April 30, 2019

Why is this well-dressed older guy taking part in a violent demonstration?

You rarely see men in suits mixing it up in demonstrations.  Well-dressed men have to be seriously motivated to do this, since it tends to mess up your fashionable look

So a perceptive observer might reasonably wonder what motivated this guy to hit the streets.

Answer:  It's Venezuela, where the lack of food, running water, medical care and other basics have made lots of ordinary citizens miserable--and angry.

And yet 20 years ago Venezuela had the highest per-capita income in all of Latin America, due mainly to its vast oil wealth.  What could possibly have happened to destroy such prosperity?

Answer:  Socialism.  Two decades ago voters elected a charismatic socialist (communist), Hugo Chavez, because he promised free stuff to everyone.  Since most voters don't know jack about economics, most citizens believed the crap peddled by Chavez.  And after about 8 years Chavez changed Venezuela's constitution to allow him to be president for life, allowing him to continue to wreck the country's economy.  Which he did.

There's a lesson here for Americans--but you'll never learn it by watching the Lying Mainstream Media, whose elites love socialism and endlessly praise it.  And you may notice that media morons absolutely gush over promises from every single Dem presidential candidate to
  • nationalize health care; 
  • make college free for everyone; 
  • have taxpayers pay off all student loans--money borrowed by "-studies" majors who've discovered there aren't many jobs for X-studies; 
  • have taxpayers pay "reparations" for people who were never slaves;
  • open our borders to anyone who wants to enter and brings a kid with 'em; and
  • ban guns, except for their own bodyguards and cops.  And a lot of 'em aren't really keen on cops being armed.
But by all means, DO vote Dem--because they assure you that prosperity is no good if we're not all exactly equal, regardless of our personal choices (like avoiding drugs) or personal effort, like getting a good education and working hard.


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