September 29, 2019

Unexpected high-tech: Helicopter cuts tree limbs with a giant saw to bring you electricity

The average American doesn't know even one percent of what it takes to keep a modern, complex society running.  And the average liberal knows far less.  They think electricity comes from a slot in walls, water magically exists behind your faucet, food comes from the get it.

As one of an infinite number of examples of things you never imagined some company has to do to keep your lights on, consider the following video:  It shows a helicopter cutting tree limbs with a 30-foot-long power-saw.

They have to do that because if a limb gets too close to a high-voltage powerline, the line will arc to the limb, shorting the line and killing its power to whatever city it supplies.

Doing this is both expensive and dangerous--but it's the only way to ensure that electricity is always there for consumers.  And you can't even begin to imagine the lengths companies will go to to ensure you have oil, gasoline and natural gas to heat your homes.

This is just one more example of why things are far, far better in the U.S. (and other free nations) than in socialist shitholes.  Keep this in mind when some Democrat political candidate tells you that what the U.S. needs is...socialism!

September 28, 2019

Outrage: Teachers in public elementary schools in San Fran take their kids to anti-Trump rally

Imagine, if you can, how the Lying Mainstream Media and Democrat leaders would react if principals and teachers at several public (i.e. taxpayer-funded) elementary schools took all their students out of school--on a school day--and took them to a political rally against, say, Elizabeth Warren.

The Mainstream Media would scream bloody murder.

Yet in San Francisco two weeks ago, teachers and principals in four public elementary schools took children as young as five years old to an anti-Trump rally, where they carried posters demanding that we “tear it [the border wall] down.”  Their teachers led them in changs of “Close the camps, free the children!” and numerous anti-Trump slogans.  This took place on a school day during school hours, on September 16.

Video shows the school children carrying posters depicting President Trump with devil horns and chanting slogans including “Who do we hate? Donald Trump!” and “Brick by brick, wall by wall, the border wall will fall!”

Kids were told that Trump is an evil racist who hates immigrants and was jailing kids in "concentration camps" at the Mexican border. 

A permission slip sent to parents by one of the schools says that “As a school, we have decided to participate in the September 16th march to defend immigrant rights.” It also listed the demands being made by the organizers, including “Full amnesty NOW!,” “Boycott companies providing services to Custom Border Patrol (CBP),” and “Close the camps NOW!

A note adds, “We support all actions to close ICE offices across the country, permanently!”

During the rally, the video maker attempted to interview students and teachers on camera but was told by a teacher “you need to leave.”  This during a protest on a public street.  Another teacher threatened to call the police and claimed that the film maker was harassing them by calmly asking interview questions.

A mother interviewed by the video maker acknowledged that teachers had helped students make their posters. “I’m supportive of my daughter and this is what she learned in school,” the mother added.

School administrators were asked to comment on the protest but did not return calls.

One of the schools is 79 percent Hispanic.  No surprise that their parents supported the anti-Trump rally, open borders, releasing every illegal into the U.S. and abolishing ICE.

Can you imagine the outrage if this had been a conservative event, if this had been a Trump rally or an NRA event or a March for Life?  The outrage would’ve been unbelievable, but these people seem to see no issue with what they’ve done.

Again, the full video exposing this outrageous use of children as political pawns is here.  Other videos exposing classroom indoctrination may be found at

You'd think even liberals and Democrat politicians would see that this is wrong.  It's one thing for socialists and communists to use college students, but young children don't understand the nuances of things like border security, welfare overload, the disasters of socialism, the overwhelming demands of people from shit-hole countries to come to the land of free everything.

For public schools to use children like this should outrage everyone.

Original story here. 

September 25, 2019

"Anyone who isn't willing to accept the results of an election is a danger to democracy," said...who??

Dem senator threatens Ukraine's president with loss of aid. Media yawns

Earlier this month, during a bipartisan meeting in Kiev, Democrat senator Chris Murphy delivered a pointed message to Ukraine’s new president. 

After the meeting Murphy boasted that he'd told the new Ukrainian president that U.S. aid was his country’s “most important asset” and that if he agreed to investigate previous payments of millions to Joe Biden's son, Democrats would view that as "election meddling," and that that would be “disastrous for long-term U.S.-Ukraine relations.”

Murphy said "I told Zelensky that he should not insert himself or his government into American politics. I cautioned him that complying with the demands of the President's campaign representatives to investigate a political rival of the President would gravely damage the U.S.-Ukraine relationship."

The message was clear: Investigate the Ukraine dealings of Joe Biden and his son Hunter, and Democrats in congress won't support future U.S. aid to his country.

Murphy's threat echoed the threat Joe Biden made to Ukraine in 2016.  Biden proudly recounted how he'd threatened the previous president of that country with losing a Billion-dollar loan unless the Ukranian president fired a prosecutor who was investigating $3 million a Ukranian energy company paid to a company run by Biden’s son, Hunter.

It should be noted that Hunter Biden has no experience in oil, gas, coal or any other energy, leading to speculation that the payment was a bribe.

So let's review:  Trump is reported to have asked the president of Ukraine to re-open the investigation that ended with the firing of the prosecutor--presumably due to Biden's threat--which he bragged about!--to kill a billion-dollar loan.  Democrats say this is AWFUL!  IMPEACHABLE!

