If you're a typical college-age American you likely have no idea who Lt.General Mike Flynn is.
If that's the case, don't feel bad: Not one American out of a thousand knows.
And the reason they don't is that the corrupt, lying, Democrat-supporting Mainstream Media has carefully, deliberately ignored his story--because it shows Americans how utterly corrupt the FBI and DOJ are.
Before Trump was even elected, we have documented evidence that people at the highest level of the FBI and DOJ were conspiring to ensure he wouldn't win. And if he pulled off the million-to-one upset of the Democrat nominee--the utterly corrupt Hilliary Clinton-- the same conspirators in the FBI and DOJ had "an insurance policy" to get him impeached and removed.
This before he'd even won the election! How astonishing is that?
The evidence? Texts between two of the top FBI officials. Over ten-THOUSAND of them. Texts that were supposed to be recorded by the FBI's super-expensive computer system.
Texts that investigators ordered the FBI to produce, but which top FBI people SWORE were mysteriously NOT recorded by that super-expensive computer system.
Oh, the system somehow managed to record texts sent, but the FBI claimed that for some odd reason the system did NOT record any texts for precisely the time interval demanded by investigators.
Gee, how...conveeenient! I mean, what were the odds, eh?
Of course anyone with an IQ over 80 realized that the "coincidence" line--the fable that the expensive recording system stopped working exactly over the time period demanded by congress--was utter horse shit. A breathtakingly brazen lie.
The House investigators (back when the House was GOP-majority) also realized this, and sent a technician over to the FBI with a letter authorizing the tech to examine the super-expensive system to see if he could find the supposedly-missing texts.
And you will NOT believe what happened, citizen: In about two hours the tech found the missing texts. The ones where FBI deputy director of counter-intelligence told his mistress, attorney Lisa Page "Don't worry, we'll make sure he doesn't win."
I lay out this background because almost no American believes it could be true. Yet the actual texts are printed verbatim in an Inspector-General report that was released two years ago. You need the background to understand that both the FBI and DOJ have been corrupt for years, and finally got caught.
Now: after Trump pulled off the upset, the FBI swung into action to destroy his reputation, as a prelude to impeachment. The first target was a 3-star general, Mike Flynn, nominated by Trump to be the head of National Security.
The plan was to use an innocent conversation between Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the U.S. to make it appear that Trump wanted to reward the Russians, by removing sanctions put on Russia by Obama. The ostensible reason for removing sanction would then be woven into a larger fable: that Trump was rewarding Russia for helping him win the election.
Cuz there was no way he could have won without help, right? I mean, every single poll showed the sainted Hilliary winning by a huge margin! Trump's "win" could only have happened because of outside help, right? See? See?
The FBI forces trying to impeach Trump had a secret weapon: the FBI routinely wiretapped all phone conversations between Russians and Americans. In doing so they'd recorded a conversation between Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the U.S.--a man Flynn had met several times and seemed to be on cordial terms with. [Yeah, I know: don't end a sentence with a preposition.]
A few weeks after the election Obama imposed financial and trade sanctions on Russia. So during the Flynn conversation the Russian ambassador had said something to the effect of "I hope the Trump administration will consider removing the sanctions just imposed by your current president."
Without informing Flynn that he was being investigated, the FBI sent agents to interview him. They asked him if he'd been in contact with agents of a foreign government. Thinking the FBI was looking for something nefarious and treasonous, and not regarding his brief conversation with the Russian ambassador as "contact," Flynn said he hadn't been in contact.
The FBI then pounced, and Trump was forced to fire Flynn. But the story was just getting started.
FBI agents demanded that Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI. They then crossed the line, threatening that if Flynn refused to plead guilty they'd prosecute his son for something. THIS IS ILLEGAL, but of course at least half of everything the FBI does is illegal. Breaking the law doesn't deter these assholes in the slightest.
Flynn caved--as any father would to protect his child.
That this level of corruption could exist at the highest levels of our nation's top law enforcement should shock and scare you.
The fact that the people who were determined to impeach Trump were so arrogant as to brazenly break the law to do so is almost impossible to believe. Yet the evidence is undisputable.
These "elites" are convinced that you can't be allowed to elect a president they don't like. And if you do, they'll do absolutely anything to change that result.
And due to their support by the Lying Mainstream Media, very few Americans understand what happened. They rationalize all of it as "Mistakes were made." No. The acts were deliberate. And so far not a single conspirator has been punished.
Moreover, the corrupt members of the Deep State are doing their best to ensure that no one IS punished.
For example, there's a lot of evidence that Attorney-General Bill Barr may be trying to give the appearance of prosecuting the conspirators without actually doing so. He's been part of the establishment forever, and the conspirators are his friends.
The corruption in the
Democrat/ DC/Media complex that broke the law to prosecute Mike Flynn is a threat to all Americans.