April 30, 2020

Corrupt Fakebook is spending millions to plant radical activists in local newspapers

As most newspapers across the country struggle to stay in business, Fakebook has funded an outfit they call "Report for America," which plants left-wing "activist" reporters on local papers.

It does this by paying half of the reporters' salaries--which cuts the payroll costs for the papers.  Of course there's a catch: the reporters Fakebook plants in the local papers have a hard-left agenda.  But hey, they're saving the paper money, so it's...for the papers it's a bargain, eh?  Half-price labor!  Yay!

So far "Report for America" has planted 225 leftist propagandists in local newsrooms.  Mission: To push the radical agendas of the left.

Manuel Obed asked at The Dallas News wrote “Will Trump’s new public charge rule close door on immigrants’ hope of the American dream?” 

Ah yes: "closing the door on the immigrants' hope of the American dream."  Obed is one of Fakebook's plants, pushing out pro-illegal stories.

Leah Willingham was placed at the Associated Press to focus on the "Mississippi state legislature" and its "actions affecting the poor."

Kyeland Jackson was planted in Twin Cities Public Television to cover the "causes, effects and solutions to racial disparities in Minnesota."

Shivani Patel was dispatched to the Ventura County Star to write about “equity in education  in the county.”

Devna Bose was shoved into The Charlotte Observer to report on "poor and minority communities in prosperous Charlotte."

Fakebook isn't funding journalism, they’re buying coverage that fits their agenda. And local newspapers are renting out their newsrooms to left-wing organizations. Beyond the usual radical foundations like the Ford Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and the Knight Foundation, the Facebook Journalism Project has poured millions of dollars into RFA.

Facebook has often been accused of spreading fake news. Here it, along with the Google News Initiative, which kicked in $400,000, is literally financing a fake news project which pays half the salaries of the reporters it embeds in local newsrooms, while its own funding comes from wealthy left-wing groups.

Most newspapers are happy with the arrangement: it’s the readers who are cheated.

Facebook has claimed that its Journalism Project will fight fake news, instead it’s funding it.

What a surprise.

April 29, 2020

Seems about right


April 28, 2020

Two law professors say government "must" control speech on the internet

Three days ago two professors--Jack Goldsmith and Andrew Woods--made a printed statement:
"Significant monitoring and speech control are inevitable components of a mature and flourishing internet, and governments must play a large role in these practices to ensure that the internet is compatible with society's norms and values."
Jack Goldsmith and Andrew are communnist rat-bastard scum-sucking pencil-necks.  They should be hanged in public, on pay-per-view.  Slowly.

Okay, just kidding.  They should be fed feet-first into wood chippers.  Slowly.

Okay, just kidding again.  They should be kicked out of an aircraft at 20,000 feet, so they get a nice long time to think about what rat-bastards they are, and how richly they deserve their rapidly-approaching extinction.

Seriously, these two jerks are the face of tyranny.  "Government must play a large role" in monitoring and controlling speech on the net?  Really?

I've got two words for these assholes.  The second is "you."

Bet they're registered Democrats.  And they hate Trump.  And they think they're SOOooo f'n smart, cuz they're..."academics." 


Writing in the Atlantic on Saturday, two law professors declared that online speech can "never go back to normal" after the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead they claim the United States must follow China's lead and police the internet with an iron fist.

Meanwhile journalism professors blasted out a petition urging TV networks to police President Trump’s COVID-19 press conferences.  The petition stated:
“We ask that all cable channels, broadcast stations, and networks (with the exception of C-SPAN) stop airing these briefings live. Instead, they should first review the briefings and, after editing, present only that information that provides updates from health officials about the progress and ongoing mitigation of the disease.”
Many journalists agreed.

In other words, the chattering class must control discourse because you people are too stupid to think for yourselves.

Goldsmith and Woods again: “Ten years ago speech on the American Internet was a free-for-all … various forms of weaponized speech and misinformation had not yet emerged," but a “wake-up call was Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.” Though "not particularly sophisticated," it exposed the "legal limitations grounded in the First Amendment."

Well there ya go, sparky.

Jack Goldsmith

New docs prove the FBI was out to get Flynn, and broke the law to do so

If you're a typical college-age American you likely have no idea who Lt.General Mike Flynn is.

If that's the case, don't feel bad:  Not one American out of a thousand knows.

And the reason they don't is that the corrupt, lying, Democrat-supporting Mainstream Media has carefully, deliberately ignored his story--because it shows Americans how utterly corrupt the FBI and DOJ are.

Before Trump was even elected, we have documented evidence that people at the highest level of the FBI and DOJ were conspiring to ensure he wouldn't win.  And if he pulled off the million-to-one upset of the Democrat nominee--the utterly corrupt Hilliary Clinton-- the same conspirators in the FBI and DOJ had "an insurance policy" to get him impeached and removed.

This before he'd even won the election!  How astonishing is that?

The evidence?  Texts between two of the top FBI officials.  Over ten-THOUSAND of them.  Texts that were supposed to be recorded by the FBI's super-expensive computer system.

Texts that investigators ordered the FBI to produce, but which top FBI people SWORE were mysteriously NOT recorded by that super-expensive computer system. 

Oh, the system somehow managed to record texts sent, but the FBI claimed that for some odd reason  the system did NOT record any texts for precisely the time interval demanded by investigators.

Gee, how...conveeenient!  I mean, what were the odds, eh?

Of course anyone with an IQ over 80 realized that the "coincidence" line--the fable that the expensive recording system stopped working exactly over the time period demanded by congress--was utter horse shit.  A breathtakingly brazen lie.

The House investigators (back when the House was GOP-majority) also realized this, and sent a technician over to the FBI with a letter authorizing the tech to examine the super-expensive system to see if he could find the supposedly-missing texts. 

And you will NOT believe what happened, citizen:  In about two hours the tech found the missing texts. The ones where FBI deputy director of counter-intelligence told his mistress, attorney Lisa Page "Don't worry, we'll make sure he doesn't win."

