infected would die. Literally.
It's medical malpractice. Negligent homicide
It's way past time to hold these so-called "experts" personally accountable for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans who could have been saved--easily and inexpensively. In a rational country they would already have been executed.
Instead the conspirators--which is precisely what they are--have ORDERED all Americans to take a dangerous, ineffective shot--which they all insist is a "vaccine." But until this year, the universally-understood definition of a "vaccine" was something that prevented virtually all vaccinated people from getting the disease. What Fauci et al are now calling vaccines don't even come close to that definition. But the conspirators keep claiming they're really, actually "vaccines," and "effective"--even though hundreds of thousands of people who've had the "vax" have gotten covid.
The easy-peasy Democrat solution? Just change the definition of "vaccine" and "effective."
But WAIT! It gets worse!
Thousand of people have been using social media to tell about their experiences--or the experiences of loved ones--after taking the jab: heart attacks, strokes, bizarre clotting problems, bizarre neurological problems, heart inflammation in healthy teens and more.
The easy-peasy Democrat solution? Ask their supporters who run Fakebook and Twatter to ban those people from posting their experiences.
Wow, problem solved, eh? Cuz if no one can read about hundreds of thousands of what are euphemistically called "adverse effects" from the non-vax vaxxes, it's as if they didn't happen, right?
And if you're knowledgeable enough to know about the government's own "Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting system"--VAERS--and go to that site, you, only a few thousand reports, not nearly as many as some claimed, eh?
But read the fine-print on the VAERS site: Reporting adverse effects is completely voluntary. And the form takes an hour or so to complete. So since it's voluntary, what percentage of docs and hospitals do ya think will take the time to do that, eh? No one even tries to claim that the VAERS system lists more than a fraction of the true number of "effects," and many studies estimate that only one-tenth to one-fiftieth of the "adverse effects" are actually reported.
But if you're a Democrat official, that's how you get Americans to believe you've "solved" thorny, politically-risky problems: Make the bad news disappear.
Now the latest admission: Both the CDC and Pfizer now admit that whatever weak "protection" their "vax" offers fades in a few months, so that in 4 to 6 months there's almost no difference in case incidence between vaxxed and unjabbed.
Some keen analysts have claimed Pfizer and the CDC knew or at least suspected that result last fall but carefully did not disclose, since it would have reduced profits.
Now let's look at the alternative: a drug that has a forty-year safety record; has been taken 4 Billion times by roughly a billion people; is 100 times safer than Tylenol and has all but eliminated River Blindness in multiple nations.
Not only is it approved by "your own" FDA (a little insider joke there) for human use, the CDC has recommended that would-be immigrants to the U.S. take it.
Denying this drug, and instead demanding everyone be vaxxed, led one of the world's wealthiest nations to a huge spike in infections in the middle of the summer.
The other path led a state (in India) with a median annual per-capita income of approximately $1,000 US, where more than forty percent of all city dwellers live in poverty -- a state of 241 million people all packed together, with few hospital resources--with fewer than 200 active cases of Covid-19. How can this be?
There have been at least 63 trials--31 of which were randomized, controlled trials-- showing benefits from using ivermectin against COVID-19, both to prevent getting the virus, as well as for early and late-stage treatment. Ivermectin has been shown to inhibit the replication of many viruses, including duh Chyna virus.
Here's how all the sheep sound to me:
"WAIT, dis bees un-possible! Dis not true! Not true cuz Lord Fauci say dis not work! Media all say dis not work! Duh reel smaht peepo say it only used on horses! You not horse! Horse medicine not work on peepo! Lord Fauci say dis stuff ain't approved fo' use by humans! If you say take horse-drug, you tryin' ta kill my precious children 'n' me! You bad person!
"If you not take vax it mean you tryin' ta kill my fambly! Vax safe! Lord Fauci say vax total safe! Media say vax total safe! So must be true! If you say some peepo who take vax die, or get blood problem, or brain problem, you lie! If vax not safe, Lord Fauci would have told us! So there! Vax safe! Vax keep peepo from gettin' killer virus!
It's way past time...