November 28, 2020

Thanksgiving Day, 2020: Antifa thugs topple statues in four U.S. cities. Media ignores.

Say, bet you didn't hear anything about this:  On Thanksgiving Day, the charmless thugs of antifa and allies targeted statues of former presidents in Chicago, an Abraham Lincoln statue in Spokane, Wash., and two statues in Minneapolis: one of George Washington and another celebrating pioneers.

They also targeted a monument to veterans in Portland.

Minneapolis park board spokeswoman Dawn Sommers said "We must all keep in mind that one of the most fundamental rights in this raacist, police-state country is free speech.  While some racists may be concerned for some silly reason, the energetic young people who toppled the statue of a raacist white man who first occupied the peoples' house were simply exercising their right to destr...uh, of free speech.  We hope none of the tragically oppressed, disadvantaged members of the free-speech demonstration was hurt when toppling the statue of the First Oppressor."

Oregon governor Kate Brown said "The statues that were toppled or spray-painted were of trans-phobic, homophobic white males.  Fortunately Americans have realized that lesbians like me and my wife are far better suited to lead a sophisticated modern nation."

Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan and her wife issued a statement saying "We're delighted that so many young Americans are beginning to realize that this whole country has been illegitimate from the first moment white males landed on the continent, and our only disappointment is that none of the statue-toppling happened here in Seattle.  Our friends with BLM and Antifa tell us the reason is that the only statue left standing in our city is of Vladimir Lenin, and they're concerned that toppling that statue might send the wrong message."

The social-justice snowflakes at USAToday summarized it this way: "The statues and buildings vandalized on Wednesday and Thursday in Illinois, Oregon, the state of Washington and Minnesota appear to have been targeted in protest of colonialism, gentrification and capitalism."

Okay, some of the above is satire.  You decide which parts.

Two years ago, when vandals at the University of Virginia vandalized statues of Thomas Jefferson (who founded that school) conservatives warned that soon we'd be seeing thugs toppling statues of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Liberals sneered that this was absurd, and that we were just trying to scare gullible older voters.

Now the same liberals blythely wave away stories like the one above, claiming it's "old news" and of no significance.  Anything to avoid admitting that they were wrong.  As always.

But they were right about one thing:  the Lying Mainstream Media doesn't consider any of this "news"--as evidenced by the fact that you never heard a word about the destruction in any of these four cities before you read this article, eh? 



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