Last Friday the global-warming hucksters got schools to allow millions of American kids to skip school to join what they called a "Climate Strike," at which the passionate but ignorant, naive kids showed how convinced they were that the supposedly-deadly CO2 was gonna kill everyone on Earth in just ten years--or something like that.
Needless to say, the Lying Mainstream Media gave this infinite airtime, since a) it involved kids crying about how eeeebil capitalism and free markets are destroying Mother Earth!; and b) the kiddies blamed Trump, which endeared them to the Media even more.
There are just three problems with this:
- First, according to NOAA (the atmosphere organization) the planet hasn't warmed by an amount greater than the uncertainty in the measurements in 15 years.
- Second, ice cores have shown pretty conclusively that over the past 800,000 years, rising CO2 doesn't precede temperature increases but LAGS temperature increases. If this is true, CO2 can't possibly be causing temps to increase.
- Third, a zillion papers have shown that the most powerful "greenhouse gas" isn't CO2 but water vapor. But since there's no way to tax water vapor or control how much gets into the atmosphere, people who are bent on controlling YOU must ignore this, since admitting it would destroy their entire excuse for demanding power.
But there's something more sinister about this "movement:" if you read the demands made by the leaders of the so-called climate-strike, you quickly see that they're demanding that the most productive, innovative nations destroy their economies, by ending the use of fossil fuels, while simultaneously giving undevloped nations hundreds of billions of dollars, ostensibly in "climate reparations."
That is, they demand that you commit economic suicide, while giving away billions (if not trillions).
Sorry, assholes, not interested. This is a communist-led movement, but they've been clever enough to front it with millions of uneducated, naive young people, who don't know a thing about the carbon cycle or ice cores or temperature proxies in sediments or carbonate precipitation in ocean water or...or...or. The list is endless. The faces out front are earnest and well-meaning, but unschooled, particularly in science. Yet they presume to demand that those of us who do know simply obey their insane demands.
You can read those demands for yourself, below. They're on a website called
"The Peoples' Demands."
1. Transform energy systems away from corporate-controlled fossil fuels and other harmful sources such as nuclear, mega-hydro, and biofuels to a clean, safe system that empowers people and communities.
Note that while previous communist movements wanted to end oil production, supposedly replacing that unrenewable resource with renewable "biofuels," you can see above that biofuels are now no longer acceptable. Same with clean, non-CO2-emitting hydroelectric and nuclear power. Neither of those contributes CO2, yet the organizers demand that both source be rejected. Shows that this is NOT about "
global warming" wait, "climate change," but about trashing western economies.
2. Support ecological restoration to recover natural sinks, and stop all projects that are extremely destructive of Earth’s natural capacity to absorb greenhouse gases.
They avoid any specifics, but does anyone think these wackos would allow any trees to be cut down, anywhere in the world? But wait...trees are renewable, right? And wood is astonishingly useful. But does anyone believe the wackos would allow trees to be cut, since that would reduce the ability to absorb--not the most potent greenhouse gas (water vapor) but a minor contributor?
3. Support global efforts for a just and equitable transition that enables energy democracy, creates new job opportunities, encourages distributed renewable energy, and protects workers and communities most affected by extractive economies.
"Justice" and "equitable" programs are frequent buzz-words. But what the organizers consider "justice" is you giving even more billions to undeveloped nations than we do now. And what's the meaning of "
distributed renewable energy"? In the first demand they demanded that we NOT use the most obvious renewable energy (biofuels), but just two paragraphs later they want renewables? Hmmm...
Seems this is a camouflaged way of saying that they won't accept any solution that involves a corporation selling energy. Yet corporations are the outfits most likely to come up with new ways to produce energy. Take companies out of the equation and who's left to innovate? By "distributed renewable energy they clearly do NOT mean individual citizens going out and cutting down trees. But what DOES this mean? No journalist has asked.
4. Commit to policies that embrace agro-ecological practices and food sovereignty in place of “Climate Smart Agriculture”.
One of the most common buzz-words among communists is "sovereignty." But what does it mean in the context above? The likely explanation is that the leaders are wanting people to do small, local "collective farms" rather than far-more-efficient larger farms. Presumably they won't want these local farmers to use any tractors or other machines powered by the eeeeebil oil or gas, but what does that leave? Horses, perhaps? Wait, how about individual
peasants citizen-farmers tilling the fields with pitchforks?
