More anomalies--largely involving ballots marked ONLY for Biden/Harris, no other votes cast on 'em
Another analyst has noticed the same thing I did: hundreds of thousands of ballots showing ONLY a vote for Biden/Harris, no other votes at all. By contrast, the number of ballots showing only a vote for Trump is around 1000 or so per state.
Oh, and a full week after the election Virginia's totally Democrat-run election system "corrected" its results for district 1, shown up-screen, reducing the number of REPORTED Biden votes by a whopping 62,000! And reducing Trump votes by 24,000. Shown below. But they INcreased the reported total for the Democrat House candidate by 4,000, and increased the reported total for the Republican by 3,000.
How the hell does that happen? How does it not show HUGE errors? And without an extensive explanation and totally bipartisan investigation (i.e. one NOT totally run by Democrats and RINOs), how can anyone be expected to believe anything those corruptocrats report?
ALSO, note that the Republican House candidate won 58 percent to 42 percent, but the corruptocrats CLAIM Trump only got 51 percent of the vote, to Biden/Harris's 47 percent. Wow. Yes, we would expect a FEW finicky Repubs would vote against the hated OrangeManBad, but not 27,000.
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