But when a Democrat senator threatens Ukraine's president with the loss of future aid if he re-opens the investigation, Dems and the Lying Mainstream Media think that's perfectly fine.

Double-standards again.

September 24, 2019

"Climate Strike!" Dems use a million school-kids to cry and scream "We're all gonna die! Unless...!"

Last Friday the global-warming hucksters got schools to allow millions of American kids to skip school to join what they called a "Climate Strike," at which the passionate but ignorant, naive kids showed how convinced they were that the supposedly-deadly CO2 was gonna kill everyone on Earth in just ten years--or something like that.

Needless to say, the Lying Mainstream Media gave this infinite airtime, since a) it involved kids crying about how eeeebil capitalism and free markets are destroying Mother Earth!; and b) the kiddies blamed Trump, which endeared them to the Media even more.

There are just three problems with this:
  • First, according to NOAA (the atmosphere organization) the planet hasn't warmed by an amount greater than the uncertainty in the measurements in 15 years.  
  • Second, ice cores have shown pretty conclusively that over the past 800,000 years, rising CO2 doesn't precede temperature increases but LAGS temperature increases.  If this is true, CO2 can't possibly be causing temps to increase.
  • Third, a zillion papers have shown that the most powerful "greenhouse gas" isn't CO2 but water vapor.  But since there's no way to tax water vapor or control how much gets into the atmosphere, people who are bent on controlling YOU must ignore this, since admitting it would destroy their entire excuse for demanding power.
But there's something more sinister about this "movement:" if you read the demands made by the leaders of the so-called climate-strike, you quickly see that they're demanding that the most productive, innovative nations destroy their economies, by ending the use of fossil fuels, while simultaneously giving undevloped nations hundreds of billions of dollars, ostensibly in "climate reparations."

That is, they demand that you commit economic suicide, while giving away billions (if not trillions).

Sorry, assholes, not interested.  This is a communist-led movement, but they've been clever enough to front it with millions of uneducated, naive young people, who don't know a thing about the carbon cycle or ice cores or temperature proxies in sediments or carbonate precipitation in ocean water or...or...or.  The list is endless.  The faces out front are earnest and well-meaning, but unschooled, particularly in science.  Yet they presume to demand that those of us who do know simply obey their insane demands.

You can read those demands for yourself, below.  They're on a website called "The Peoples' Demands."
1. Transform energy systems away from corporate-controlled fossil fuels and other harmful sources such as nuclear, mega-hydro, and biofuels to a clean, safe system that empowers people and communities.
Note that while previous communist movements wanted to end oil production, supposedly replacing that unrenewable resource with renewable "biofuels," you can see above that biofuels are now no longer acceptable.  Same with clean, non-CO2-emitting hydroelectric and nuclear power.  Neither of those contributes CO2, yet the organizers demand that both source be rejected.  Shows that this is NOT about "global warming" wait, "climate change," but about trashing western economies.

2. Support ecological restoration to recover natural sinks, and stop all projects that are extremely destructive of Earth’s natural capacity to absorb greenhouse gases.
They avoid any specifics, but does anyone think these wackos would allow any trees to be cut down, anywhere in the world?  But wait...trees are renewable, right?  And wood is astonishingly useful.  But does anyone believe the wackos would allow trees to be cut, since that would reduce the ability to absorb--not the most potent greenhouse gas (water vapor) but a minor contributor?

3. Support global efforts for a just and equitable transition that enables energy democracy, creates new job opportunities, encourages distributed renewable energy, and protects workers and communities most affected by extractive economies.
"Justice" and "equitable" programs are frequent buzz-words.  But what the organizers consider "justice" is you giving even more billions to undeveloped nations than we do now.  And what's the meaning of "distributed renewable energy"?  In the first demand they demanded that we NOT use the most obvious renewable energy (biofuels), but just two paragraphs later they want renewables?  Hmmm... 
    Seems this is a camouflaged way of saying that they won't accept any solution that involves a corporation selling energy.  Yet corporations are the outfits most likely to come up with new ways to produce energy.  Take companies out of the equation and who's left to innovate?  By "distributed renewable energy they clearly do NOT mean individual citizens going out and cutting down trees.  But what DOES this mean?  No journalist has asked.

4. Commit to policies that embrace agro-ecological practices and food sovereignty in place of “Climate Smart Agriculture”.
One of the most common buzz-words among communists is "sovereignty."  But what does it mean in the context above?  The likely explanation is that the leaders are wanting people to do small, local "collective farms" rather than far-more-efficient larger farms.  Presumably they won't want these local farmers to use any tractors or other machines powered by the eeeeebil oil or gas, but what does that leave?  Horses, perhaps?  Wait, how about individual peasants citizen-farmers tilling the fields with pitchforks?
    Wait, I think we've seen that before.  China during the "Great Leap Forward."  Millions died of starvation.  Same think when Stalin starved the people of Ukraine.  Yeah, dat works.  Not.

