In liberal Oregon sex-change industry lies and will take children away if parents object to sex-change
The Federalist is a watchdog group. They're not given to hysteria. Below is an edited version of a recent article that should make you mad as hell. To read the original click on the header.
How Oregon Built A Transgender Medical-Industrial Complex On Junk Science
Oregon has been run by leftist Democrats for many years. Now, thanks to a rubber-stamp Democrat legislature, the law now allows adverse outcomes of sex-change surgery to go largely untracked, bars health workers from telling would-be patients about the real risks, and strips custody from parents who object to sex-change operations or the use of hormone blockers on their children.
In late 2016 a group of suburban Portland psychiatric nurses took a training course. They wanted to know what to do about a sudden upsurge in young psychiatric patients who believed they were in the wrong body. The young patients had turned to a colleague from Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) for help.
The OHSU therapist replied that the children’s claims should be taken at face value and that they should be referred to OHSU for a so-called “Dutch Protocol:” puberty-blocking and cross-sex hormones. Further, the therapist claimed 3 percent of all children had this syndrome.
OHSU has since taken down the URL, but you can find the original PDF from which all quotes are taken here.

The citation for the "3 percent" didn’t remotely cite a source for the claim. The figure was between 500 and 1500 times higher than all reliable surveys up to that time, but none of the listeners noticed or objected, likely because the media have led Americans to believe this is an accurate number.
OHSU is Oregon’s premiere high-volume gender center, with more than a century of experience performing gender-based medical intervention on adults. The state's lawmakers trust OHSU to help shape state policies so that on-demand gender-based medical intervention, subsidized by state Medicare, is available to all ages.
As a result, state lawmakers passed a law declaring that anyone over 15 can consent to sex-change treatment without getting their parents' consent. This "age of consent" drops to 14 if the child is being treated for mental health problems.
Equally disturbing, the law says health providers can't be sued for liability for acting against parents’ objections, as long as they claim to have acted in good faith.
You probably can't believe the government of a "free country" would pass such a law. You'd be wrong. Read the actual statute below:

But when laws are effectively written by the people who profit from the law's provisions, economist George Stigler recognized it as "regulatory capture:" government policies undertaken on the advice of a profit-making industry tend to become indistinguishable from the industry’s marketing objectives.
As a result, Oregon now:
To put the 3 percent claim in context, the American Psychological Association (APA) estimates that patients believing themselves to be in the wrong body are exceedingly rare: According to the DSM-5 only 0.005-0.014 percent of the male population, and 0.002-0.003 percent of the female population.
This makes OHSU's printed 3% figure from 200 to 1,500 times the DSM-5’s figures (0.03 ÷ 0.00014 = 214.29 for the lower limit of the range, to 0.03 ÷ 0.00002 = 1500.00 for the higher limit).

The 3% figure seems to have started with a Portland Public School survey, but it said no such thing. It didn’t even survey children. Its full title (foreshortened in the training’s citation), included the tagline “A School Climate Survey for Parents and Guardians.”
Only twice did it mention gender, neither time referencing children, and not a single parent responded to those questions in the affirmative:

The only 3 percent value in the survey referenced the number of parents who were confused by the question or who refused to answer:

In short, they lied. Or else they're incompetent. I'll take either answer.
We get a clue from the response of the "Transgender Health Supervisor" at OHSU, when it was asked to explain the discrepancy between the training document’s claim of 3 percent and its supporting citation:
Outrageously, the same Transgender Health Supervisor who explained the faulty 3 percent citation by appealing to data scarcity had only months before signed a consensus statement telling a federal court that gender-affirmation policies were based upon “a substantial body of research.”
In other words, she claimed "substantial body of research," then when asked to support that later, totally reversed herself. Definitely something fishy there.
The OHSU therapist replied that the children’s claims should be taken at face value and that they should be referred to OHSU for a so-called “Dutch Protocol:” puberty-blocking and cross-sex hormones. Further, the therapist claimed 3 percent of all children had this syndrome.
OHSU has since taken down the URL, but you can find the original PDF from which all quotes are taken here.

