November 30, 2018
Ever since Donald Trump took office, Barack Obama has been claiming credit for Trump’s successes. The economy, unemployment, the stock
market… you name it, he’s been going around the country and the world
telling people that he deserves the credit for all the
economic progress that didn't occur while he was in office.
One of those amazing successes has been that the U.S. has regained the title of the world's number-one oil producing nation.
it’s true that oil production increased on his watch, that was in spite
of Obama, not because of him. Here’s the real story.
2010, Obama issued a moratorium on offshore drilling. He used the BP
oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as an excuse, but the truth is, his 2010
budget had already planned for government revenues from offshore
drilling to decline 72 percent over the following five years. The
moratorium caused gas prices to skyrocket, reaching nearly $4.00/gallon
at the pump. Gas prices would remain above $3.00/gallon for a record
1,410 days. Obama did nothing to encourage American oil production the
entire time.
Why not? Because he preferred to give away billions of scarce tax dollars to so-called
green energy firms like Solyndra. Obama also opposed proposed new oil
pipelines like the Keystone XL. In fact he did everything he could to reduce or discourage oil production in the United States.
His administration cut
back the amount of federal land available for shale oil production and
blocked oil exploration in Alaska. Federal drilling permits were also
delayed. On Obama’s watch, oil and natural gas production on federal
lands dropped 6 percent and 28 percent respectively. Where oil and
natural gas production increased was on private and state land—a
whopping 61 percent and 33 percent respectively. This shows that companies were eager to drill, but the Obama administration was making it far too hard to do that on federal land.
In 2011 he proposed more than $60 billion in tax and fee
increases on American energy production. In 2012 he increased regulations
on oil and gas as part of his radical environmental agenda.
Now that vastly increased American
oil and gas is helping keep prices low, Obama would like
us to forget that he waged war on American energy resources like oil,
natural gas, and coal. With so much of his legacy in ruins thanks to
Trump, Obama’s current strategy is to co-opt Trump’s legacy by taking
credit for things he not only had nothing to do with, but actively sought to block.
Trump okays use of teargas on 'migrants'= outrage. Obama did it hundreds of times = not a word
"OMG, did you hear?!! That awful, horrid Orange Man ordered his ICE Nazi's to fire TEARGAS at those lovable people from Central America who want to enter the U.S.! It's unprecedented how awful and horrid this president is! Trump is worse than the Nazis!"
You couldn't miss hearing about this, cuz every single mainstream media outlet reported it, complete with the same pic of a woman dragging two young kids away from some sort of smoke that was surely--surely--teargas.
"See, citizen? Trump is worse than the Nazis!"
What's fascinating is that CNN and MSNBC and the alphabets and the NYT and WaPo never reported the hundreds of times Obama's people did exactly the same thing.
That's right, folks: under Obama, Border Patrol agents did exactly same thing--hundreds of times. And you never heard a word about it. The Dem-loving media didn't want you to know about it.
According to DHS records the Obama administration used pepper spray on groups at the Mexican border 95 times in 2012, 151 times in 2013, 109 times in 2014, 30 times in 2015 and 56 times in 2016. Teargas was used on the border 26 times in 2012, 27 times in 2013, 15 times in 2014, eight times in 2015, and three times in 2016.
CNN and MSNBC never mentioned it. Not once. ABC reported it exactly once. The Associated Press mentioned it a few times. but the only large paper that picked up the wire-service story was in San Diego. Other than that, coverage was limited to local newspapers and a television station in San Diego.
Almost no photographic evidence exists from the use of teargas or pepper spray by the Obama administration--because no reporter or photographer thought anything of it. Apparently there's some strange, flexible device called a "double-standard," under which the mainstream media considers the same act to be either perfectly reasonable or outrageous, depending on whether it was done under Obama or Trump.
The clearest demonstration of this was provided by the partisan hacks on ABC’s “The View:” co-host Sunny Hostin said “President Obama is no longer in office. President Trump is in office and he’s destroying the country, This ‘but Obama’ defense doesn’t work for me… I don't care what Obama did. I care what Trump is doing right here right now.”
