November 30, 2020

Four wildly anomalous "vote updates" in 3 states swung the reported win to Biden


Late on election night 2020, President Donald Trump led by around 100,000 votes in Wisconsin, led by around 300,000 votes in Michigan, and led by around 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania.

Then reports began to surface that some precincts were stopping vote counting and sending poll watchers home, or re-starting their counts.  Which precincts stopped counting, how many, and the extent to which any state election laws or rules were broken by ejecting poll watchers while votes were being counted, are still unknown.  But in any case, various precincts in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania continued to report numbers throughout the night. 

By the early hours of the following morning, Wisconsin had flipped blue, as did Michigan soon after. A few days later, Georgia and Pennsylvania followed suit. 

The NY Times provided reported vote counts almost minute-by-minute.  Each update was one data point.  Analysts plotted the vote changes for each candidate for 8,954 of these updates.  Most showed almost a constant ratio favoring the president.  However, four of these updates — two in Michigan, one in Wisconsin, and one in Georgia — were wildly anomalous.  They are:

  1. Michigan, at 6:31AM Eastern time on November 4th, showing 141,258 reported votes for Joe Biden and 5,968 votes for Donald Trump--a 23-to-1 ratio;

  2. Wisconsin, at 3:42AM Central time on November 4th, showing 143,379 reported votes for Joe Biden and 25,163 votes for Donald Trump--a ratio of more than 5 to 1;

  3. Georgia, at 1:34AM Eastern time on November 4th, showing 136,155 reported votes for Joe Biden and 29,115 votes for Donald Trump--a ratio of over 4.5 to 1;

  4. A second update in Michigan, at 3:50AM Eastern on November 4th, showing 54,497 reported votes for Joe Biden and 4,718 votes for Donald Trump--a ratio of over 11 to 1;

The analysts found that those anomalies accounted for more than the margin of victory in all three states — Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia...and all occurred within the same five hour window.

Below is a graph of the vote updates from the New York Times, plotted against time, for Michigan from the beginning of election night to 7pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) on November 4th, 2020.  See if you can spot the huge anomaly:,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

 Below is a similar graph for Wisconsin.  Again, see if you can spot the anomaly:,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

In summary, of 8,954 vote updates, four are profoundly anomalous.  These four were decisive in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia, and thus decisive of a critical forty-two electoral votes, and all occurred in the same five-hour period after many poll watchers had been ejected from counting centers.  All four merit meticulous investigation.


Clearest graphical depiction of the vote fraud in Pennsylvania

On elecction night--and for several days afterward--the NY Times apparently posted time-stamped reported vote talleys for many states, including Pennsylvania.  I haven't seen any reports on where the Times was getting these reported totals--something that would be useful to determine by cross-examination of a dozen Times staffers on the witness stand--but one guess is that the totals are from Dominion Voting Systems.  

The graph below shows those results, as reported by Justin Hart.  (You may be able to click to get the full image.)


The two graphs above show massive fraud beyond a reasonable doubt.  Specifically, in every one of the 25 of the reported time-stamped intervals shown, reported data from the New York Times shows votes removed from Trump's total.

In stark contrast, votes were only subtracted from Biden's total one time out of the 25 reporting periods.  

Now, no one is surprised to learn that vote-counting lackeys make mistakes, which must obviously be corrected.  But even my liberal PhD friend knows that if you flip a fair coin 25 times, the odds of getting all heads or all tails 25 times in a row are 2 raised to the 25th power to one against that result.

If you have a phone you can easily verify that this is over 33,000,000 to one.  But wait, there's more!

According to the New York f**king Times, vote totals were only reduced for Biden/Harris ONE TIME out of the 25 reporting intervals.  At 7am on November 6 a tiny 139 votes were subtracted from both parties.

The odds of all head or all tails coming up in 24 out of 25 tries are much easier: a mere 16 million to one.

(Sharp-eyed liberals may notice that Hart captioned the reported changes in Trump's totals as "Added to Trump," but in fact every reporting period shows a deduction from Trump's total.)

Now look at the smooth graph below the bar chart:  It gives the reported running total percentage of votes to each candidate.  Look at the slope of first two entries--rising dramatically for Trump.  This is indicative of the "red wave" of pro-Trump support--before the people running the rigged vote-reporting software realized the threat and began to counter it.

The first move was to supposedly stop counting votes at 11 pm.  That gave the fraudsters at least 8 hours to move fabricated ballots to the counting centers.  It's why a handful of poll-workers reported seeing ballots supposedly mailed in, yet without a single crease (i.e. could not have been mailed in the required envelope).