I lay out this background because almost no American believes it could be true.  Yet the actual texts are printed verbatim in an Inspector-General report that was released two years ago.  You need the background to understand that both the FBI and DOJ have been corrupt for years, and finally got caught.

Now: after Trump pulled off the upset, the FBI swung into action to destroy his reputation, as a prelude to impeachment.  The first target was a 3-star general, Mike Flynn, nominated by Trump to be the head of National Security.

The plan was to use an innocent conversation between Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the U.S. to make it appear that Trump wanted to reward the Russians, by removing sanctions put on Russia by Obama.  The ostensible reason for removing sanction would then be woven into a larger fable: that Trump was rewarding Russia for helping him win the election.

Cuz there was no way he could have won without help, right?  I mean, every single poll showed the sainted Hilliary winning by a huge margin!  Trump's "win" could only have happened because of outside help, right?  See?  See?

The FBI forces trying to impeach Trump had a secret weapon: the FBI routinely wiretapped all phone conversations between Russians and Americans.  In doing so they'd recorded a conversation between Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the U.S.--a man Flynn had met several times and seemed to be on cordial terms with.  [Yeah, I know: don't end a sentence with a preposition.]  

A few weeks after the election Obama imposed financial and trade sanctions on Russia.  So during the Flynn conversation the Russian ambassador had said something to the effect of  "I hope the Trump administration will consider removing the sanctions just imposed by your current president."

Without informing Flynn that he was being investigated, the FBI sent agents to interview him.  They asked him if he'd been in contact with agents of a foreign government.  Thinking the FBI was looking for something nefarious and treasonous, and not regarding his brief conversation with the Russian ambassador as "contact," Flynn said he hadn't been in contact.

The FBI then pounced, and Trump was forced to fire Flynn.  But the story was just getting started.

FBI agents demanded that Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI.  They then crossed the line, threatening that if Flynn refused to plead guilty they'd prosecute his son for something.  THIS IS ILLEGAL, but of course at least half of everything the FBI does is illegal.  Breaking the law doesn't deter these assholes in the slightest.

Flynn caved--as any father would to protect his child.

That this level of corruption could exist at the highest levels of our nation's top law enforcement should shock and scare you.

The fact that the people who were determined to impeach Trump were so arrogant as to brazenly break the law to do so is almost impossible to believe.  Yet the evidence is undisputable.

These "elites" are convinced that you can't be allowed to elect a president they don't like.  And if you do, they'll do absolutely anything to change that result.

And due to their support by the Lying Mainstream Media, very few Americans understand what happened.  They rationalize all of it as "Mistakes were made."  No.  The acts were deliberate.  And so far not a single conspirator has been punished.

Moreover, the corrupt members of the Deep State are doing their best to ensure that no one IS punished.

For example, there's a lot of evidence that Attorney-General Bill Barr may be trying to give the appearance of prosecuting the conspirators without actually doing so.  He's been part of the establishment forever, and the conspirators are his friends.

The corruption in the Democrat/ DC/Media complex that broke the law to prosecute Mike Flynn is a threat to all Americans.

April 27, 2020

Videotape supporting assault against Biden disappears from GooglePlay store--but only that ONE

In 1993 a woman named Tara Reade was a staffer on Capitol Hill.  Later that year Reade abruptly quit her job, telling friends and her mother that a senator had sexually assaulted her, and that when she complained to her political bosses they ignored her.

The alleged assailant was Joe Biden, who is apparently in line to be the nominee of the Democrat party for the presidency.

Recently Reade went public with her claim.  The results have been just as you would have predicted: the Democrat-loving Mainstream Media--the same media that savaged Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over less-serious and totally discredited charges from that era have been almost totally silence now that far more serious, detailed accusations have been made against the current presidential nominee of the Democrat party.

Last week a videotaped episode of CNN's "Larry King Live" show from August 11th, 1993 surfaced, in which an unidentified caller said her daughter had been assaulted by a senator and that no one in DC was willing to confront the assailant.  She said her daughter hadn't notified the police out of respect for the senator, and asked King what he thought she should do.

Tara Reade claims the caller was her mother.

Of course Democrats and everyone in the Mainstream Media denies that there's any truth to any of this.  But sometimes people are so eager to make evidence vanish that they do astonishingly stupid things.  This is one of those times.  Let me explain.

Until a few days ago GooglePlay was offering a copy of every episode of "Larry King Live" for purchase.  The shows were numbered sequentially, and were also identified by the date of the broadcast.

One of the episodes was the one noted above, from August 11th, 1993, in which the caller claimed her daughter had been assaulted by an unnamed senator.

In the last week or so someone removed that episode from GooglePlay's catalog.

Tapes of every other show from 1993--including the days before and after August 11th--are still for sale.  The only one missing is the one that could damage Biden and the Democrat party.

Wait, it gets even more brazen:  The shows were numbered in sequence.  Apparently whoever removed the tape of the August 11th show was worried that someone might notice if one of the numbers in the show sequence was missing.  So they changed the show numbers for every show after the 11th, to avoid calling attention to the missing show.

Absolutely brazen.  A real "fuck-you-dummies" move.  Guess whoever snatched this tape learned from Hilliary and Lois Lerner.

April 26, 2020

In the U.K, Somali immigrant fatally stabs a 7-year-old girl playing in a park

The little girl above is --or rather, was--Emily Jones Bolton.  She was just seven years old, and lived in formerly Great Britain. 

On a sunny Sunday a month ago, as Emily was riding her scooter past a park bench, a Somali immigrant leaped off the bench and stabbed her in the neck.

Emily died in front of her horrified father.

Following standard "journalistic practice" in the rapidly worsening U.K, the papers didn't name the Somali murderer, so we can't follow the case and find anything about the killer, or what sentence she eventually received.  (Yes, the killer was allegedly female.) 

