September 28, 2019

Outrage: Teachers in public elementary schools in San Fran take their kids to anti-Trump rally

Imagine, if you can, how the Lying Mainstream Media and Democrat leaders would react if principals and teachers at several public (i.e. taxpayer-funded) elementary schools took all their students out of school--on a school day--and took them to a political rally against, say, Elizabeth Warren.

The Mainstream Media would scream bloody murder.

Yet in San Francisco two weeks ago, teachers and principals in four public elementary schools took children as young as five years old to an anti-Trump rally, where they carried posters demanding that we “tear it [the border wall] down.”  Their teachers led them in changs of “Close the camps, free the children!” and numerous anti-Trump slogans.  This took place on a school day during school hours, on September 16.

Video shows the school children carrying posters depicting President Trump with devil horns and chanting slogans including “Who do we hate? Donald Trump!” and “Brick by brick, wall by wall, the border wall will fall!”

Kids were told that Trump is an evil racist who hates immigrants and was jailing kids in "concentration camps" at the Mexican border. 

A permission slip sent to parents by one of the schools says that “As a school, we have decided to participate in the September 16th march to defend immigrant rights.” It also listed the demands being made by the organizers, including “Full amnesty NOW!,” “Boycott companies providing services to Custom Border Patrol (CBP),” and “Close the camps NOW!

A note adds, “We support all actions to close ICE offices across the country, permanently!”

During the rally, the video maker attempted to interview students and teachers on camera but was told by a teacher “you need to leave.”  This during a protest on a public street.  Another teacher threatened to call the police and claimed that the film maker was harassing them by calmly asking interview questions.

A mother interviewed by the video maker acknowledged that teachers had helped students make their posters. “I’m supportive of my daughter and this is what she learned in school,” the mother added.

School administrators were asked to comment on the protest but did not return calls.

One of the schools is 79 percent Hispanic.  No surprise that their parents supported the anti-Trump rally, open borders, releasing every illegal into the U.S. and abolishing ICE.

Can you imagine the outrage if this had been a conservative event, if this had been a Trump rally or an NRA event or a March for Life?  The outrage would’ve been unbelievable, but these people seem to see no issue with what they’ve done.

Again, the full video exposing this outrageous use of children as political pawns is here.  Other videos exposing classroom indoctrination may be found at

You'd think even liberals and Democrat politicians would see that this is wrong.  It's one thing for socialists and communists to use college students, but young children don't understand the nuances of things like border security, welfare overload, the disasters of socialism, the overwhelming demands of people from shit-hole countries to come to the land of free everything.

For public schools to use children like this should outrage everyone.

Original story here. 


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