By 9am the next morning--the day after election "day"--the reported totals showed Biden as having gained 10,700 votes while Trump is shown as having LOST 853 votes.  Thus was the slope of the total vote curves supposedly completely reversed.  After that point, Biden/Harris reportedly ALWAYS gained vote share--and astonishingly, according to the election fraudsters, Trump always lost votes.

The official Narrative--the fable, what they want you to believe--is that in every one of the 25 reporting periods shown, Trump supposedly LOST votes.  It's absurd.  They were sloppy.  But thanks to corrupt Democrat judges (and a few nominal Repubs), they're about to get away with it.

And if they do, they'll cheat to win the senate the same way--cuz since Dems run the election centers, and can keep "poll watchers" 150 feet away, they know they'll always be able to get away with it.

November 29, 2020

Unexpectedly high voter turnout among dead voters in Pennsylvania

Although Slow Joe rarely got more than a dozen people to attend his "rallies," he does seem to have gotten unexpectedly strong support from a demographic that's rarely heard from, except in Democrat-ruled cities on election day:  The dead.  But rest assured, there was NO vote fraud, citizen!

More anomalies--largely involving ballots marked ONLY for Biden/Harris, no other votes cast on 'em

Another analyst has noticed the same thing I did: hundreds of thousands of ballots showing ONLY a vote for Biden/Harris, no other votes at all.  By contrast, the number of ballots showing only a vote for Trump is around 1000 or so per state. 


Oh, and a full week after the election Virginia's totally Democrat-run election system "corrected" its results for district 1, shown up-screen, reducing the number of REPORTED Biden votes by a whopping 62,000!  And reducing Trump votes by 24,000.  Shown below.  But they INcreased the reported total for the Democrat House candidate by 4,000, and increased the reported total for the Republican by 3,000. 

How the hell does that happen?  How does it not show HUGE errors?  And without an extensive explanation and totally bipartisan investigation (i.e. one NOT totally run by Democrats and RINOs), how can anyone be expected to believe anything those corruptocrats report?

ALSO, note that the Republican House candidate won 58 percent to 42 percent, but the corruptocrats CLAIM Trump only got 51 percent of the vote, to Biden/Harris's 47 percent.  Wow.  Yes, we would expect a FEW finicky Repubs would vote against the hated OrangeManBad, but not 27,000.

A list of "anomalies" in the election


Something very strange happened to our nation in the election, and it’s reasonable to want to find out what it was.

First some dry facts. President Trump received more votes than any previous incumbent seeking reelection, and 11 million more votes than in 2016.  By contrast, in 2012 when Obama was running for re-election he got 3.5 million fewer votes than in 2008.

Bellwether states swung further in Trump’s direction than in 2016.  Defying media polls, Florida, Ohio and Iowa gave huge wins for Trump.  From 1852 to 2012, only once has a candidate who won those three states not won the presidency.

In past elections midwestern states Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have always voted in the same direction as Ohio and Iowa, their regional peers. Ohio likewise swings with Florida. Current tallies show that, outside of a few cities, the region voted for Trump.  Biden's alleged leads in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are entirely due to an alleged avalanche of black votes in Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee. 

Interestingly, this huge alleged spike in Biden votes didn't happen in other cities, but just in battleground states.  To describe this as "highly unusual" is a huge understatement.

Per the officially reported results, Biden supposedly won more votes than any presidential candidate in history. But he won a record low of just 17 percent of the nation's counties--just 524, compared to 873 counties Obama won in 2008.  But despite winning 349 FEWER counties than Obama, we're expected to believe that Biden somehow got ten million more votes than Obama.  Does anyone think that's plausible?

One could make a case that the senile, corrupt Biden--whose "rallies" usually drew barely a dozen people--might out-do Obama by a percent or two because the Media had whipped up such huge anger at Trump among Democrats, but Biden's reported total was a whopping 14 percent MORE votes than Obama.  It's simply not believable--particularly since more first-time voters were registering as Republican.

Historically, the party that wins the presidency almost always wins more down-ballot races as well, like congressional races.  But Democrats got clobbered in down-ballot races--a fact that suggests a few million of the votes reported for Biden were fraudulent. The Republicans held the Senate and enjoyed a ‘red wave’ in the House, winning all 27 toss-up contests and gaining over 25 seats. 

Similarly, Republicans didn't lose a single state legislature and actually made gains at the state level.  Again, this is not consistent with a legitimate Biden/Harris win.