The U.K. papers don't even mention that the killer was Somali.  Instead they refer to the killer simply as "The woman" or "A stranger."  You have to look elsewhere to find the killer's nationality.

And of course as outrageous as this story is, you never heard a word about it from our Lying Mainstream Media.  It's not that our media doesn't think stories about pre-teen girls being killed or kidnapped are worth printing:  Look how many thousands of stories were written about Madeline McCann, who vanished while vacationing with her family.  The coverage was non-stop.  But not in this case.  Hmmm.....

Rest in peace, Emily, and may your parents find at least some comfort in knowing you're with God.

Oh, and may some small remnant of British pride boot out the corrupt, slimy politicians who have allowed the U.K to be invaded--successfully--by crazed third-world orcs.

Ten court-ordered Changes to Make Christianity More Politically Correct and "Inclusive"

Liberal judges have been attacking Christianity for years, claiming it's...um..."not inclusive enough."

Really?  Well, that's their complaint, and they have the Power, so...how do ordinary people impeach a federal judge, eh?

So below are the top ten orders to change Christianity to make it more...inclusive:

10. All Christian "fish" logos must be certified by the EPA as dolphin-safe.

9. Key lyric of Norman Greenbaum's hippie-Christian anthem Spirit in the Sky changed from "I've got a friend in Jesus" to less-divisive "I've got a friend in Walter."

8. Good Friday officially renamed "Passable Friday;" Ash Wednesday officially renamed "the Day Before Thursday"

7. Signs reading "John 3:16" outlawed at sporting events.  Instead, spectators wanting to show their spiritual beliefs will be permitted to substitute oversized foam fingers bearing the slogan "We're #1." 

6. Student Christian organizations ordered to accept as members those who don't, in fact, actually believe in Christ.  That is, requiring members to believe in Christ is ruled discriminatory.  Instead, student organizations and churches must offer alternative methods of qualification, such as "celebrating the magical joy of a baby's smile" or "just sitting in the park, thinking about Nature 'n shit"

5. Judge orders Christ's words modified to make them less "harsh" and "hostile" to non-believers; "I am the Way and the Truth and the Light" changed to "I am the Way and the Truth and the Light if you believe in that kind of thing, and assuming that's your bag"

4. By judicial ruling, Christian Heaven becomes history's first open-enrollment paradise; no particular belief system is required for entry, but applicants must have either a high-school diploma or eight weeks of N.E.A.-approved adult education (in cooking, basic automotive maintenance, or modern Spanish flamenco guitar)

3. The popular name "Christopher" --Latin for "Christ-Bearer" -- is declared intolerant and offensive; by court order, all men named Christopher have their first names immediately changed to "Mitch" (also acceptable: Walter; see Number 9 above)

2. New Testament rewritten to delete references to Caiaphas and other Jewish priests; henceforth, Christ is accused of blasphemy by Hans Gruber and the German mercenaries from Die Hard

...and the Number One Mandated Change to Make Christianity More Politically-Correct and "Inclusive"...

1. Christian Trinity officially changed from Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to Easter Bunny, Santie Clause, and the Ghost of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (a.k.a., "The Spirit of Diversity")

H/T Ace of Spades.

Coping with self-quarantining is HARD! Here's one take...

Commenter "TN Deplorable" at Ace of Spades has the best take on this "self-quarantine" thing:

My Self-Isolation Quarantine Diary
Day 1 – I Can Do This!!  Got enough food and wine to last a month!
Day 2 – Opening my 8th bottle of wine.  I fear wine supplies might not last!
Day 3 – Strawberries: Some have 210 seeds, some have 235 seeds. Who knew??
Day 4 – 8:00pm. Removed my Day Pajamas and put on my Night Pajamas.
Day 5 – Today I tried to make hand sanitizer. It came out as Jello Shots!!
Day 6 – I get to take the garbage out.  I’m so excited that I can’t decide what to wear!
Day 7 – Laughing way too much at my own jokes!!
Day 8 – Went to a new restaurant called “The Kitchen.”  You have to gather all the ingredients and make your own meal. I have no clue how this place is still in business.
Day 9 – I put liquor bottles in every room. Tonight, I’m getting all dressed up and going bar-hopping.
Day 10 – Struck up a conversation with a spider today. Seems nice. He’s a Web Designer.
Day 11 – Isolation is hard. I swear my fridge just said, “What the hell do you want now?”
Day 12 – I realized why dogs get so excited about something moving outside, going for walks or car rides.  I think I just barked at a squirrel.
Day 13 – If you keep a glass of wine in each hand, you can’t accidently touch your face.
Day 14 – Watched the birds fight over a worm. The Cardinals lead the Blue Jays 3–1.
Day 15 – Anybody else feel like they’ve cooked dinner about 395 times this month?

April 25, 2020

I'm on Team Joe!!


All the contradictory info about the Chinese virus resolved in one short video!

Feeling confused by all the contradictory information and demands you've been told about the Chinese virus?

Well, not "told," exactly.  More like "screamed into your ear," but whatever.

Don't despair.  Here's an authority who's resolved all the conflicting demands for you.  She's really helpful!

(Thanks to the folks at Streamable.com for their super-easy video editing service!)

April 22, 2020

Michigan governor bans selling seeds "to fight the virus." But keeps lottery ticket sales moving

Here's my edit of Tucker Carlson's take on corruption in the Democrat-ruled state of Michigan: 
Michigan's governor is a Democrat, Gretchen Whitmer, and she's issued some orders she claims are scientifically sound to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Among the thing's she banned were: selling paint, plumbing supplies, flooring, seeds and gardening supplies.   No one asked her how banning stores from selling these things would defeat the virus, because virtually all Mainstream Media reporters support the Democrat party, and they don't want to ask Dem politicians questions that would make them look bad.

Oddly, she allowed stores to continue selling one of the most useful tools: lottery tickets.

