As Texas governor prepares to lift lockdown, Democrat Jay Inslee vows to keep it on for "months"
Hey, didja hear that Trump ORDERED the states to lift their lockdowns?
Sure ya did, citizen. It was all over CNN, and MSNBC, and the alphabet nets, and the Times, and the WaPo. They all called Trump a "king" and a tyrant, and said he could doo dat.
And of course, he didn't. He said the states could choose their own path. But hey, you know....
In any case, some governors announced plans to lift the lockdown quickly. But then a lot of idiot, dictatorial Democrat governors--like Washington's Jay Inslee--said it would be months before he'd lift his lockdown order--which has even criminalized hiking alone in the forest! What a moron.
America is facing a fundamental question: Shall the United States remain a nation founded on liberty, or will we allow mere governors to take away our rights simply because the idiot media and corrupt government appointees have made lots of Americans panic?
For example, in Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer graciously allowed people to go to places like Home Depot--but then said she wouldn't allow anyone to buy seeds for gardens while there. What possible logical reason? None. It was control for the sake of control.
The Dems are furious that Trump has even suggested lifting the lockdowns. Here's Inslee on Twatter:
Before we knew much about the Chinese virus, precautions were reasonable--like the president halting flights from China. But now that we know the numbers, the lockdowns have become a training exercise for wanna-be dictators. They need to be dealt with strongly and quickly, to beat it into the heads of other would-be Hitlers like them that normal, aware Americans won't put up with this level of over-reaction for longer than it takes to recognize that we've been scammed.
Sure ya did, citizen. It was all over CNN, and MSNBC, and the alphabet nets, and the Times, and the WaPo. They all called Trump a "king" and a tyrant, and said he could doo dat.
And of course, he didn't. He said the states could choose their own path. But hey, you know....
In any case, some governors announced plans to lift the lockdown quickly. But then a lot of idiot, dictatorial Democrat governors--like Washington's Jay Inslee--said it would be months before he'd lift his lockdown order--which has even criminalized hiking alone in the forest! What a moron.
America is facing a fundamental question: Shall the United States remain a nation founded on liberty, or will we allow mere governors to take away our rights simply because the idiot media and corrupt government appointees have made lots of Americans panic?
For example, in Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer graciously allowed people to go to places like Home Depot--but then said she wouldn't allow anyone to buy seeds for gardens while there. What possible logical reason? None. It was control for the sake of control.
The Dems are furious that Trump has even suggested lifting the lockdowns. Here's Inslee on Twatter:
The president’s statements this morning encourage illegal and dangerous acts. He is putting millions of people in danger of contracting COVID-19.
His unhinged rantings and calls for people to “liberate” states could also lead to violence. We’ve seen it before.
I hope someday we can look at today’s meltdown as something to be pitied, rather than condemned. But we don’t have that luxury today. There is too much at stake.
I encourage political leaders to speak out firmly against the president’s calls for rebellion."Rebellion"? Really, you piece of shit? People are starting to realize that this entire thing was less dangerous than a NORMAL flu season--something no one even raises an eyebrow over, much less shutting down the entire economy and ordering people to stay in their homes.
Before we knew much about the Chinese virus, precautions were reasonable--like the president halting flights from China. But now that we know the numbers, the lockdowns have become a training exercise for wanna-be dictators. They need to be dealt with strongly and quickly, to beat it into the heads of other would-be Hitlers like them that normal, aware Americans won't put up with this level of over-reaction for longer than it takes to recognize that we've been scammed.
Make no mistake, this is the battle for freedom that Ronald Reagan warned us about when he said:
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
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