5. Facilitate and support non-market approaches to climate action.
"Non-market approaches" means not letting prices evaluate the effectiveness of different ideas.  What it amounts to is "elite," "enlightened" rulers simply decreeing how things are to be done, what we're to eat, wear, use.  One obvious idea is to ban private cars, as AOC and one Dem candidate have already suggested.  Of course what that actually means is no private vehicles for YOU, citizen.  Your leaders will have government-owned, taxpayer-purchased vehicles at their disposal, cuz they're important.  You, by contrast, will use public transit.  Which is much better.  Or so they tell you.

6. Adopt a technology framework that recognizes the importance of endogenous and indigenous technologies and innovations in addressing climate change, and enables developing countries and communities to develop, access, and transfer environmentally sound, socially acceptable, gender responsive and equitable climate technologies.
It's hard to see how any more bullshit could be packed into a single sentence.  "Hey you wanna-be dictators, define "endogenous and indigenous technologies."  Guess that means if some place uses pedi-cabs for public transit, that'll be allowed.  Cuz both endogenous and indigenous, eh?
   And who is to define what's "socially acceptable," eh--let alone "gender responsive."  These terms are stealth weapons the Left will use to reject any solution they don't like but which otherwise meets all their other demands.

7. Respect and enable non-corporate, community-led climate solutions that recognize the traditional knowledge, practices, wisdom, and resilience of indigenous peoples and local communities, and protect rights over their lands and territories.
Ah yes, Leftists (communists) love saying how much they LOVE "traditional knowledge, practices, wisdom" and so on.  Someone should remind the Leftists that these "traditional" ways have resulted in locals ("indigenous people") stripping every scrap of tree and grass off steep hillsides to get fuel for cooking.  When the monsoon rains come, instant flooding.  But that's okay, because it's "indigenous," eh?
    But don't worry, citizen: the Leftist leaders of this train-wreck will ensure that everyone who needs fuel for heating or cooking gets it, even if they have no idea how that's to be done if we do away with fossil fuel.  Besides, what does it matter if people freeze or starve if it's to save Mother Earth, eh? 
    Wait, they haven't even remotely shown that we've gotta ban fossil fuel in order to save the Earth.  but they'll ban fossil fuel anyway, since they can't take the chance on something like that, eh?

8. Ensure participatory and transparent assessment of all proposed climate technologies and reject barriers to technology access and transfer such as intellectual property rights.
 Here they demand that "intellectual property rights" be ignored.  Ah, yes, that's the way to ensure that lots of innovative ideas are tried, eh?  Don't reward anyone for coming up with a great new method to, say, cook food.  Instead just give the schmuck a shiny medal--maybe inscribed "Order of Lenin" or "Barack Obama Inovation award."  That should be enough to spur tens of thousands of people to devote decades to research, eh?  I mean, that's what Bernie or Elizabeth Warren or Cory Booker or Kamala Harris or Beto O'Rourke would do, right?  I'm just sure they'd all work years without pay, with no prospect of any reward other than demonstrating their virtue to their peers, eh?

But as you read the bullshit points above, keep in mind the most important objection to this climate horse-shit:  It's that CO2 is NOT causing global warming, nor will it.

Even the main pusher of CO2 causing global warming "climate change"--Michael Mann--refused to turn over the data he supposedly used to come up with his scary "hockey stick" graph of global temperatures, when a court demanded that he do so to avoid a directed verdict against him in a major lawsuit.  As a result, that court has now ordered him to pay the legal fees of the guy he sued for calling him a fraud. 

How much more proof does one need that the main academic pushing this bullshit theory preferred to be slapped with an adverse court ruling rather than go public with his data, against a PhD in atmospheric physics who saw through Mann's hoax?

The notion that CO2 causes global warming climate change is utter nonsense.  It's a scam being pushed mainly by people who don't know jack about science, but want power.  They're assisted by scientists who were lured by peer pressure and the promise of lucrative government grants (now totalling hundreds of millions of bucks).

September 23, 2019

For college-age Americans who may not have time to follow politics, Elizabeth Warren is a Democrat running for her party's presidential nomination.

One of the parts of the oath of office for the president is to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Warren would have a hard time with that, because she wants to change one of the most critical parts of the Constitution:  She wants to abolish the electoral-college system, instead decreeing that the president will be chosen by the winner of the national popular vote.

You might keep that in mind at election time.

September 20, 2019

Iowa supreme court rules taxpayers must pay for sex-change ops; outraged California Dem A-G retaliates

Last March a bunch of morons on Iowa's Supreme Court ruled that taxpayers could be forced to pay for sex-change operations.

Let that sink in for a minute:  according to the elites on the court, any Iowan who decides he or she wants to claim to be the opposite sex can DEMAND that taxpayers pay for their sex-change operation.

Of course the court didn't say "sex change," because that would lead far too many sane Americans to realize the morons are running the asylum.  You can't change your sex.  So the elites--from university and government down thru the scum who lie to you for the Lying Mainstream Media--all call it "gender reassignment surgery."

Oh wow, that DOES sound LOTS better, eh?  "Reassignment."  Like when a member of the military is ordered to a new post.  Veddy, veddy normal and uncontroversial, eh comrade?

Well...while anyone can do anything they like to themselves with their own cash, the remaining sane people in Iowa weren't thrilled about being FORCED to pay for some wacko's sex-change--and they said so, loud and clear.  So two months later the legislature passed a bill saying "We aren't gonna do that."  And the state's Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds signed it into law.