The Dem governor also banned Michigan residents from traveling to their own homes.  She claimed this was rational and legal, though of course she never cited any scientific justification for all of this.
She simply orders us to do as she demands, claiming that keeping residents in their homes is comparable to beating Nazi Germany.

And if you disagree, the Left will scream that you're a RAAACIST who wants to kill people.

In Whitmer's view all you deplorables should shut up, and if they don't, she'll order her police to arrest you.

That's her position. She wants her citizens quiet and subservient. Why? Because quiet and subservient people won't interfere with what she plans to do.

And what is she planning to do?  She's trying to merge her state's government with the state Democratic Party.

Actually you shouldn't be surprised. No one as mediocre as Gretchen Whitmer could become governor without the party brass backing her.  And as governor she's returning that favor in spades.
Recently, her government lackeys decided they wanted an app to trace the contacts of known coronavirus cases. Now, there are a lot of companies that could do that, but only a few of them are de facto arms of the Democratic Party in Michigan. So who do you think Gretchen Whitmer turned to?

On Monday Michigan's Health Department announced they'd awarded a no-bid contract to a group called Great Lakes Community Engagement. That's a company that describes itself as specializing in quote, "outreach campaigns to engage citizens."

Really?  In fact it's a leftwing activist group linked to a man named Mike Kolehouse, a former leader of Occupy Wall Street.  Kolehouse has become one of the state's top Democratic political operatives. The company has been paid huge sums to collect signatures in support of leftwing ballot initiatives.

Now Whitmer wants them to be paid for collect ing information on who the state's residents visit.

To do that the group was going to use software from EveryAction, that's a company that brags is "the leading technology provider to Democratic and progressive campaigns." And it almost worked.  But yesterday Michigan press outlets asked her office why they were giving a no-bid contract to a far leftwing activist to lead a public health initiative in the middle of an emergency.

Wouldn't that be like the president replacing Anthony Fauci with Steve Bannon?

Whitmer's office replied simply by canceling the contract. They were caught this time because finally someone was watching. But don't worry, they will try again.
Source.  https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-heres-why-whitmer-wants-michigan-residents-quiet-and-subservient-during-coronavirus-crisis

Dem governor of Michigan awards no-bid contract to a crony who's building a database on citizens

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's administration admitted yesterday that "normal protocols were bypassed" when her administration awarded a no-bid contract for coronavirus contact tracing to a company owned and run by a well-known Democratic consultant, Michael Kolehouse.

Kolehouse wrote on his Fakebook page that President Trump should "get Coronavirus ASAP" and that someone should "do the country a favor and cough on that man."

The Washington Free Beacon reported earlier Tuesday that Michigan gave a separate contract to track the spread of coronavirus to Every Action VAN, a division of the Democratic data operation NGP VAN. The contract paid $200,000 over eight weeks.

NGP VAN boasts on its website that “Nearly every major Democratic campaign in America is powered by NGP VAN's software, including the Obama campaign’s voter contact, volunteer, fundraising and compliance operations in all 50 states."  The Washington Post has described NGP VAN as "the voter file provider for Democratic campaigns."

The contracts raised concerns that Whitmer's administration was tying confidential health information to a political data gathering operation and that Whitmer, a rising star floated as a possible vice presidential candidate, had circumvented the state's normal process for awarding key financial resources.

Gee, ya think?

Whitmer's office told Fox News that neither Kolehouse's operation nor NGP VAN should have gotten the funds, but didn't explain how the purported mistake had occured in the first place.

Kolehouse Strategies appears in contact tracing testing materials obtained by Fox News, although the governor's office indicated that the firm hadn't yet begun work.

Kolehouse also runs Kolehouse Strategies, which openly advocates on behalf of progressive candidates. On social media Kolehouse has praised Whitmer and called Trump a "maniac."

Harvard Prof Wants Government to Ban ‘Authoritarian’ Practice of Homeschooling

As the coronavirus crisis has suddenly made millions of parents across America de-facto home school teachers, one Harvard Law professor wants to make sure this doesn't become the new normal, by demanding that parents be barred from home-schooling their own children.

In an article in Harvard Magazine titled “The Risks of Homeschooling” Harvard Law professor Elizabeth Bartholet argued that home-schooling is an inherent violation of children’s rights, and should, therefore, be banned.

You read that right:  This communist moron claims homeschooling violates children’s rights, and astonishingly, that it promotes white supremacy.

Oh, and this idiot also claims home-schooling is a drain on democratic society.  She argues that home-schooling gives parents "authoritarian control over their children."  And yes, this Nazi does  suggest parents be barred from home-schooling their kids.

Now, it's true that some parents who claim to be home-schooling their kids really aren't, or in some cases may be well-intentioned but simply lack the education to effectively teach their kids.  But if this is Harvahd's objection, there are ways to fix that.  But that's not what Bartholet is complaining about.

And note how Bartholet, while screaming that home-schooling gives parents "authoritarian control over their children," she's the authoritarian:  She's the one who demands that rights be taken away from others to suit her own unique (totalitarian) world-view.


April 21, 2020

Joe Biden is our only hope!!

Joe Biden.  What can we say?  He's da best guy to save our country from the eeebil ravages of da OrangeManBad!

I mean, if Joe had been preezy that nasty virus would never even have come here, right?  Cuz Joe  would have...um...banned flights from China to the U.S. way earlier than Trump did!

Wait, Joe said Trump's ban on flights from China was Raaaaacist.

Ah, doesn't matter:  The media would report that Joe had saved the nation regardless.

Here's Joe in action.  Can't you just FEEL the strong, decisive leadership flowing from him?

That moment when you realize your left-wing intolerance is about to meet reality...

Deranged anti-American Mikey Moore posts video of people brutally beating a dummy dressed like Trump

The Democrats and their Lying Mainstream Media have fanned the flames of Trump-hate so hot that it's almost impossible to believe what you're about to see.

