September 10, 2019

Judge orders terror watch-list destroyed. Wait, we've seen this before, and it cost 3000 American lives

Every single day some goofy federal judge shoots our nation in the leg yet again, endangering everyone and setting the stage for another 9/11.

For those of you in college, or of college age, "9/11" refers to a terrorist attack on the United States that happened in September of 2001, when you were about one year old--so as far as you're concerned, ancient history.  The attack killed about 3000 American civilians, but because not a single high school teaches a word about this horrific attack--for fear of being sued by Muslims--you've never been taught a thing about it.  So here's a link.  You're welcome.

The attack happened when a Republican was president, so naturally, all leading Democrat pols blasted the president, claiming his administration ignored scads of information that should have warned them about the coming attack.  Things like a sudden surge of Muslim males signing up to learn to fly big commercial jets, but telling their instructors they didn't care about learning to land.

Yeah, ya think that should have been a big red flag?

The Mainstream Media shortened this blame to "the Bush administration failed to connect the dots." usual, when a Democrat screws something up really fatally, the Lying Mainstream Media blames...a Republican.  In this case, four years before the attack Bill Clinton had an idiot Democrat lawyer (but VERY well connected) named Jamie Gorelick as Deputy Attorney General.  Using her vast experience with terrorism (that's sarc--she didn't have any), Gorelick ORDERED that the CIA not share information on terrorists with the FBI.

As a result of the idiot Gorelick's order, information that could have detected the attack HAD IT BEEN SHARED was never shared.  

Everyone in government knew Gorelick was the person who gave that order.  But in the investigation into the attack later, guess who senate's Democratic leader appointed to the commission to investigate any failure to detect signs of the impending attack?

Of course:  Jamie Gorelick--the same dilettante who ORDERED that the two top intel-gathering agencies in the U.S. NOT to share info on terrorist activity.  As you could have guessed, although the 9/11 commission mentioned the failure to share information, citing it as a cause of "failing to connect the dots," it failed to put any blame on Gorelick as the person who ORDERED the agencies to not share information.

Funny how that works, eh?  Damn near unbelievable.
So in response to the Democrats' condemnation of the Bush administration's "failure to connect the dots and predict the attack, despite information being available," after 9/11 the Bush administration took what seems to most Americans to be a VERY prudent step: it started a "terrorist watch list" that it distributed to a dozen or so federal organizations.  People who made phone calls to known terrorist telephones overseas, or were known to be members or supporter of "extremist" Muslim groups, were put on the list.

Can you guess what happened next?  Sure you can:
 As you knew would happen, several Muslim groups sued to have the list destroyed, claiming that by keeping a record of activities known to be associated with terrorists, the government had violated their civil rights. 

Trenga had previously ruled that anyone on the list could challenge their placment on the list.  Thus if the government had mis-transcribed a phone number, or confused two people with similar names, a person could be removed from the list.  So I have a hard time understanding how compiling a list of people who, for example, had called the phone of a known terrorist overseas, violates their rights.  But then I'm just a "little person."

In any case:  Someone said insanity is doing the same thing time after time and expecting different results.  In this case anyone with an average IQ should have learned that if the U.S. doesn't use every intel asset to detect planned terrorist attacks, were certain to be attacked again.

Trenga and his ilk have pulled another Gorelick move.  And it WILL cost American lives.

And to add insult to injury, when the next attack happens, Democrats will bitch to high heaven that the attack could have been prevented if the terror watch list had still existed, and that blame for destroying it rests with...yep, Donald Trump, for failing to make every effort to preserve the list after a Democrat judge ordered it destroyed.  (Though Trenga was appointed by Bush, he donates almost exclusively to Democrats.)


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