While media and academic polls were way off, just as in 2016, so-called non-poll metrics have a 100 percent record. Every non-polling metric forecast that Trump would win reelection. For Trump to lose this election, not only did one or more of these metrics have to be wrong for the first time ever, but every one of them had to be wrong, at the same time.  It's not impossible, but extremely unlikely, and yet another indicator that the officially reported vote talley is fraudulent.

Then consider the following peculiarities:

1. Late on election night, with Trump comfortably ahead, many swing states stopped counting ballots. In most cases, poll-watchers were ordered out of the counting facilities--but vote-counting generally continued, without the poll-watchers;

2. During these unmonitored counts, unusually large batches of votes were reported as being received in just the swing states. They had hundreds of thousands of reported votes, which were reported as breaking 90 percent in favor of Biden, in huge contrast to the virtual 50-50 ratio earlier in the evening;

3. Late arriving ballots were counted. In Pennsylvania, 23,000 absentee ballots have impossible postal return dates and another 86,000 have such extraordinary return dates they raise serious questions

4. Before GOP poll-watchers were ejected, many witnesses reported that election workers weren't even trying to match signatures on mail-in ballots. Signature matching is the main way to authenticate mail-in votes.  Also, many counting facilities immediately destroyed the envelopes in which the mail-in ballots arrived, making it impossible to determine how many mail-in ballots were fraudulent;

5. In many counting centers less than a tenth of one percent of mail-in and absentee ballots were rejected.  But historically about three percent of absentee ballots are rejected.  Two counties in Pennsylvania with over 100,000 mail-in ballots didn't reject a single ballot!

6. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 50,000 votes held on 47 USB cards are missing

7. In many battleground states, people who had moved out of those states reported that the state election board showed them as having requested a mail-in ballot (which they hadn't), and that the unrequested ballot was returned.  Matt Braynard’s Voter Integrity Project estimates that 20,312 people who no longer met residency requirements cast ballots in Georgia. Biden’s margin is 12,670 votes.  Record numbers of dead people are shown as having cast mail-in votes.

8. In one counting center witnesses reported seeing thousands of supposedly mailed-in ballots without any creases, indicating that they had never been folded in an envelope, as required by law.

9. In Georgia, Biden supposedly took the lead with 89 percent of the votes counted. For the next 53 batches of votes counted, Biden led Trump by the same exact 50.05 to 49.95 percent margin in every single batch.  

Finally, it's noteworthy that every reported irregularity and tabulation abnormality favored Biden/Harris.  Also noteworthy is the fact that because the signed envelopes were illegally destroyed by election workers, it's now impossible to prove how many mail-in ballots were fraudulent. 

Only two means of showing fraud remain: Eyewitnesses in the counting facilities, and computer forensic evidence.


November 28, 2020

Sworn affidavit by computer expert details how Dominion vote-counting machines were rigged

How many times have you heard the Dems and their allies in the Lying Mainstream Media say 

"There is no evidence of ANY vote fraud in our recent election!  This election was the most honest and transparent in our history!  Believe us!"
Well...a guy you've never heard of has filed a sworn affidavit that gives all the details of how rigged vote-counting software from Dominion Systems stole the election for the Democrats.

Ah, I hear my liberal PhD friend say, "You moron Rethuglicans dredge up some blogger who claims my wonderful, pristine, honest Democrats stole the election using mind-control rays from the planet Zargon, and you're dumb enough to buy it!  Next you'll be claiming 'Hammer' and 'Scorecard' are real election-stealing cyber-tools used by the CIA!  Geez you Rethuglicans are STUPID!"

But in this case the affiant's CV was endorsed by none other than the vaunted NY Times just 11 weeks ago.  They described him as having done decades of cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I.,  and as being "always the smartest person in the room." 

Eh, maybe the always-right NY Times was wrong just this one time.  Or something.  Surely your team will find a way to debunk any evidence, no matter how solid.  It's how you roll.  And with cover from the Lying Mainstream Media you're sure to get away with it.  After all, it's always worked before.

Gosh, maybe conservatives should just give up and accept that all those sworn statements by people claiming to have witnessed fraud were lies, eh? are the relevant parts of the affidavit.  Tell us how meaningless it is, Democrats.

4. The USIC [intelligence community] has developed the Hammer and Scorecard tools, which were released by Wiki Leaks and independently confirmed by... Kirk Wiebe, former NSA official
and Dennis Montgomery, former CIA analyst.  The Hammer and Scorecard capabilities are
used by US intelligence analysts to conduct... attacks on foreign voting systems, including the Dominion Voting System (DVS) Democracy Suite and Systems and Software (ES&S) voting machines without leaving an electronic fingerprint. As such, these tools are influence voting systems by covertly accessing DVS and altering the results in real-time and without leaving an electronic fingerprint.