Mikey Moore, the 400-pound Trump-hating land whale, posted--with obvious approval--a LONG video of people beating a dummy of the president.

You won't believe it unless you see it.   Here ya go:
It's interesting that this type of open, ugly, VIOLENT hate for our nation's president NEVER appeared when Obama was president.  Or Bill Clinton.  How do you think the Mainstream Media and the Left would have reacted if back in 2012 someone had made a dummy of Obama and invited dozens of people to violently beat it?  And then had the brazenness to video the attacks and post the vid on the internet.

Bet you'd have heard the screaming on the moon.

And predictably, the Trump-hating Nazi's at Twitter--who will instantly delete accounts that post anything they whine is "hate speech" or threats, haven't deleted this disgusting post.

Think we're nearing the end times?

Liberal prof demands a list of Republicans so he can avoid any business that employs 'em

I rarely get angry at stupid people, but this story went right through me:  A screamingly liberal asshole professor at Kansas State hates the idea of lifting the lockdown for the virus SO much that he wants a list of Republicans so he can tell which businesses to avoid.  See, he's convinced that ONLY Republicans want to lift the lockdown, so by his logic they'll be quickly infected.  So he DEMANDS to know which citizens are Republicans so he can avoid any business that employs them.

Like isolating lepers.  Or...wait for it...people infected with HIV.

Say what?

Oh yes, young college students.  When HIV hit, people wanted to keep infected people out of contact with healthy people.  But the liberals screamed that this was tantamount to the Nazis making Jews wear a gold Star of David to self-identify.

Perhaps the professor doesn't realize he's using exactly, precisely the argument liberal assholes screamed bloody murder and bullied fellow libs into rejecting about people infected were infected with HIV.  Or he does and is unaware of his own hypocrisy

Ignoring the meanness, the hypocrisy is totally f'n typical of the hypocritical liberal class you represent, you son of a whore.

Nel has also written many anti-Trump articles, taking the same tone as his tweets.  He wrote that books for children painting Trump in a negative light were honest and good.  Citing several anti-Trump storybooks, he wrote
“These books depicted the basic truths of the man: selfish, vain, heartless, dishonest.” 
He criticized biographies of Trump written for school kids that presented a balanced assessment of the president's life and achievements, saying that they “succumb to the fallacy that presenting both positive and negative information creates balance.”

How the hell else is balance achieved, asshole?

ESAD you son of a bitch.

Harvard Magazine warns against home schooling, but something seems...odd

Harvard University puts out a magazine.  The education mullahs at Hahvahd are screamingly opposed to home schooling, and the latest issue of their faaaabulously erudite, brilliant mag to warn you knuckle-dragging deplorables that this dangerous cult must be stamped out immediately!

To do that, they fronted their dire warning with a cutesy cartoon, above, showing a little white girl behind bars in the window of her home, wistfully looking out at seven children playing happily outdoors--while the little girl remains imprisoned inside.  In case you're not sure it's her house, note the last book on the wall is the Bible.

See?  Get it?  Home schooling equals imprisonment, by Bible-thumping cultists!  But the worst part, the mullahs at Hahvahd cunningly imply, is that people who are home-schooled are less well educated.

Of course HarvardMagazine.com is produced by very smart people.  And the mullahs at Hahvahd are smaht.  Very, very smaht.  So they almost certainly will have an excuse for mis-spelling "Arithmetic."

Leftist "comedian" wishes for recession to ruin Trump; New Yorkers say they'll take a million deaths to do the same

A few months ago a VERY un-funny, Trump-hating socialist "comedian" named Bill Maher, on his cable television show, wished the U.S. would have a recession--strictly as a way of getting rid of Trump.

Of course you can't believe anyone would be that evil, that callous, that cruel, to wish a recession--with its attendant high unemployment, bankruptcies and misery--on other Americans, eh?

I see you're not familiar with Maher, or with what passes for "comedy" on Mainstream Media shows now.  Well here ya go, sparky.  Oh, and be sure to watch the last two minutes, as an independent videographer asks New Yorkers if they'd be willing to accept a longer virus duration and a MILLION deaths if it guaranteed Trump would lose in November.

Every one of the people interviewed said "Absolutely.  Any number of deaths would be worth it."

You can't believe that either, eh?  Take a look.

These people hate you.  They're perfectly happy to kill you to get power.  And they're in control of the House, and within a vote or two in the senate.

So, as this election year screams on to November, I trust you've all been hearing from the Democrats how absolutely, totally, indescribably, ineffably f'n WONDERFUL "Medicare for all" is, eh?

Of course you're a smart voter, right?  So you know that "Medicare for all" actually means the central government runs every single aspect of your health care.

But you're okay with that, because...you've heard so much about Medicare that makes it sound warm, fuzzy and totally benign, right?

Well...let's see how having all health care run by the wunnerful gruberment is working for the supposed "shining example" of that woeful socialist program:  In the formerly great U.K. the bureaucracy that runs the entire goddamn health system--top to bottom--has ORDERED all UK hospitals to...wait for it...ration oxygen.

Now as Americans, I realize some of you may not have heard that term before, and may not be familiar with its...nuances.  What it means is...if you're stuggling to breathe, staff will turn your oxygen DOWN to below the level universally considered "adequate."

Naturally you think this is bullshit.  So click on the link below and read for yourself.

NHS rationing oxygen, U.K. hospitals instructed to lower patients' levels below "adequate" range

Oxygen is being rationed at hospitals in the U.K. amid high demand from coronavirus patients,   Doctors have been instructed to lower patients' oxygen levels to a range below what is considered "adequate," The Telegraph reports in an exclusive.
NHS England attempted to remedy the problem by dispatching engineers across the country to upgrade piping infrastructure — but this proved impossible due to many older hospitals.
The Telegraph reports:
On April 9 officials told trusts that in order to reserve the medical gas for those who need it most, trusts should downgrade their oxygen saturation targets.