The tranny mafia was outraged, and quickly struck back:  They got Xavier Becerra--the seemingly corrupt attorney-general of California--to retaliate for this horrible offense, by ordering that no funds paid to the state of California by its suffering residents could be used to pay for travel to Iowa.

About the only people who were inconvenienced by this were California's public college sports teams, which have been forced to use private funds to attend any NCAA games in Iowa.

Of course this isn't the end of the story by far:  The law will be challenged, probably by the ACLU, on the grounds that "it's just not FAIR that poor people can't make state taxpayers pay to change their sex."  Cuz after all, taxpayers are forced to pay for boob jobs, right?

Wait, you say that's NOT the case?  In any state? 

Gosh, that's...odd.  Wait, that seems pretty reasonable.  But wait...SURELY taxpayers pay for liposurgery, right?  I mean, think how traumatizing being fat is to many people.  So surely...?

You say the courts haven't ordered that either?  Gee...seems to most of us that if taxpayers don't pay for that, it's kinda hard to make the case that taxpayers be FORCED to pay for sex-change ops, eh?

Well, unless trannies are a specially-protected class, with special rights.  Then it would make sense.

For the full story click here

September 18, 2019

In liberal Oregon sex-change industry lies and will take children away if parents object to sex-change

The Federalist is a watchdog group. They're not given to hysteria.  Below is an edited version of a recent article that should make you mad as hell. To read the original click on the header.

How Oregon Built A Transgender Medical-Industrial Complex On Junk Science

Oregon has been run by leftist Democrats for many years.  Now, thanks to a rubber-stamp Democrat legislature, the law now allows adverse outcomes of sex-change surgery to go largely untracked, bars health workers from telling would-be patients about the real risks, and strips custody from parents who object to sex-change operations or the use of hormone blockers on their children.

(Original article by 16, 2019)
In late 2016 a group of suburban Portland psychiatric nurses took a training course.  They wanted to know what to do about a sudden upsurge in young psychiatric patients who believed they were in the wrong body. The young patients had turned to a colleague from Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) for help.

The OHSU therapist replied that the children’s claims should be taken at face value and that they should be referred to OHSU for a so-called “Dutch Protocol:” puberty-blocking and cross-sex hormones. Further, the therapist claimed 3 percent of all children had this syndrome.

OHSU has since taken down the URL, but you can find the original PDF from which all quotes are taken here.

The citation for the "3 percent" didn’t remotely cite a source for the claim.  The figure was between 500 and 1500 times higher than all reliable surveys up to that time, but none of the listeners noticed or objected, likely because the media have led Americans to believe this is an accurate number.

OHSU is Oregon’s premiere high-volume gender center, with more than a century of experience performing gender-based medical intervention on adults.  The state's lawmakers trust OHSU to help shape state policies so that on-demand gender-based medical intervention, subsidized by state Medicare, is available to all ages.

As a result, state lawmakers passed a law declaring that anyone over 15 can consent to sex-change treatment without getting their parents' consent.  This "age of consent" drops to 14 if the child is being treated for mental health problems.

Equally disturbing, the law says health providers can't be sued for liability for acting against parents’ objections, as long as they claim to have acted in good faith.

You probably can't believe the government of a "free country" would pass such a law.  You'd be wrong.  Read the actual statute below:

But when laws are effectively written by the people who profit from the law's provisions, economist George Stigler recognized it as "regulatory capture:" government policies undertaken on the advice of a profit-making industry tend to become indistinguishable from the industry’s marketing objectives.

As a result, Oregon now:
  • Allows adverse sex-change-surgery outcomes to go largely untracked
  • Restricts health workers’ right to advise patients about the risks of gender-based medical intervention
  • Takes children away from parents who object to sex-change treatments on their children.

To put the 3 percent claim in context, the American Psychological Association (APA) estimates that patients believing themselves to be in the wrong body are exceedingly rare: According to the DSM-5  only 0.005-0.014 percent of the male population, and 0.002-0.003 percent of the female population.
This makes OHSU's printed 3% figure from 200 to 1,500 times the DSM-5’s figures (0.03 ÷ 0.00014 = 214.29 for the lower limit of the range, to 0.03 ÷ 0.00002 = 1500.00 for the higher limit).

The 3% figure seems to have started with a Portland Public School survey, but it said no such thing.  It didn’t even survey children. Its full title (foreshortened in the training’s citation), included the tagline “A School Climate Survey for Parents and Guardians.”

Only twice did it mention gender, neither time referencing children, and not a single parent responded to those questions in the affirmative:

The only 3 percent value in the survey referenced the number of parents who were confused by the question or who refused to answer:

In short, they lied.  Or else they're incompetent.  I'll take either answer.

We get a clue from the response of the "Transgender Health Supervisor" at OHSU, when it was asked to explain the discrepancy between the training document’s claim of 3 percent and its supporting citation:
The data regarding prevalence of transgender youth is sparse because demographic information related to both sex assigned at birth [sic] and gender identity of young people isn’t routinely captured, and when captured, it is inconsistent and not meaningfully used and shared. The only reference to prevalence of trans youth (only 13-17 years old) that I am aware of and willing to cite is a 2017 report titled ‘Age of individuals who identify as transgender in the United States,’ and that report is likely an underestimation.
—Amy Penkin, MSW, LCSW, OHSU Transgender Health Supervisor
This is as close as it comes to "I don't like the APA's figures so I just assume they're wrong--by up to three orders of magnitude."  In other words, pure BS.