6. I have performed forensic analysis of...the DVS Democracy Suite, ES&S (acquired by DVS), Scytl/SOE Software, and the Smartmatic systems used in hundreds of precincts in key battleground states. I have discovered major exploitable vulnerabilities...that permit a nefarious operator to perform sensitive functions via its built-in covert backdoor. The backdoor enables an operator to perform system updates and testing via the Internet without detection...[and] to conduct illicit activities such as shifting votes, deleting votes, or adding votes in real-time (Source: DVS Democracy Suite EMS Manual, version 5.11-CO::7, P.43). These events can take place through the Internet and without leaving a trace.

7.  I have studied network communication reports that show DVS data being transferred to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses registered to Scytl in Barcelona, Spain. The results showed that Scytl maintained its SOE Software servers in a Barcelona data center for disaster recovery and backup purposes. In 2020, the SOE Software data center was moved to Frankfurt Germany....

12. In 2019 a laptop computer and several USB memory cards containing the cryptographic key to access DVS systems were stolen in Philadelphia.

13. In 2018, NY Times conducted an investigation and concluded that DVS machines can be easily hacked.  Security experts conducted comprehensive security testing on DVS in August 2019 and discovered [numerous] exploitable vulnerabilities.....

15. I have not been granted access to examine any of the systems used in the 2020 Election. However, I have conducted detailed analysis of the NY Times data sets and have discovered significant anomalies [suggesting] fraudulent manipulation of the results. In my expert judgment, the evidence is widespread and throughout all battleground states I have studied. I conclude the following:

a. The vote count distributions in PA, WI, MI, AZ, NV, and GA [suggest they] are not based on normal system operation [but were] caused by fraudulent electronic manipulation of the targeted voting machines.

b. On approximately 2:30 AM EST, TV broadcasts reported that PA, WI, AZ, NV and GA  decided to cease vote counting operations. The [near-simultaneous] decision to stop counting in all 5 battleground states is highly unusual, and demonstrates prior coordination by election officials in battleground states.  [But] equally puzzling is that vote counting did not stop [but] continued behind closed doors in the early hours of November 4th. This activity is highly unusually and demonstrates collusion to achieve the desired results without being monitored by watchers.

c. When analyzing the NT Times data for the 2020 election, I conclude that the software algorithm [forged] between 1-2% of the precinct results to favor Vice President Biden. The software performed data alteration in real-time in order to maintain close parity between the candidates and without raising red flags.

d. The DVS Democracy Suite’s ImageCast Central optical scanner failed to correctly verify and validate absentee ballots, as described in its own literature. There is reported evidence that the optical scanner accepted... ballots that did not have signatures or other key features required for ballot validation and verification. This indicates that the DVS system configuration was modified to accept invalid ballots when they should have been rejected.

e. After the DVS ImageCast scanner validates a ballot, by design it is required to tabulate and store the results in a cast-vote record, along with a human-readable image of the ballot that has been scanned. The image, called AuditMark, provides the user with scanned results that are verifiable.  However, media reports indicate that not only did the ImageCast fail to properly verify absentee ballots; it also failed to maintain records of the AutitMark that would be necessary to conduct an audit. The only way to alter this protocol is to alter the system configuration to prevent the ImageCast scanner from rejecting illegal ballots; and reprogram AuditMark to store ballot image that could be verified. This is evidence of fraud perpetrated to prevent investigators to discover the number of invalid votes that were cast. 

f. The cryptographic key stored on a DVS thumb drive (reported stolen in Philadelphia) was used alter vote counts prior to up chain reporting. Since DVS uses the same cryptographic key for all its voting systems in all states, the key allowed a remote operator to conduct massive attacks on all battleground state data set without being detected.

g. Beginning on approximately 4:30 AM EST on November 4, 2020, the vote count [began to favor] Vice President Biden by nearly 80% in many jurisdictions. 

h. The data variance favoring Vice President continued to accelerate after 4:30 AM EST on November 4, 2020 and continued through November 9.  This evident in the unusually steep slope [of reported votes per unit time] for Vice President Biden in all battleground states on November 4, 2020. A sudden rise in slope is not normal and demonstrates data manipulation by artificial means.  In Edison County, MI, Vice President Biden received more than 100% of the votes at 5:59 PM EST on November 4, and 99.61% of the votes at 2:23 PM EST on November 5, 2020. These [results]...indicate fraud.