Low oxygen saturation, known as hypoxia, can lead to organ failure and brain damage.

The normal target saturation range of 94% to 98% should be altered to 92% to 96% "in the first instance," the guidance stated.

The document — which applies to all patients, not just those with Covid-19 — went on to say "a target range of 90 to 94 per cent may be considered if clinically appropriate by hospitals according to prevailing oxygen flow demands."
"It's not ideal," said Dr Graham Burns, BTS president elect. "90% is when you start to approach the cliff face, so we prefer 94% because it's a step away from that."
Now, you REALLY have to love the incredible bullshit euphemism from the president-elect of the British Thoracic Society--someone who should have learned a thing or two about the chest and breathing and all that non-essential crap:  He sayeth "It's not ideal."

"Not ideal," eh Doc?  Ya don't say.  Next you're gonna tell us that dying of hypoxia is "a slight deviation from ideal recovery," eh?

Dude, when you get through with your cuzhy bureaucrat-fellating job in the U.K, DO come to the U.S. cuz I just know the Democrat National Committee will hire you in a second.

April 19, 2020

No words

The girl in the above pic is--or rather, was--Andrea Lacayo.  She was a 18, about to graduate from high school.  Top student, she'd already been accepted to nursing school.

Then her life was ended by the creatures below.  Shot, intentionally, during a robbery.  For three pairs of sneakers.

Life in the United States has...changed...since I was 18.  Most of the blame belongs on liberal judges and pols, who were far more interested in virtue-signalling to their liberal friends than in keeping thieves and muggers from shooting unarmed 18-year-old girls.

You won't see this story anywhere else.  The Mainstream Media isn't interested in telling you.  "Local interest only," they sniff.

But if they refuse to post any stories that would let Americans detect...something badly wrong, we're blind to problems.

Mainstream media: "No problem there, citizen.  Only problem is that eeevil Cheeto in the White House has killed 'hundreds of thousands' of Americans by incompetence on the mystery virus."

Ah.  Ilhan Omar actual said that.

As Texas governor prepares to lift lockdown, Democrat Jay Inslee vows to keep it on for "months"

Hey, didja hear that Trump ORDERED the states to lift their lockdowns?

Sure ya did, citizen.  It was all over CNN, and MSNBC, and the alphabet nets, and the Times, and the WaPo.  They all called Trump a "king" and a tyrant, and said he could doo dat.

And of course, he didn't.  He said the states could choose their own path.  But hey, you know....

In any case, some governors announced plans to lift the lockdown quickly.  But then a lot of idiot, dictatorial Democrat governors--like Washington's Jay Inslee--said it would be months before he'd lift his lockdown order--which has even criminalized hiking alone in the forest!  What a moron.

America is facing a fundamental question: Shall the United States remain a nation founded on liberty, or will we allow mere governors to take away our rights simply because the idiot media and corrupt government appointees have made lots of Americans panic?

For example, in Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer graciously allowed people to go to places like Home Depot--but then said she wouldn't allow anyone to buy seeds for gardens while there.  What possible logical reason?  None.  It was control for the sake of control.

The Dems are furious that Trump has even suggested lifting the lockdowns.  Here's Inslee on Twatter:
The president’s statements this morning encourage illegal and dangerous acts. He is putting millions of people in danger of contracting COVID-19.

His unhinged rantings and calls for people to “liberate” states could also lead to violence. We’ve seen it before.
I hope someday we can look at today’s meltdown as something to be pitied, rather than condemned. But we don’t have that luxury today. There is too much at stake.
I encourage political leaders to speak out firmly against the president’s calls for rebellion.
"Rebellion"?  Really, you piece of shit?  People are starting to realize that this entire thing was less dangerous than a NORMAL flu season--something no one even raises an eyebrow over, much less shutting down the entire economy and ordering people to stay in their homes.

Before we knew much about the Chinese virus, precautions were reasonable--like the president halting flights from China.  But now that we know the numbers, the lockdowns have become a training exercise for wanna-be dictators.  They need to be dealt with strongly and quickly, to beat it into the heads of other would-be Hitlers like them that normal, aware Americans won't put up with this level of over-reaction for longer than it takes to recognize that we've been scammed.

Make no mistake, this is the battle for freedom that Ronald Reagan warned us about when he said:
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

Biden campaign--"Team Joe"--comes up with a BRILLIANT meme tool...and people respond!

The brilliant thinkers who are running Joe Biden's campaign had one of their usual great ideas:
"Hey, let's make a 'tool' that will let our wunnerful Dem supporters tell everyone why they're on Team Joe!  It'll be reeeeally cool!  Everyone will wanna get in on it!  It'll build...uh...JoeMentum!"
And sure enough, the idea caught on immediately!

People all over the country started playing--even some who weren't here anymore!  SUCCESS!

Oh wait...it looks as though some nefarious deplorables have managed to sabotage Team Joe!  How can this be??  How can anyone lampoon such a competent, scrupulously honest career politician?

"It just isn't FAIR!  We had this GREAT idea, and those dumb Trump supporters somehow HIJACKED IT!!  We're gonna SUE!  No one can ridicule US without paying a huge price!"

With that, let the fun begin:  And then this:  Fakebook--that wunnerful, mahvelous people-connecting tool (sarc) is blocking users from sending the LINK to this site to their friends.  Not kidding.


April 18, 2020

They demand you get Vaccination ID's, but don't want an ID to...wait for it...

Fraud alert: Pelosi and Dems push for all mail-in ballots for elections

Mail-in voting is an invitation to election fraud. 

As just one example: with in-person voting, voters must sign-in on a voting register.  If a party wants to cheat--by stuffing the ballot box with votes for their candidate--the tally would exceed the number of people who signed in to vote.

Another invitation to fraud is "ballot harvesting."  The elderly and sick often vote by absentee ballot. In this scheme operatives obtain the list of people who've requested an absentee ballot (vote by mail).  Then operatives visit those people and offer to "mail their ballot for them."  If the voter is a member of the operative's party, he mails in the ballot.  Otherwise he or she throws it away.

