April 30, 2019

Why is this well-dressed older guy taking part in a violent demonstration?

You rarely see men in suits mixing it up in demonstrations.  Well-dressed men have to be seriously motivated to do this, since it tends to mess up your fashionable look

So a perceptive observer might reasonably wonder what motivated this guy to hit the streets.

Answer:  It's Venezuela, where the lack of food, running water, medical care and other basics have made lots of ordinary citizens miserable--and angry.

And yet 20 years ago Venezuela had the highest per-capita income in all of Latin America, due mainly to its vast oil wealth.  What could possibly have happened to destroy such prosperity?

Answer:  Socialism.  Two decades ago voters elected a charismatic socialist (communist), Hugo Chavez, because he promised free stuff to everyone.  Since most voters don't know jack about economics, most citizens believed the crap peddled by Chavez.  And after about 8 years Chavez changed Venezuela's constitution to allow him to be president for life, allowing him to continue to wreck the country's economy.  Which he did.

There's a lesson here for Americans--but you'll never learn it by watching the Lying Mainstream Media, whose elites love socialism and endlessly praise it.  And you may notice that media morons absolutely gush over promises from every single Dem presidential candidate to
  • nationalize health care; 
  • make college free for everyone; 
  • have taxpayers pay off all student loans--money borrowed by "-studies" majors who've discovered there aren't many jobs for X-studies; 
  • have taxpayers pay "reparations" for people who were never slaves;
  • open our borders to anyone who wants to enter and brings a kid with 'em; and
  • ban guns, except for their own bodyguards and cops.  And a lot of 'em aren't really keen on cops being armed.
But by all means, DO vote Dem--because they assure you that prosperity is no good if we're not all exactly equal, regardless of our personal choices (like avoiding drugs) or personal effort, like getting a good education and working hard.

April 27, 2019

How the Dems can win in 2020

One of the concerns the "experts" have about the field of Democrat candidates for president is that polls show the current favorite is Joe Biden.  This is problematic (for the mainstream media) because Biden is an old, white, straight male, but the party has been pandering for at least a decade to blacks, gays, transgenders, socialists and communists.

The elites are worried that if Biden gets the nomination, much of this core constituency won't be all that motivated to vote.

Oooooh, what to do?

So it strikes me that there's an obvious way for the Dems to win in 2020:

Joe picks Kamala--younger, half-black, female--as his VP.  Fires up the female, black and youth vote.

Of course Kamala wants the top slot, but if she's cunning--and she is definitely that--she'll take the veep spot, because she'd have a great shot at the presidency.

Joe is 76, and will be just a month short of 78 by election day.  Three years into his term, he resigns, giving her the presidency.  She'd then have the incumbent advantage for re-election--and would be eligible to be elected twice after that, giving her 9 years to complete the destruction of this country started by Obozo.  Cuz make no mistake:  Kamala is a socialist, in the mold of Obama.  She hates capitalism and free markets.

But you'll note that whenever she's asked about any issue she cunningly replies "We need to have a conversation on that."  That's called "pandering."  It's a sign of someone who'll do anything to be elected.

April 26, 2019

Socialism: It's so wonderful that we need it here!

You know what America needs?

Socialism, citizen.  Just like Bernie and Beto and Fauxcahontas and Kamala and Corey Booker and their supporters claim.  Cuz life in America is SO UNFAIR!  People starve every day!  Lots of Americans can't afford to go to Hahvahd!  The crappy welfare system often makes people have to choose between paying the rent and getting a great high from their drug of choice!

So remember, citizen:  Vote Democrat, to bring the wonders of Socialism to the US.  Cuz the most important thing is...fairness, citizen.


Liberal Dem judge who directed her court employees to help an illegal avoid arrest has been indicted

A year ago in Democrat-ruled Massachusetts a twice-deported illegal alien invader, Jose Medina-Perez, was attending a court hearing on drug charges.  He was also charged with drunk driving in another state--a fact known to the judge and prosecutor.

Because the defendant was a twice-deported illegal invader, a federal immigration agent was in the courtroom, waiting to take him into custody on a charge of illegal re-entry. 

But when liberal female Democrat judge Shelley Joseph learned about the federal agent waiting, she decided it just wasn't right for immigration agents to arrest (and presumably deport yet again) this poor refugee.  And since Dem judges today are allowed to both make and ignore laws as they wish, she decided to help the illegal escape.  So she ordered the recording equipment turned off, summoned her "court officer" and the prosecutor to the bench and quickly made a plan to help the illegal avoid the waiting ICE agent, by leading him to a hidden, lower-level back exit.