16. I conclude that a combination of the lost cryptographic key on the stolen USB memory cards, serious exploitable system and software vulnerabilities and operating system backdoor in DVS, Scytl, SOE Software/eClarity and Smartmatic created the perfect environment to commit widespread fraud in all states where these systems are installed. My analysis of the 2020 Election from NY Times data shows statistical anomalies across the battleground state votes. These failures are widespread and systemic and sufficient to invalidate the vote counts. 

17. I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in a hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden. These alterations were the result of systemic and widespread exploitable vulnerabilities in DVS, Scytl/SOE Software and Smartmatic systems that enabled operators to achieve the desired results. In my view, the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible. 

Eh, this guy is probably just some blogger making who's making up this whole story.   In fact this alleged "expert" probably doesn't even exist.  Yeah, dat's da ticket!   Eleven weeks ago some Trump supporters prolly used an actor to trick the New York Times into believing the guy was a computer expert who'd worked for a bunch of intel agencies!

Say, it would be SO easy to expose this fake so-called "expert"!  Let's just subpoena him to testify in open court!  Boy, it's gonna be GREAT to expose the Trump team as fakers, eh?  Woohoo!  We're gonna get 'em good, right?

Say, I'm not seeing a lot of support here.  Am i missing something?  Is there some reason we shouldn't wanna get this fake "expert" into open court?

The full affidavit.

Thanksgiving Day, 2020: Antifa thugs topple statues in four U.S. cities. Media ignores.

Say, bet you didn't hear anything about this:  On Thanksgiving Day, the charmless thugs of antifa and allies targeted statues of former presidents in Chicago, an Abraham Lincoln statue in Spokane, Wash., and two statues in Minneapolis: one of George Washington and another celebrating pioneers.

They also targeted a monument to veterans in Portland.

Minneapolis park board spokeswoman Dawn Sommers said "We must all keep in mind that one of the most fundamental rights in this raacist, police-state country is free speech.  While some racists may be concerned for some silly reason, the energetic young people who toppled the statue of a raacist white man who first occupied the peoples' house were simply exercising their right to destr...uh, of free speech.  We hope none of the tragically oppressed, disadvantaged members of the free-speech demonstration was hurt when toppling the statue of the First Oppressor."

Oregon governor Kate Brown said "The statues that were toppled or spray-painted were of trans-phobic, homophobic white males.  Fortunately Americans have realized that lesbians like me and my wife are far better suited to lead a sophisticated modern nation."

Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan and her wife issued a statement saying "We're delighted that so many young Americans are beginning to realize that this whole country has been illegitimate from the first moment white males landed on the continent, and our only disappointment is that none of the statue-toppling happened here in Seattle.  Our friends with BLM and Antifa tell us the reason is that the only statue left standing in our city is of Vladimir Lenin, and they're concerned that toppling that statue might send the wrong message."

The social-justice snowflakes at USAToday summarized it this way: "The statues and buildings vandalized on Wednesday and Thursday in Illinois, Oregon, the state of Washington and Minnesota appear to have been targeted in protest of colonialism, gentrification and capitalism."

Okay, some of the above is satire.  You decide which parts.

Two years ago, when vandals at the University of Virginia vandalized statues of Thomas Jefferson (who founded that school) conservatives warned that soon we'd be seeing thugs toppling statues of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Liberals sneered that this was absurd, and that we were just trying to scare gullible older voters.

Now the same liberals blythely wave away stories like the one above, claiming it's "old news" and of no significance.  Anything to avoid admitting that they were wrong.  As always.

But they were right about one thing:  the Lying Mainstream Media doesn't consider any of this "news"--as evidenced by the fact that you never heard a word about the destruction in any of these four cities before you read this article, eh? 


Democrat/Media strategy in 7 pics

A normal day in Chicago

Chicago-area police are investigating a double-murder that occurred when a 1-year-old child was kidnapped by his biological father.

Police said Clarence Hebron, 32, was being sought in the killing of his girlfriend and her brother.  The female victim was the mother of the kidnapped child, and Hebron was the father.

Illinois cops issued an Amber alert but canceled it 30 minutes later after the child was dropped off at a police station.  It's unclear who brought the boy to the station.  

Hebron had been released from prison after serving time for a series of violent crimes, the latest of which was what Chicago media described as a 2019 "incident" in which a woman was killed when Hebron crashed his car into hers while fleeing a traffic stop.  In other states that would be consiered negligent homicide, but since it was Chicago he was charged with reckless driving, was sentenced to six months and was released after 30 days after automatic credit for good behavior.

Hebron had been mentioned as a possible Biden/Harris pick to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.  The Office of the President-Elect declined to say whether Hebron was still being considered for that post.

Okay, that last is obviously sarc, but strikes most law-abiding Americans as plausible.

Clarence Hebron