There have also been documented cases of operatives offering to "help the voter fill out the ballot."

A third invitation to fraud is ballots mailed to phantom people.  Federal data show that in the 2016 and 2018 elections, millions of ballots sent through the mail were sent to invalid addresses.  In 2018 alone, 10,475,573 ballots vanished.  What happened to those?  No one knows, but one possibility is that they were filled out fraudulently--either by party operatives or by people voting illegally.

And of course since the ballots are secret, there's no way to tell valid ones from fraudulent ones. 

But as a former Chicago mayor and Democrat strategist once said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste."  That is, he was urging his party to exploit a crisis to rig the system to his party's advantage.

So it’s no surprise that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has demanded that ALL votes this November be cast by mail, as a condition of her supporting funds for the coronavirus response. 

When the Chinese virus hit, and the media got Americans to panic, dozens of Leftist groups began demanding all-mail voting.  In fact one of the bills passed by the House included mandatory vote by mail nationwide, as well as same day voter registration and at least a month of early voting.  Pelosi is reported to have made this a non-negotiable demand.

Think about that. Her demand wasn’t speedy FDA approval of a vaccine, or boosting respirator manufacturing.  Instead she wanted elections to move behind closed doors, out of sight of election officials and observers.

Thankfully Senate leaders stopped the vote-by-mail measure.

Mail-in ballots are the easiest way for fraudsters to steal votes.  In Noxubee County, Mississippi, mail ballots were snatched from mailboxes by swarms of collectors, who took the ballots to the people who lived at the houses and offered to fill out their ballot for them. 

Progressives don’t have a problem with this, because they're the beneficiaries. 

If anyone thinks Pelosi and her fellow Dems will give up on this lucrative fraud, you're too naive for words.

Source here

CNN complains about Trump no matter which way the president goes

Record cold April breaks records. But...but...global warming!

Socialists keep screaming about global warming. Nature? Not convinced.

‘Arctic April’ Grips N. America Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records

April 17, 2020

Governor of Cali *decrees* that his state's taxpayers will give stimulus checks to...wait for it...

Looking for a story to make you feel better during stressful times?  Look no farther!

California's Newsom announces $125M fund to give coronavirus stimulus checks to immigrants in state illegally

Note how the headline carefully avoids the raaaacist term "illegal immigrants.  Cuz, as the Democrat pols explain (ha), "There's no such thing as an illegal human being."

Of course you can't believe a governor would give $125 million in taxpayer dollars to illegals, right?

Ah, don't worry your little deplorable head, citizen!  Cuz at least SOME of this cash is being contributed by big companies (companies that just might be looking to curry favor with da gruberment of California).

China executed all our CIA "assets" in China a few years ago because..."someone gave their names to China"

Hilliary's email server as seen by Democrats: 
"Why are you stupid deplorables so obsessed with such a trivial, silly decision to use a personal email account on a private server, instead of a government account?"

Ah.  Maybe that was because among the hundreds of beyond-top-secret state department cables that Hilliary's idiot top aide Cheryl Mills sent to Hilliary's unsecured, home-brew email server was one that listed every CIA agent in China, by name.

The Chinese got that email 27 seconds after it was sent, and within a couple of days they'd rounded up all our intel "assets."  After torturing them to find out who recruited them, the Chinese government executed them.  This blinded U.S. intel in China.

Now, fast-forward to the following article--from Fox--complaining that for some mysterious, unexplained, unknown reason, the U.S. "lost" all its spies in China.

If a reporter or organization was unbiased and honest, you'd think they'd explain HOW we lost all our "assets" in China.  But the Fox story carefully avoids telling readers how this disaster happened.

Gosh, wonder why?  Here's the Fox "explanation:"
Intelligence experts stress that the attempt to usurp the U.S. as the global superpower is at the heart of their brutal dismantling of intelligence operations within the country.   American intel has been working from a disadvantage ever since several operatives' covers were blown over the last decade, leading to a purge by Beijing.
"A purge by Beijing" is a journo-bullshit euphemism for "our assets were executed."

Ah, got it:  The explanation is the same as how Dem congress-creep communist Ilhan Omar "explained" the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001 by Muslims hijacking four commercial jetliners: "Some people did something."

Ah, yes, now we understand.

Fox News was never a real conservative organization.  It was founded to fill a vacuum in the U.S. market for less-left-wing news.  Now the sons of Rupert Murdoch have instructed their editors to let the network reflect the family's true leftist outlook. 

Of course you don't believe that.  Okay.

The Media's war against hydroxychloroquine

The moment the president said hydroxychloroquine "could be a game changer," and that it "might work," the Lying Mainstream Media swung into attack mode to discredit the drug, doing everything possible to scare Americans into not using the drug--and to prevent others who are on death's door from using it--despite the law allowing "compassionate use" ("right to try"). 

New York governor Andrew Cuomo has even restricted its use in his state.

Local media are full of stories about recoveries within two days, but those reports are contemptuously dismissed by the Lying Media as "mere anecdotes."  The media and Trump-hating dems demand that no one be allowed to use the drug until "double-blind, controlled clinical trials" are competed.

Ah.  And how long will that take?

"Oh...uh...a year or so."

Ah, I see.  And how does that help the people who're on death's door between now and then?

"Uh...that's not my problem.  See, we can't let stupid, gullible people take dis drug, even if they're, like, y'know, sick.  Cuz dat drug be real dangerous!"

Wait, I thought it had been approved back in, oh, 1938 or so, and that tens of thousands of Americans were taking it every week to ease lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.  And in the tropics, millions of people take it to prevent malaria.  Are all those people dying or being injured?

"Um...Wow, look at the time!  I've gotta go!  My jet is waiting to take me to an important conference in Paris!"