Outrageously, the same Transgender Health Supervisor who explained the faulty 3 percent citation by appealing to data scarcity had only months before signed a consensus statement telling a federal court that gender-affirmation policies were based upon “a substantial body of research.”

In other words, she claimed "substantial body of research," then when asked to support that later, totally reversed herself.  Definitely something fishy there.
Unbelievably, government medical authorities in the U.S. government are on the verge of following Oregon's policies.  While some government authorities claim to be skeptical about data published by the sex-change industry, the Center for Disease Control now claims that 1.8 percent of surveyed children think they're "in the wrong body."  This figure is roughly 800 times higher than the one found by the APA before the current hysteria over sex-change started.
Now:  If you're a parent or grandparent, do you want a state or federal bureaucrat changing your kid's sex without your consent, just because the kid uttered a phrase that the bureaucrat pounced on?
Unless you're a crazy liberal, the answer to that one has to be no.  One of the hallmarks of kids is that they don't know much about a lot of things, so they're unusually vulnerable to pressures to "be one of the cool kids."  And if you're a kid, claiming you''re trapped in the wrong body is least right now.

If a 6-year-old comes up to you and growls "I'm a tiger!" you don't call animal control.  But where the sex-change industry is concerned, a casual remark by a kid is enough to bring the full power of idiot government down on your family.

This needs to stop.  Now.

A common-sense approach would be no hormone treatments or surgery without parental consent until at least age 18.  Age 21 would be even better.

September 17, 2019

Why Puerto Rico has so little recovery to show for $17 Billion in government aid

One of the endless stream of charges the Left hurls at Trump is that over a year after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, the island still hadn't recovered.  The Left claimed this was because the raaacist Trump regime callously refused to give the po,' po peeps of that po' island more than ten bucks to recover.

Ah.  Well.  Actually the Trump people put a billion dollars in the island's accounts 3 months after the storm.  Two months after that, Trump signed a bill giving the island another $16 billion.  You'd think those sums would have done the trick, eh?  And yet, according to all reports, all is still disaster.

Now we find a reason:  A former high exec from the Obama administration somehow landed THE key position to award sweet cash to rebuild.  She awarded a $1.8 Billion-dollar no-bid contract to a local hustler, who didn't deliver but showered said exec with gifts--charged against the contract, of course.

Which is why the woman below is smiling.

FEMA executive Ahsha Nateef Tribble

Hurricane Maria hit in September, 2017--eight months after Trump took office.

One of the people charged with getting electric power back on was a FEMA administrator, Ahsha Nateef Tribble.

Tribble's rise to one of the top positions in the government--making $149,000 per year--is...interesting.  Tribble earned a BS in math from Florida A&M, a master's in meteorology from Florida State, then a PhD in the same subject.  So her only experience was as a student.  Yet the year she graduated she was somehow named to the post of Technical Chief of Staff at the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Commerce at NOAA.

Two years after grad-school she was named Executive Officer at the NOAA National Hurricane Center.

Five years after graduation, she was the Chief of the Climate Sciences Division for NOAA's National Weather Service, ending up as "Senior Policy Advisor for Weather and Climate."

She was later appointed to the White House National Security Council (NSC) staff, and was temporarily Deputy Homeland Security Advisor.  She was named Obama's "Senior Director for Response."

She was then appointed "Senior Advisor" to Obama's secretary of Energy (DOE)--the notoriously moronic, corrupt Earnest Moniz--who endorsed the award of billions of taxpayer dollars to Democrat-crony "green energy" companies that quickly went bankrupt.

So...a career with glossy, impressive titles.  No experience except government--which is to say, no real-world experience at all.  Yet somehow, in September of 2018 she was named Deputy Regional Administrator for FEMA--meaning that after a hurricane she'd be the person awarding billions of dollars in federal contracts and assistance.

With no real-world experience in either.

The aftermath of Hurricane Maria offered a kind of perfect storm for Tribble.  A local named Donald Keith Ellison, then president of Cobra Acquisitions, took up with her and began showering her with gifts.  The two began travelling together, often staying in the same room. 

If you're a private citizen, no big deal.  But when you're awarding a billion dollars to contractors, having an affair with a bidder is...not good.

And award she did: Ellison’s Cobra got $1.8 billion in federal contracts to restore Puerto Rico’s power grid.  And Tribble had the authority to award another $200 million in public assistance projects.

What happened in Puerto Rico is the same thing that happens routinely in Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore. In another hurricane procurement scandal, FEMA gave Tiffany Brown a $156 million contract to serve 30 million meals to hurricane victims. Brown's company had no employees and no experience in large-scale disaster relief. And was not able to actually provide the meals. 

No big deal.  Disaster victims will just lose a bit more weight waiting for actual, y'know, meals.

As an example of how corruption wastes money: after an explosion at an island power plant knocked out power to several towns in February 2018, Tribble pressured power authority officials to use Cobra rather than their own workforce, even though the local companies were quoting a much lower bid. “She told [power company officials] that if they did not use Cobra, FEMA would not reimburse them,” the prosecutor said.
 Here's the story from the leftist NY Times.  Written to hide the obvious incompetence of Tribble.