Wait, I think we've seen that before. China during the "Great Leap Forward." Millions died of starvation. Same think when Stalin starved the people of Ukraine. Yeah, dat works. Not.
5. Facilitate and support non-market approaches to climate action.
"Non-market approaches" means not letting prices evaluate the effectiveness of different ideas. What it amounts to is "elite," "enlightened" rulers simply decreeing how things are to be done, what we're to eat, wear, use. One obvious idea is to ban private cars, as AOC and one Dem candidate have already suggested. Of course what that actually means is no private vehicles for YOU, citizen. Your leaders will have government-owned, taxpayer-purchased vehicles at their disposal, cuz they're important. You, by contrast, will use public transit. Which is much better. Or so they tell you.
6. Adopt a technology framework that recognizes the importance of endogenous and indigenous technologies and innovations in addressing climate change, and enables developing countries and communities to develop, access, and transfer environmentally sound, socially acceptable, gender responsive and equitable climate technologies.
It's hard to see how any more bullshit could be packed into a single sentence. "Hey you wanna-be dictators, define "endogenous and indigenous technologies." Guess that means if some place uses pedi-cabs for public transit, that'll be allowed. Cuz both endogenous and indigenous, eh?
And who is to define what's "socially acceptable," eh--let alone "gender responsive." These terms are stealth weapons the Left will use to reject any solution they don't like but which otherwise meets all their other demands.
7. Respect and enable non-corporate, community-led climate solutions that recognize the traditional knowledge, practices, wisdom, and resilience of indigenous peoples and local communities, and protect rights over their lands and territories.
Ah yes, Leftists (communists)
love saying how much they LOVE "traditional knowledge, practices, wisdom" and so on. Someone should remind the Leftists that these "traditional" ways have resulted in locals ("indigenous people") stripping every scrap of tree and grass off steep hillsides to get fuel for cooking. When the monsoon rains come, instant flooding. But that's okay, because it's "indigenous," eh?
But don't worry, citizen: the Leftist leaders of this train-wreck will ensure that everyone who needs fuel for heating or cooking gets it, even if they have no idea how that's to be done if we do away with fossil fuel. Besides, what does it matter if people freeze or starve if it's to save Mother Earth, eh?
Wait, they haven't even
remotely shown that we've gotta ban fossil fuel in order to save the Earth. but they'll ban fossil fuel anyway, since they can't take the chance on something like that, eh?
8. Ensure participatory and transparent assessment of all proposed climate technologies and reject barriers to technology access and transfer such as intellectual property rights.
Here they demand that "intellectual property rights" be ignored. Ah, yes, that's the way to ensure that lots of innovative ideas are tried, eh? Don't reward anyone for coming up with a great new method to, say, cook food. Instead just give the schmuck a shiny medal--maybe inscribed "Order of Lenin" or "Barack Obama Inovation award." That should be enough to spur tens of thousands of people to devote decades to research, eh? I mean, that's what Bernie or Elizabeth Warren or Cory Booker or Kamala Harris or Beto O'Rourke would do, right? I'm just sure they'd all work years without pay, with no prospect of any reward other than demonstrating their virtue to their peers, eh?
But as you read the bullshit points above, keep in mind the most important objection to this climate horse-shit: It's that CO2 is NOT causing global warming, nor will it.
Even the main pusher of CO2 causing
global warming "climate change"--Michael Mann--refused to turn over the data he supposedly used to come up with his scary "hockey stick" graph of global temperatures, when a court demanded that he do so to avoid a directed verdict against him in a major lawsuit. As a result, that court has now ordered him to pay the legal fees of the guy he sued for calling him a fraud.
How much more proof does one need that the main academic pushing this bullshit theory preferred to be slapped with an adverse court ruling rather than go public with his data, against a PhD in atmospheric physics who saw through Mann's hoax?
The notion that CO2 causes
global warming climate change is utter nonsense. It's a scam being pushed mainly by people who don't know jack about science, but want power. They're assisted by scientists who were lured by peer pressure and the promise of lucrative government grants (now totalling hundreds of millions of bucks).