September 14, 2021

How does a nation go socialist/communist? Like this:

Sixty-two years ago the premier of Russia, Nikita Khrushchev, gave a speech at the vaunted United Nations in NYC.

On September 29th, 1959, banging the podium with his shoe to show his seriousness, the communist leader predicted America's future.

“Your children’s children will live under communism," he said.  "You Americans are so gullible. You won’t accept communism outright, but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you finally wake up and find you already have Communism.   

"We will not have to fight you.  Instead we will so weaken your economy that you fall like an overripe fruit into our hands.  Your democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and ive to those who will not.”

Socialism leads to communism. So how do you create a Socialistic State?  Like this--and see how many of the steps you recognize have already occurred: 

1) Take control of school boards.  Boards decide what teachers get hired and who doesn't get their provisional contract renewed.  They order teachers what to teach, so they control how your children will think.  (Look how many schools teach that America has been evil and raacist from its founding.)

2)  Have the central government take over healthcare.  People who know they'll lose their health care if they speak out against oppressive government won't speak out.  (Many doctors have already stopped treating people who haven't obeyed the order to take the jab.  "Comedians" (Dem shills) have drawn howls of laughter from late-night audiences with lines like "If you have a heart attack and you haven't been vaccinated, go home and die.")

3)  Destroy most small businesses.  This increases the number of people forced to depend entirely on government to survive.  People won't rebel if they know they'll lose their only income.  Poor people won't fight back.  (How many tens of thousands of small businesses have been destroyed by the lockdowns?)

4)  Increase government debt to a level so vast as to be meaningless to citizens. That will lead to printing fiat money, fueling inflation, which wipes out the value of savings, making people fatalistic about the future, and more dependent on government to live.

5)  Ban private ownership of guns--supposedly for "public safety," of course.  "It's for the children!"  Disarmed people can't fight back when only government police have guns.

6)  Have media allies promote debased, drugged-out, bleak, sickening movies.  These will demoralize the people and make them fatalistic, thus easier to control.

7)  Remove all references to God from public life, and have media allies sneer at those who still believe in God.  When people know of no higher power than government, they'll have no alternative but to believe government officials know what's best for the people and the nation.

8)  Rig elections so that the most corrupt, greedy, amoral people win.  This will make people believe that nothing they can do can change things.  Fatalism about the future makes people accept each new RULE and loss of freedom as being both inevitable and deserved. 

9)  Use leftist scientists and media allies to argue that Americans should have fewer children, in order to "save the planet" or "fight global warming" or any other convenient slogan.  Have media elites joke about people who have more than two children.  "Breeders" is a good pejorative.

10)  Do everything possible to denigrate the "nuclear family."  This will create armies of sociopathic monsters who will kill random strangers for no reason whatsoever.  This will keep people fearful, which makes them beg the government to protect them.  (Of course without weapons they can no longer protect themselves, eh?)

11)  Quietly adopt polices that increase the use of illegal and dangerous drugs, like de-criminalizing using and selling illegal drugs.  Have elites write pieces about how cool and edgy is is to use these drugs, and how oppressive and backward it is to oppose drug use.  A very successful tactic is to use "disparate impact" to demand that cities and states not arrest or imprison members of minority groups at a rate greater than their percentage of the population, regardless of how many more crimes are committed by a given group.  Equate "disparate results" with racism. 

12)  Allow all those charged with crimes to immediately walk out of jail without posting bail.  Of course many will immediately commit more crime, and seeing this will make citizens even more fatalistic about the future.  Fatalism about the future causes people to stop planning for the future. many of the above steps have you witnessed happening today, all around you, thanks mainly to the Democrat party?  Do you think any of it is good, or even well-intentioned?  

Do their policies make you optimistic about the future, or pessimistic?

How many of you believe anything YOU are willing to do (voting, etc) can possibly change our nation's course?

If you're curious:  While I think we're in mortal danger, I don't think our situation is hopeless, but rather that every day that passes without a huge popular revolt brings us closer to a time when it WILL be too late to recover.


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