Here's the story from USAToday.  Again note how well the reporter hides the meteoric rise of the utterly green, inexperienced Obama favorite.

Some notable quotes from last week's Dem presidential debate

Dennis Prager watched the last Democrat presidential debate so you wouldn't have to.  I've edited his piece below:
The last debate among 10 Democrats seeking their party's nomination for president set a new low for demagoguery, contempt for America and just plain foolishness.  Some examples:

Andrew Yang: "In America today, everything revolves around the almighty dollar -- our schools, our hospitals, our media, even our government."

For the vast majority of Americans this view couldn't be more wrong.  But certainly there's a group of Americans who will do anything for money--like Hilliary and Bill giving speeches for $400,000 a pop.  Like Elizabeth Warren claiming to be a Native American to get a $250,000 per year teaching position at Harvard.  Like former media darling Michael Avenatti, who appeared on Trump-hating cable channels MSNBC and CNN 75 times in a single week--and who had defrauded dozens of his law clients out of millions of dollars, and is now facing dozens of fraud charges

Kamala Harris: "President Trump, you've spent the last two-and-a-half years full-time trying to sow hate and division among us ..."

But in fact it's the left that has been "trying to sow hate and division among us," not just for the last two-and-a-half years but for the last 50.  It is the left that has sneered at the idea of America as a "melting pot." It is the left that has defined Americans by their race and ethnicity.

Kamala Harris again: "The vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us, regardless of our race, where we live or the party with which we're registered to vote."

The Left loves this meme because it's so warm and fuzzy.  And 50 years ago it was true.  But starting around 1986 the Left has been ramping up its hate campaign against ordinary Americans, with the result that after the 2016 election the Left has constantly screamed that every American who voted for Donald Trump or supports him is a racist and a white supremacist.  If Harris believes the Left's screams that Trump supporters are deplorable, how can the two sides have much in common?

The only thing that the left and the non-left have in common is that we're all homo sapiens.  But in terms of values we are completely, utterly different.

Elizabeth Warren: "I've actually never met anybody who likes their health insurance company."

One can only marvel at the ease with which leftists lie. In Warren's case, she had decades of practice, having to be Native American to snag a professor-ship at Harvard. But the fact is, tens of millions of Americans liked their health insurance company just fine.  This was so obviously true that former emperor Barack Hussein Obama thought it would be helpful to utter a brazen lie in order to help his ghastly "Affordable Care Act" (Obamacare) pass.  That lie was 
If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance.
But Warren--like all the other Dem presidential candidates--is pushing for the government to run ALL medical care, for everyone.  It follows that they must try to convince Americans that no one ever liked private health insurance.

Bernie Sanders: "'Medicare-for-All' ... allows you to go to any doctor you want."

The obvious question is: How is that possible?  Say an oncologist in Dallas is widely known as the best in the nation, so tens of thousands of Americans want to see him, either because they or a loved one had cancer.  How would Medicare for All make that happen? 

Desired goods and services aren't available in unlimited quantities.  If not rationed by cost, they'll be rationed by...connections.  The "elites" will get it, you won't.
Again, leftists will say anything to further their agenda.

Beto O'Rourke: "Racism in America is endemic. ... It is found in our education system, where in Texas, a 5-year-old child in kindergarten is five times as likely to be disciplined or suspended or expelled based on the color of their skin."

The left claims that disparate results is "proof" American racism:  They claim America is so racist that even kindergarten teachers and school principals --people who overwhelmingly vote Democrat-- discipline and expel black students more than non-black students because they are black, not because a small percentage of black students are disruptive at rates far higher than their percentage in the classroom. 

Joe Biden: "Nobody should be in jail for a nonviolent crime."

Tell us, Democrats:  If you like that idea, how do you propose to discourage people from robbery, embezzlement, fraud, VOTE fraud, selling illegal drugs and the like?

Biden's statement should prove that he shouldn't be a serious candidate.

Click here to read the full article.

September 15, 2019

A picture is worth...oh, at least four words, eh?
Notice anything odd about this picture?

Because American high schools have never taught the facts about September 11th, 2001, if you're a college-age American you may not have an accurate idea of what happened that day.
No matter.  Democrat congresswoman Ilhan Omar summarized it this way:
"Some people did something."
 Well there ya go then.

It's instructive to note that the Mainstream Media didn't utter a single word of complaint about Omar's summary.

"Some people did something."

Thanks for explaining that, eh?

Students assault teacher

The woman in red is a teacher.

When you were young, would you EVER have imagined assaulting a teacher?

And we are.

Has the fundamental makeup of kids' brains changed since you were in school?


So what  fundamentally HAS changed?

Figure it out.

Nigerian "rapper" welcomed to Sweden, responds by saying "Shoot white people, take them as slaves"

The creature below is a Nigerian-born rap artist Jesse Ekene Nweke Conable.  He's now living in Sweden, by virtue of the insane liberal policies of that country--policies that are virtually the same in every European nation--that allow huge numbers of Conables to waltz in and demand...whatever you have.

Conable has screamed for his fans to “shoot white people.  Take them as slaves and treat them even worse.”