The judge then ordered the ICE agent out of her courtroom, telling him Median-Perez would be released into the courthouse lobby.  She then directed her court officer to lead the illegal to the back exit as planned.  The illegal fled.  He was arrested a month later--but amazingly was once more released on bond by an immigration judge.  That case is currently pending.

Yesterday the judge who helped the illegal escape ICE was indicted by the federal government for that act.  She's pleaded not guilty to all counts.

So...did this come from a tinfoil-hat right-wing-nutjob blog?  No, it came from the leftist WaPo.  Meaning it's an "admission against interest," which means it's almost certainly true.

So how did the leaders of the Democrat party react to this story?  Did they agree that the judge actively helping the illegal escape was wrong?

Hahahahahahahahahaha!  I see you just arrived on this planet!  The Dem leaders did exactly what you'd expect:  They were outraged about...the lib judge being indicted for helping the illegal escape federal arrest!


US Representative Joseph P. Kennedy on Thursday evening said the indictment of Judge Shelley Richmond Joseph and a retired court officer “threatens the safety of our community and the independence of our justice system.”
“There are appropriate avenues to handle concerns and complaints about judicial conduct and this indictment is not one of them,” he said.
A spokesperson for US Senator Edward J Markey on Friday also condemned the indictment.
“This indictment is an unwarranted intrusion by the Trump Justice Department into Massachusetts state affairs, driven by politics and reflecting its anti-immigrant hysteria. This is a matter more appropriately left to the state judiciary and law enforcement."
So "This is an unwarranted intrusion by the Trump Justice Department into state affairs," eh?  Funny, during emperor Obozo's reign his gruberment SUED in court to win a ruling that immigration and all things connected to it were the sole province of the federal government, and that states not only had no say in any of it, but couldn't even help the feds enforce valid federal law!

Amazing, eh?  A Dem president--albeit an America-hating, Constitution-trashing one--sues to get a ruling he wants established as law, but when Trump acts under the principle Barky's people established, suddenly the Dems claim this illegal's case was properly a STATE matter.

Can you say "total screaming hypocrisy"? 

Massachusetts attorney-general Maura Healey called the indictment “a radical and politically motivated attack on our state and the independence of our courts.” 

Oh yesss, of course, cupcake:  It's a "radical attack on our state."  No you ignorant, lying gruber, it's NOT an attack on your miserable state, but a federal matter, and your corrupt judge broke the law by overtly helping the illegal escape.  And Healy is the top "law enforcement official" in that hell-hole!  It's almost unbelievable.

Mayor of Baltimore--black Dem female--raided for likely corruption, now in hiding

The delightful, brilliant creature below is the Democrat mayor of the shithole city of Baltimore, Catherine Pugh.  Catherine is in hiding now after FBI agents raided her home and city hall office.

Turns out mayor Pugh had a sweet deal going:  She wrote and self-published a kids book on health.  Why self-published?  Cuz it was reportedly awful.  See, if it was good she would have been offered a normal book deal with a publisher.  But in this case she was happy to pay the cost of publishing the thing herself, cuz she had a sweetheart bribe deal going with a few huge insurance companies and medical centers looking for lucrative contracts with the corrupt city.

They reportedly bought thousands of the things--ostensibly to give them to local school kids.  Cuz, you know, everyone wants their kids to be healthy, right?

But in this case none of the alleged books were ever distributed.  Cuz that wasn't the actual plan.  The real plan was to pay mayor Pugh hundreds of thousands of dollars for an awful book--presumably as a bribe to win city contracts.

Sweet, eh?

But don't worry, citizen:  You don't live in Baltimore (thankfully!) so this shouldn't concern you.  And surely--surely--this isn't happening where you live.  Cuz Democrat pols are, like, totally honest and ethical, right?  Just like Hilliary.  And Democrat "state's attorney" for Chicago, Kim Foxx.  And the Dem attorney-general for huge California, the honest Xavier Becerra.  And Nancy Pelosi.  And the former senate majority leader, Harry Reid.

So continue to vote Democrat, citizen.  Cuz they're honest, and really really care about the Little People.

H/T Ace of Spades