Clearest graphical depiction of the vote fraud in Pennsylvania
On elecction night--and for several days afterward--the NY Times apparently posted time-stamped reported vote talleys for many states, including Pennsylvania. I haven't seen any reports on where the Times was getting these reported totals--something that would be useful to determine by cross-examination of a dozen Times staffers on the witness stand--but one guess is that the totals are from Dominion Voting Systems.
The graph below shows those results, as reported by Justin Hart. (You may be able to click to get the full image.)
The two graphs above show massive fraud beyond a reasonable doubt. Specifically, in every one of the 25 of the reported time-stamped intervals shown, reported data from the New York Times shows votes removed from Trump's total.
In stark contrast, votes were only subtracted from Biden's total one time out of the 25 reporting periods.
Now, no one is surprised to learn that vote-counting lackeys make mistakes, which must obviously be corrected. But even my liberal PhD friend knows that if you flip a fair coin 25 times, the odds of getting all heads or all tails 25 times in a row are 2 raised to the 25th power to one against that result.
If you have a phone you can easily verify that this is over 33,000,000 to one. But wait, there's more!
According to the New York f**king Times, vote totals were only reduced for Biden/Harris ONE TIME out of the 25 reporting intervals. At 7am on November 6 a tiny 139 votes were subtracted from both parties.
The odds of all head or all tails coming up in 24 out of 25 tries are much easier: a mere 16 million to one.
(Sharp-eyed liberals may notice that Hart captioned the reported changes in Trump's totals as "Added to Trump," but in fact every reporting period shows a deduction from Trump's total.)
Now look at the smooth graph below the bar chart: It gives the reported running total percentage of votes to each candidate. Look at the slope of first two entries--rising dramatically for Trump. This is indicative of the "red wave" of pro-Trump support--before the people running the rigged vote-reporting software realized the threat and began to counter it.
The first move was to supposedly stop counting votes at 11 pm. That gave the fraudsters at least 8 hours to move fabricated ballots to the counting centers. It's why a handful of poll-workers reported seeing ballots supposedly mailed in, yet without a single crease (i.e. could not have been mailed in the required envelope).
By 9am the next morning--the day after election "day"--the reported totals showed Biden as having gained 10,700 votes while Trump is shown as having LOST 853 votes. Thus was the slope of the total vote curves supposedly completely reversed. After that point, Biden/Harris reportedly ALWAYS gained vote share--and astonishingly, according to the election fraudsters, Trump always lost votes.
The official Narrative--the fable, what they want you to believe--is that in every one of the 25 reporting periods shown, Trump supposedly LOST votes. It's absurd. They were sloppy. But thanks to corrupt Democrat judges (and a few nominal Repubs), they're about to get away with it.
And if they do, they'll cheat to win the senate the same way--cuz since Dems run the election centers, and can keep "poll watchers" 150 feet away, they know they'll always be able to get away with it.
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