His comments were made in a rant posted on a closed Instagram group called Barasvarta (“Blacks only”), according to news outlet Samhällsnytt.

“We blacks” will “become number one and take over these whites,” he said.  “Like these whites took us as slaves we should take them as slaves and treat them even worse.  We’ll take their bitches and we’ll take their money.  We will be the best race ever. We are African warriors, they are not on our level. This is just the beginning.  Black power!”

Of course liberals and Democrat presidential candidates will tell you "He doesn't really mean that.  He's just saying that to get media attention."


By the way, this creature is NOT the same guy on the video in the previous post.  It's just coincidence that both of  'em won European citizenship and still want to kill whites.

Outliers, citizen.  They don't mean it, citizen.  And as the Dem presidential candidates and Dem governors like Cali's Gavin Newsome constantly tell you, "We need open borders."


Reality vs. liberal fantasy

What would we do without liberals to constantly explain to the rest of us that people who say they want to conquer and kill us don't really mean what they say?

African immigrant to France: "Kill white people."

Europeans are SOoooo sophisticated!

Well at least that's what all the Democrat presidential candidates and your elite "betters" in the Lying Mainstream Media--people who went to Hahvahd and Yale and Stanford--constantly tell you.

Think I'm kidding?

How many times have you heard media elites and Dem presidential candidates GUSHINGLY praise European "free" medical care for all, eh?

Except, of course, it's not free.  Nothing is, except air and sunlight.  Someone pays.

"Of course," say socialists, "The government pays, not the people."


Where do you think "the government" gets the money to pay, eh?

So since American "elites" and Dem presidential candidates think Europeans are so f-ing sophisticated, our Dem presidential candidates want to do what the Europeans do:  Open our borders to all those wonderful, wonderful people who want to come to the land of free stuff.

Now, I get it that some tiny percentage of foreigners are actually smart enough--and well-educated enough--to understand that what makes America so fabulous is our Constitution and our system of laws--which originally posited that everyone was equal under the law, and that the rich couldn't break the laws and get away with it by virtue of their wealth.  But I suspect that most of the people who want to enter both the U.S. and Europe are coming for one reason:  Free stuff.

So:  Even though that's not a good motive, you'd think Africans who'd made it to Europe (or the U.S.) would at least be grateful, eh?

Yeah, you'd think.  But take a look at the clip below, in which an immigrant from Nigeria, allowed to enter France, tells the camera--with great enthusiasm--"Kill white people."

Of course you won't ever see this in the Lying Mainstream Media.  And if you showed it to the Dem presidential field, every single one of 'em would say "This guy is an 'outlier,' and does NOT represent any other 'immigrant.'"

Oh, certainly, comrade.  This guy is the only one.  Uh-huh.

Next on the list is..."This is a political dirty-trick clip produced by Trump's people!"

Yeah, dat's it.

September 11, 2019

NY Times re-writes history of 9/11: "*Airplanes took aim* and brought down the WTC"

Eighteen years ago today, Muslim terrorists hijacked 4 commercial airliners just after takeoff.  They rushed the cockpit, killed the pilots, and flew two of the jets into the Twin Towers in New York City. 

Damage from the impact, and the heat from about 80,000 pounds of burning jet fuel, caused both towers to collapse, killing roughly 2,800 innocent American civilians.

The Muslim terrorists flew a third plane into the Pentagon, killing 125 people in the building and all 64 people on the airplane.

The fourth plane was almost certainly intended to hit either the U.S. capitol building or the White House.  But by million-to-one chance, one of the passengers was using the inflight phone to talk with his wife, who told him about the two planes that had just hit the World Trade Center.  That passenger told the others, and they were able to rush the cockpit and cause the plane to crash in a field, killing all aboard.

NOW:  Watch how the anti-American, scum-sucking, pig-f'ing slime at the NY Times chose to memorialize this ghastly attack--the most deadly terrorist attack in history: 

Notice the NYTimes' sleazy, non-informative phrasing:  "...since airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center."

Bull shit.  The airplanes obviously didn't aim themselves, but you' never know that by reading the Lying Mainstream NYT.  The ugly truth is that the airplanes were intentionally flown into the Twin Towers by Muslim hijackers, period.  They flew a third into the Pentagon.

The Muslim congresscreep Ilhan Omar tried to re-write history the same way, describing the 9/11 attack as "Some people did something," deliberately omitting who actually did it.

Sorry, bitch.  No matter how much you and the Times try to re-write history, I'm never gonna forget what 19 of your co-religionists did that day.  And I suspect a lot of my former military friends won't either.

Interestingly, Times readers unloaded so much anger on the Times that they deleted the tweet.  Too little, too late.

September 10, 2019

Judge orders terror watch-list destroyed. Wait, we've seen this before, and it cost 3000 American lives

Every single day some goofy federal judge shoots our nation in the leg yet again, endangering everyone and setting the stage for another 9/11.

For those of you in college, or of college age, "9/11" refers to a terrorist attack on the United States that happened in September of 2001, when you were about one year old--so as far as you're concerned, ancient history.  The attack killed about 3000 American civilians, but because not a single high school teaches a word about this horrific attack--for fear of being sued by Muslims--you've never been taught a thing about it.  So here's a link.  You're welcome.