The citation for the "3 percent" didn’t remotely cite a source for the claim. The figure was between 500 and 1500 times higher than all reliable surveys up to that time, but none of the listeners noticed or objected, likely because the media have led Americans to believe this is an accurate number.
OHSU is Oregon’s premiere high-volume gender center, with more than a century of experience performing gender-based medical intervention on adults. The state's lawmakers trust OHSU to help shape state policies so that on-demand gender-based medical intervention, subsidized by state Medicare, is available to all ages.
As a result, state lawmakers passed a law declaring that anyone over 15 can consent to sex-change treatment without getting their parents' consent. This "age of consent" drops to 14 if the child is being treated for mental health problems.
Equally disturbing, the law says health providers can't be sued for liability for acting against parents’ objections, as long as they claim to have acted in good faith.
You probably can't believe the government of a "free country" would pass such a law. You'd be wrong. Read the actual statute below:

But when laws are effectively written by the people who profit from the law's provisions, economist George Stigler recognized it as "regulatory capture:" government policies undertaken on the advice of a profit-making industry tend to become indistinguishable from the industry’s marketing objectives.
As a result, Oregon now:
- Allows adverse sex-change-surgery outcomes to go largely untracked
- Restricts health workers’ right to advise patients about the risks of gender-based medical intervention
- Takes children away from parents who object to sex-change treatments on their children.
To put the 3 percent claim in context, the American Psychological Association (APA) estimates that patients believing themselves to be in the wrong body are exceedingly rare: According to the DSM-5 only 0.005-0.014 percent of the male population, and 0.002-0.003 percent of the female population.
This makes OHSU's printed 3% figure from 200 to 1,500 times the DSM-5’s figures (0.03 ÷ 0.00014 = 214.29 for the lower limit of the range, to 0.03 ÷ 0.00002 = 1500.00 for the higher limit).

The 3% figure seems to have started with a Portland Public School survey, but it said no such thing. It didn’t even survey children. Its full title (foreshortened in the training’s citation), included the tagline “A School Climate Survey for Parents and Guardians.”
Only twice did it mention gender, neither time referencing children, and not a single parent responded to those questions in the affirmative:

The only 3 percent value in the survey referenced the number of parents who were confused by the question or who refused to answer:

In short, they lied. Or else they're incompetent. I'll take either answer.
We get a clue from the response of the "Transgender Health Supervisor" at OHSU, when it was asked to explain the discrepancy between the training document’s claim of 3 percent and its supporting citation:
The data regarding prevalence of transgender youth is sparse because demographic information related to both sex assigned at birth [sic] and gender identity of young people isn’t routinely captured, and when captured, it is inconsistent and not meaningfully used and shared. The only reference to prevalence of trans youth (only 13-17 years old) that I am aware of and willing to cite is a 2017 report titled ‘Age of individuals who identify as transgender in the United States,’ and that report is likely an underestimation.This is as close as it comes to "I don't like the APA's figures so I just assume they're wrong--by up to three orders of magnitude." In other words, pure BS.
—Amy Penkin, MSW, LCSW, OHSU Transgender Health Supervisor
Outrageously, the same Transgender Health Supervisor who explained the faulty 3 percent citation by appealing to data scarcity had only months before signed a consensus statement telling a federal court that gender-affirmation policies were based upon “a substantial body of research.”
In other words, she claimed "substantial body of research," then when asked to support that later, totally reversed herself. Definitely something fishy there.
Unbelievably, government medical authorities in the U.S. government are on the verge of following Oregon's policies. While some government authorities claim to be skeptical about data published by the sex-change industry, the Center for Disease Control now claims that 1.8 percent of surveyed children think they're "in the wrong body." This figure is roughly 800 times higher than the one found by the APA before the current hysteria over sex-change started.
Now: If you're a parent or grandparent, do you want a state or federal bureaucrat changing your kid's sex without your consent, just because the kid uttered a phrase that the bureaucrat pounced on?
Unless you're a crazy liberal, the answer to that one has to be no. One of the hallmarks of kids is that they don't know much about a lot of things, so they're unusually vulnerable to pressures to "be one of the cool kids." And if you're a kid, claiming you''re trapped in the wrong body is least right now.
If a 6-year-old comes up to you and growls "I'm a tiger!" you don't call animal control. But where the sex-change industry is concerned, a casual remark by a kid is enough to bring the full power of idiot government down on your family.
This needs to stop. Now.
A common-sense approach would be no hormone treatments or surgery without parental consent until at least age 18. Age 21 would be even better.
If a 6-year-old comes up to you and growls "I'm a tiger!" you don't call animal control. But where the sex-change industry is concerned, a casual remark by a kid is enough to bring the full power of idiot government down on your family.
This needs to stop. Now.
A common-sense approach would be no hormone treatments or surgery without parental consent until at least age 18. Age 21 would be even better.
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