Truth is, the drug is incredibly safe.  But the Lying Mainstream Media and their buddies in the Democrat party hate Trump so much that they simply can't allow any the drug to be seen to work.

They're willing to accept more Americans dying to avoid giving the President credit for mentioning it.

(Clearly, don't take any drug without consulting your doctor.)

State passes a law saying men can't compete in sports against women; ACLU immediately sues

What happens when a state finally says "enough is enough" and bans males from competing against females in sports?

Why of course, darling:  The ACLU steps in and sues to overturn the law.

The legislature of the state of Idaho passed a law banning males from competing against females in sports--astonishingly, the first state to do so.  So naturally the ACLU just had to sue to block the law.

A senior attorney for the ACLU said  "In Idaho and across the country, transgender people of all ages have been participating in sports consistent with their gender identity for years." 

Is that true?  I doubt it, but even if true, is that a good reason to continue the practice?

Seems to me you'd have to be a moron to claim that biological males--with greater muscle mass than females--should be allowed to compete as girls.  And it also seems to me that every sleazy, corrupt democrat politician in the country supports the ACLU position in this.

Vote against every Democrat.  This country can still be saved.

April 16, 2020

Cartoon tells the truth

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Senate Democrats block aid bill for small business; Pelosi CONGRATULATES THEM

Unless you're an econ major you probably don't know that small businesses make up about 2/3 of our economy.  And the lockdown ordered by the governors of 42 states has killed most small businesses.

That's why congress considered a large relief bill for small businesses.  But Democrat senators blocked it (admittedly with the help of two or three RINOs).

Here's the truly ghastly, evil Nancy Pelosi congratulating her party's senators for blocking that aid.

Nancy is really something.  Ya know, I think we ought to turn the entire government over to Dems, cuz Pelosi and Schumer are so...so...   There really aren't words for those two.  Or Schiff, or Nadler.

April 14, 2020

Prediction: Biden will be found to have med problem, Dems will draft Cuomo to replace him

Some of you may have noticed that all the major networks are giving a prospective presidential candidate about two HOURS of uninterrupted air-time EVERY DAMN DAY.

No, it's not the president--all the nets except FOX don't start broadcasting his coronavirus briefings until he turns the podium over to Fauci, and then cut away when the president starts speaking again.

The candidate being gifted with TWO HOURS of air time every day is...Andrew Cuomo.

Now, Andy is certainly a governor, and of a big state.  But what any governor says should only be of interest to the residents of his state.  So why would all the nets give him national live covertage...for two hours?

This invaluable platform is because all the alphabets and cable nets are grooming Cuomo to get the Dem nomination.  Here's how it'll happen:  A Dem doctor will examine Slow Joe Biden, ostensibly to be able to declare to the public that he's quite healthy enough (and no dementia) to survive the rigors of the presidency for the full four year term.  BUT...wait for it...

During the exam the doc finds "something" that he claims would make it very unlikely that Slow Joe would survive for four years.  So the doc sorrowfully, with greatest regret, of course, declares that he can't let his patient stand for office, since in the doc's expert opinion it would be a death sentence.

Then the heads of the DNC will...regretfully, sadly, of course...be forced by this report to find a replacement candidate.  They tap Andy.  Of course Andy said he wasn't running, but "when my party and my country draft me in this terribly sad time, I simply cannot refuse to answer the call."

Can't be sure yet, but this seems like what's shaping up.

Plan B:  The Dems arrange to infect Joe with corona, forcing him to withdraw.  But my money's on the first scenario.

April 12, 2020

Cartoonist nailed it


Fauci on Jan 21st: "this virus doesn't pose much risk to Americans"

For those whining that we wouldn't have so many deaths but for Trump's not listening to "the experts," watch Anthony Fauci on January 21st tell viewers that the virus doesn't pose much of a risk to Americans.

"Doesn't pose much risk to Americans."  Chew on that.:

No words

Headline: Social-distancing 'spat' may have led to double-slaying."

'Spat,' eh?

The teenage daughter of white parents was living in the parents' house with her boyfriend.  The mom had a medical condition that put her at greater risk for the Chinese virus, so asked her daughter and boyfriend to avoid parties.

They refused, so the parents set the daughter and boyfriend up in an Airbnb, at the parents' expense.  Instead of being grateful, the daughter was angry, and apparently asked her boyfriend to kill her parents.

Boyfriend (18) and a buddy then kidnap and kill the daughter's parents.

That's so horrific that you might think it would get some coverage by the Lying Mainstream Media.  But almost none.  Strange.  Ah, wait...

Pair charged in murder of girlfriends' parents

April 11, 2020

In Wisconsin the governor is imposing fines of $187 if your 14-year-old is caught playing in a park

Yet another Democrat-ruled city--this time Fond du Lac, Wisconsin--is imposing FINES on kids as young as 12 who are caught in a park.

Seriously.  The governor's "stay home" order allows cops to fine anyone--including children as young as 12--who are caught outside.

For 12 and 13 year olds the fine is $90.  Kids 14 to 16 can be ordered to pay a lot more: $187. And anyone over 16 can be fined up to a whopping $313.

The martinet police chief says “We've had a handful of criminal referrals that we've had to make for very blatant, egregious violations of the ‘Safer at Home’ order."  ["Criminal referrals"?  Is that what they're calling outrageous fines now up in Wisconsin?]  "But that's not the way we deal with this with everybody.”

Yeah, I'm sure.  For example, I'll bet you don't slap a whopping fine on the mayor's kids if they're found playing in the local park, eh?  Same for the kids and grandkids of city council members too.

This is another typical over-reaction, a response to a media-driven panic.  Deaths from the Chinese virus are so far a LOT lower than from a season of the common flu.  But the damn media shrieks that we'll all be killed if we don't lock down the entire country.

Fauci went so far as to suggest that if ANY state was locked down, ALL states should be.  What crap.

Of course you can't believe a politician would impose stiff fines on 12-year-olds, so click here to read for yourself.