September 29, 2021

Mainstream Media columnist to the unvaxxed: "Goodbye, and good riddance"

A few days ago leftist Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts Jr wrote a column blasting unvaccinated Americans.  It's...revealing:

Dear unvaccinated: Bye!

This is for those of you who’ve chosen to quit your jobs rather than submit to a vaccine mandate. 

"Chosen to quit your jobs"?  Last I heard the feds and companies were FIRING everyone who refused to take the jab.  That's not remotely the same as quitting, Leonard.

Lately you’re all over the news. Just last week, a nearly-30-year veteran of the San Jose Police Department surrendered his badge rather than comply with the city’s requirement that all employees be inoculated against COVID-19. He joins an Army lieutenant colonel, some airline employees and, incredibly, dozens of healthcare professionals.

Well, on behalf of the rest of us, the ones who miss concerts, restaurants and other people’s faces, the ones who are sick and tired of living in pandemic times, here’s a word of response to you quitters: Goodbye.  

"Quitters"?  Can you say "Orwellian," Leonard?  The truth is that your Democrat party's governors have ordered hundreds of thousands of health-care workers FIRED for not taking the jab.  "Fired" is not "quitting."  Or do you not think there's a difference?

And here’s two more: Good riddance.

Not to minimize any of this. A few weeks ago, a hospital in upstate New York announced it would have to “pause” delivering babies because of resignations among its maternity staff. 
So the threat of difficult ramifications is certainly real. But on the plus side, your quitting [there's that lie again, Leonard.  You really should work on that] goes a long way toward purging us of the gullible, the conspiracy-addled, the logic-impaired and the stubbornly ignorant. And that’s not nothing.

We’ve been down this road before. Whenever faced with some mandate imposed in the interest of the common good, some of us act like they just woke up on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall. “There’s no freedom no more,” whined one man in video that recently aired on “The Daily Show With Trevor Noah.” The clip was from the 1980s, and the guy had just gotten a ticket for not wearing his seatbelt.

It’s an unfortunately common refrain. Can’t smoke in a movie theater? Can’t crank your music to headache decibels at 2 in the morning? Can’t post the Ten Commandments in a courtroom? “There’s no freedom no more.” Some of you seem to think freedom means no one can be compelled to do, or refrain from doing, anything. But that’s not freedom, it’s anarchy.

Usually, the rest of us don’t agonize over your intransigence. Often it has no direct impact on us.  But now you claim the right to risk the healthcare system and our personal lives.

So if you’re angry, guess what? You’re not the only ones.

The difference is, your anger is dumb, and ours is not. Yours is about being coerced to do something you don’t want to do. Like that’s new. Like you’re not already required to get vaccinated to start school or travel to other countries. For that matter, you’re also required to mow your lawn, cover your hindparts and, yes, wear a seatbelt. So you’re mad at government and your job for doing what they’ve always done.

But the rest of us, we’re mad at you. **Because this thing could have been over by now, and you’re the reason it isn’t.** 

 Another blatant lie.  Again.  It's how the Left always debates.

That’s why we were glad President Biden stopped asking nicely and started requiring vaccinations everywhere he had power to do so. We were also glad when employers followed suit. And if that’s a problem for you, then, yes, goodbye.  We’ll miss you, to be sure. But you’re asking us to choose between your petulance and our lives.

And that’s really no choice at all.

My reply to Pitts and the other leftist morons:

Is that so, Leonard?

Well here's a bit of science for you:  Not only do the jabs NOT prevent you from getting the virus, they also mess up your immune system.

In fact you even admit the jabs don't keep you from getting covid.  If you believed they did work you wouldn't care about those of us who haven't taken the jab.  If the vax worked (i.e prevented you from getting covid, which we all now know it doesn't) you're safe and we're not.  So if you're right, you get to go on living and we die.  So why are you upset?  

Why are you so worked up?  You claim we pose a danger to you pro-jabbers, but guess you don't know that tests show people who've been jabbed shed roughly 30 times more viral particles than the unvaxxed.  And roughly 75% of Americans have been fully jabbed, so if you do get the virus--despite having been jabbed by a vax you inexplicably claim "works"--the chances are roughly 100 to 1 that you got it from someone on your own side.

So if the main risk to you is from other vaxxed folks, that leaves just one plausible explanation for your otherwise-irrational anger:  As more evidence accumulates about the damage the jab does to healthy people, it's likely that the vaxxed are beginning to experience a twinge of... doubt--to suspect that just maybe Fauci, Walensky et al might have been lying to them, and that the jab not only doesn't keep you from getting the virus--which until now was the *definition* of a vaccine--but may make things worse for their health down the road.

In other words, that taking the jab may have been a mistake.  And at that point human nature kicks in:  As you begin to suspect you may have been conned, you demand--loudly--that those of us who haven't taken the jab join you in your folly.

Of course the *goal* of finding an effective vaccine was a good one, and one may yet be found.  But coronaviruses have been around forever, and no effective vaccine has ever been developed.  And no successrul mRNA vaccine has been found.  Both those are high hurdles to overcome, and if a company claimed to have succeeded we'd normally expect at least a couple of years of trials.  