The attack happened when a Republican was president, so naturally, all leading Democrat pols blasted the president, claiming his administration ignored scads of information that should have warned them about the coming attack.  Things like a sudden surge of Muslim males signing up to learn to fly big commercial jets, but telling their instructors they didn't care about learning to land.

Yeah, ya think that should have been a big red flag?

The Mainstream Media shortened this blame to "the Bush administration failed to connect the dots." usual, when a Democrat screws something up really fatally, the Lying Mainstream Media blames...a Republican.  In this case, four years before the attack Bill Clinton had an idiot Democrat lawyer (but VERY well connected) named Jamie Gorelick as Deputy Attorney General.  Using her vast experience with terrorism (that's sarc--she didn't have any), Gorelick ORDERED that the CIA not share information on terrorists with the FBI.

As a result of the idiot Gorelick's order, information that could have detected the attack HAD IT BEEN SHARED was never shared.  

Everyone in government knew Gorelick was the person who gave that order.  But in the investigation into the attack later, guess who senate's Democratic leader appointed to the commission to investigate any failure to detect signs of the impending attack?

Of course:  Jamie Gorelick--the same dilettante who ORDERED that the two top intel-gathering agencies in the U.S. NOT to share info on terrorist activity.  As you could have guessed, although the 9/11 commission mentioned the failure to share information, citing it as a cause of "failing to connect the dots," it failed to put any blame on Gorelick as the person who ORDERED the agencies to not share information.

Funny how that works, eh?  Damn near unbelievable.
So in response to the Democrats' condemnation of the Bush administration's "failure to connect the dots and predict the attack, despite information being available," after 9/11 the Bush administration took what seems to most Americans to be a VERY prudent step: it started a "terrorist watch list" that it distributed to a dozen or so federal organizations.  People who made phone calls to known terrorist telephones overseas, or were known to be members or supporter of "extremist" Muslim groups, were put on the list.

Can you guess what happened next?  Sure you can:
 As you knew would happen, several Muslim groups sued to have the list destroyed, claiming that by keeping a record of activities known to be associated with terrorists, the government had violated their civil rights. 

Trenga had previously ruled that anyone on the list could challenge their placment on the list.  Thus if the government had mis-transcribed a phone number, or confused two people with similar names, a person could be removed from the list.  So I have a hard time understanding how compiling a list of people who, for example, had called the phone of a known terrorist overseas, violates their rights.  But then I'm just a "little person."

In any case:  Someone said insanity is doing the same thing time after time and expecting different results.  In this case anyone with an average IQ should have learned that if the U.S. doesn't use every intel asset to detect planned terrorist attacks, were certain to be attacked again.

Trenga and his ilk have pulled another Gorelick move.  And it WILL cost American lives.

And to add insult to injury, when the next attack happens, Democrats will bitch to high heaven that the attack could have been prevented if the terror watch list had still existed, and that blame for destroying it rests with...yep, Donald Trump, for failing to make every effort to preserve the list after a Democrat judge ordered it destroyed.  (Though Trenga was appointed by Bush, he donates almost exclusively to Democrats.)

September 09, 2019

Couple threatened with ejection from game because they displayed Betsy Ross flag

Every day some bureaucrat or federal judge or cowardly company shoves the U.S. farther toward the point at which no citizen will be able to display a single pro-American flag or banner in public.

Latest example:  There's a "major-league soccer team" in Salt Lake City.  A couple of fans had season tickets.  They'd often brought an American flag to display--as dozens of other fans did.  Even Antifa flags were being displayed!

When the couple's American flag wore out, they bought a replica of the so-called Betsy Ross flag (13 stars in a circle).

The pencil-necks who run the stadium went nuts.  "You caint show dat here!"

Couple: Why not?

Pencil-neck: Cuz it's RAAAACIST!

Couple:  What??  It's a copy of the very first American flag.  How the hell is that raaacist?

Pencil-neck:  Cuz when it was made, slaybery was legal!

And the pencil-neck told the couple that if they didn't hide the flag they'd be thrown out of the stadium.

The team's "chief business officer" sent a printed message to the local TV station stating that the Betsy Ross flag had “been adopted as a symbol for hate groups.”   He added, “Any controversial flags or other similar banners or signs with symbols of hatred, divisiveness and/or intolerance whether intentional or otherwise will not be permitted in our stadiums. Period.”

Oh, so no more Antifa flags, right?

Carroll:  "That's different.  Antifa is all about peace, and bashing fascists, so that's fine."

Carroll’s message:
...our mission to unify our community through soccer and we promote inclusion, diversity and acceptance. It is important that everyone in the community not only feel welcome at our stadiums, but appreciated, respected and valued. Rio Tinto Stadium is reflective of that on match day and we encourage a unifying and welcoming environment to all fans at all of our RSL and Utah Royals FC matches. To be permitted to bring a flag into any of our stadiums is a privilege. Recently, and very controversially as well as surprising to us, the Colonial flag has been adopted as a symbol for hate groups. Any controversial flags or other similar banners or signs with symbols of hatred, divisiveness and/or intolerance whether intentional or otherwise will not be permitted in our stadiums. Period.

September 08, 2019

Leftists: We can stomp on American flag, cuz free speech, but don't you DARE display this...