April 26, 2020

In the U.K, Somali immigrant fatally stabs a 7-year-old girl playing in a park

The little girl above is --or rather, was--Emily Jones Bolton.  She was just seven years old, and lived in formerly Great Britain. 

On a sunny Sunday a month ago, as Emily was riding her scooter past a park bench, a Somali immigrant leaped off the bench and stabbed her in the neck.

Emily died in front of her horrified father.

Following standard "journalistic practice" in the rapidly worsening U.K, the papers didn't name the Somali murderer, so we can't follow the case and find anything about the killer, or what sentence she eventually received.  (Yes, the killer was allegedly female.) 

The U.K. papers don't even mention that the killer was Somali.  Instead they refer to the killer simply as "The woman" or "A stranger."  You have to look elsewhere to find the killer's nationality.

And of course as outrageous as this story is, you never heard a word about it from our Lying Mainstream Media.  It's not that our media doesn't think stories about pre-teen girls being killed or kidnapped are worth printing:  Look how many thousands of stories were written about Madeline McCann, who vanished while vacationing with her family.  The coverage was non-stop.  But not in this case.  Hmmm.....

Rest in peace, Emily, and may your parents find at least some comfort in knowing you're with God.

Oh, and may some small remnant of British pride boot out the corrupt, slimy politicians who have allowed the U.K to be invaded--successfully--by crazed third-world orcs.


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