But because Fauci and his accolytes in social media and mainstream media *banned all mention of HCQ and ivermectin as treatments,* blythely waved away the results of private trials of both drugs, and have so far refused to fund trials of their own, the feds were able to declare (as if fact) that "no effective treatment exists" for the virus.  

This allowed them to invoke "emergency use authorization" for the 3 candidate vaxes, with damn little testing--and with no possibility whatsoever of detecting any long-term effects on health.

Again, the *goal* was great--it's just that the particular vaxxes offered a) didn't prevent people from getting the virus--which has until now been the definition of a working vax; and b) caused tens of thousands of deaths and many more severe "adverse effects."

In effect "government experts" ordered you to believe, with virtually no evidence, that they'd overcome the high hurdles, and with no side effects.  Because you trust government officials to tell you the truth, you believed 'em.  

Some of us looked at facts you probably never saw, and reached the opposite conclusion.

If you talk to clinicians they'll tell you that once you've been admitted to a hospital for Covid, being vaccinated has no statistical benefit on the outcome.  It does appear that having taken the jab reduces the chances of catching the virus for six months or so, but my understanding is that you're in this for the long haul, right?  

That means that when Fauci announces that everyone must take a "booster shot"--"to be fully protected," of course--you'll eagerly take it, and then the one after that, and so on.  It's what you believe.  It's who you *are.*

You'll keep ignoring first-hand accounts of people who were in perfect health before they got the jab, then suffered debilitating adverse effects within days after taking it.  And you'll continue to sneer at HCQ and ivermectin--"horse de-wormer" ring any bells?--claiming neither has been approved by the FDA for human use.  (That's a blatant lie.)  You'll continue to believe fake news that many hospital ERs are filled with people who've been poisoned by ivermectin.  (Another brazen lie, pushed by the lying Mainstream Media.)

You'll continue to dismiss first-hand accounts of people who got the virus, felt as if they were near death and then totally recovered in six days after using one of the drugs we're not allowed to mention on social media.  You'll sneer at first-hand accounts by people who took the first jab, got hammered by it and won't go back for the second due to what they personally experienced--and see as an increased risk of death.  

You'll dismiss all these things because Fauci didn't say them, and you only believe him or Rochelle Walensky.

Many of us calculated that the risk of dying from the virus was less than the risk from taking the jab.  Some of us got infected, placed no burden on the health care system and recovered.  We gained durable immunity, which the jabs don't confer.  Unlike you I am not afraid of either vaccinated or unvaccinated people because I trust that acquired natural immunity.  And while that immunity may eventually wane, it is far longer-lasting than your non-vaccinating vax.

We who are "vax-hesitant" (not "anti-vaccines," as the Lying Media always put it) looked at the available evidence, rolled the dice and won.  So you can take your screaming demands and shove em up your ass.  

Since your party is firing all the health-care workers who refuse to take the vax, we could help keep you alive.  But here's a hint:  I won't.  Not for any amount of money.  Your insistence on forcing us to take the jab--joined by most of the Left and Dems--have guaranteed that.  And there's nothing you or anyone else can do to change my mind.  

You wrote "Goodbye.  And good riddance."  We agree.  Humanity will be far better off without you, and those who think as you do.

See, anyone who takes the position that forcing others to either take the jab or be fired is a perfectly acceptable policy has declared war on me and my family.  Think about that.

If someone takes the jab after making a personal risk/reward calculation, and later has a severe reaction, or dies, I respect that.  They did what they thought was right.  Similarly, if someone declines to take the vax, and dies, I respect that.  They did what they thought was the right thing.  But those who want to prevent other citizens from deciding for themselves whether to take the jab?  F you.  You have declared yourself an enemy of freedom, and I wish you the fate all enemies of freedom richly deserve.

In the meantime your party continues to fire people--including health-care workers-- who won't obey your orders, setting up a crisis in health care that your "leaders" could easily have avoided.  The stupid, dictatorial Democrat governor of New York just fired 72,000 hospital workers because they refused her order to take the jab.  Think that might cause a few staffing shortages?  Think she might not have thought that through?

(The *real* outrage is if Kathy Hochul *did* realize the consequences, but went ahead and fired 72,000 hospital workers anyway, calculating that it was more important to make state workers fear her power regardless of whether it cost thousands of lives.  Sorta like Cuomo.)

Get used to it, because the governors of other Dem-ruled states are about to do the same.  And if hospitals no longer have enough personnel to staff normally, the Media will instantly blame...the unvaccinated. 

The moronic Dem governor of NY just fired 72,000 hospital workers, many of them nurses who in many cases have worked face-to-face with covid patients for 18 months--without being vaccinated.  Say, mister government official:  How did those unvaxxed nurses, working in direct contact with patients infected with the ultra-contagious virus manage to avoid getting the deadly disease for all those months, eh?

But you nevertheless demanded they be fired.  Fine.  Fire them--after they've spent the past 18 months risking their health to take care of your citizens.  It's no crazier than the rest of the Democrat party's policies.

And for columnist Leonard Pitts:  Don't worry about going to hell.  You won't notice much difference between it and the place you're trying to create here.


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