You couldn't find a better example of the double-standard used by liberals. "I don't care what Obama did." Thanks, ABC.
You couldn't miss hearing about this, cuz every single mainstream media outlet reported it, complete with the same pic of a woman dragging two young kids away from some sort of smoke that was surely--surely--teargas.
"See, citizen? Trump is worse than the Nazis!"
What's fascinating is that CNN and MSNBC and the alphabets and the NYT and WaPo never reported the hundreds of times Obama's people did exactly the same thing.
That's right, folks: under Obama, Border Patrol agents did exactly same thing--hundreds of times. And you never heard a word about it. The Dem-loving media didn't want you to know about it.
According to DHS records the Obama administration used pepper spray on groups at the Mexican border 95 times in 2012, 151 times in 2013, 109 times in 2014, 30 times in 2015 and 56 times in 2016. Teargas was used on the border 26 times in 2012, 27 times in 2013, 15 times in 2014, eight times in 2015, and three times in 2016.
CNN and MSNBC never mentioned it. Not once. ABC reported it exactly once. The Associated Press mentioned it a few times. but the only large paper that picked up the wire-service story was in San Diego. Other than that, coverage was limited to local newspapers and a television station in San Diego.
Almost no photographic evidence exists from the use of teargas or pepper spray by the Obama administration--because no reporter or photographer thought anything of it. Apparently there's some strange, flexible device called a "double-standard," under which the mainstream media considers the same act to be either perfectly reasonable or outrageous, depending on whether it was done under Obama or Trump.
The clearest demonstration of this was provided by the partisan hacks on ABC’s “The View:” co-host Sunny Hostin said “President Obama is no longer in office. President Trump is in office and he’s destroying the country, This ‘but Obama’ defense doesn’t work for me… I don't care what Obama did. I care what Trump is doing right here right now.”
You couldn't find a better example of the double-standard used by liberals. "I don't care what Obama did." Thanks, ABC.
What happens when any government hires on the basis of political party instead of competence
An honest business hires people who are competent. In fact, competence is usually a requirement for being hired.
But when it comes to government, competence is irrelevant. What matters to some governments is hiring people who support the ruling party, or people who have the right...something, but competence isn't the most important criterion.
This is particularly true in some political parties, particularly in many big cities and states. The result is that in those cities and states, government is legendarily incompetent. Case in point: Washington DC.
DC has been ruled by Democrats for many decades. Recently a resident of New Mexico who worked in that unfortunate city applied for a marriage license at the DC "Marriage Bureau." (One hardly imagines that there would be enough applicants in DC on any day to keep an entire bureau busy, but having a bureau to do that puts more people into government jobs, so....)
The clerk asked the applicant for a photo ID--something the courts have said you can't require people to show to do trivial stuff like voting, but which you apparently must show to get married. The man gave them his New Mexico driver’s license.
The clerk--a government employee--appeared confused, and went away to talk with her supervisor. She then returned and told the applicant "My supervisor says we can't accept international driver’s licenses. Do you have a New Mexico passport?”
The astonished applicant told the clerk that New Mexico had been a U.S. state for over a century. But the clerk--almost certainly a product of DC schools--was having none of it. She knew Mexico was a separate country.
It took the applicant 20 minutes to convince the supervisor that New Mexico was a U.S. state.
If you think this story is funny--and it is--imagine how well things will work when the Democrats succeed in ramming through so-called "single-payer health care," which is cunning code for letting the federal government run all health care for 340 million Americans.
But when it comes to government, competence is irrelevant. What matters to some governments is hiring people who support the ruling party, or people who have the right...something, but competence isn't the most important criterion.
This is particularly true in some political parties, particularly in many big cities and states. The result is that in those cities and states, government is legendarily incompetent. Case in point: Washington DC.
DC has been ruled by Democrats for many decades. Recently a resident of New Mexico who worked in that unfortunate city applied for a marriage license at the DC "Marriage Bureau." (One hardly imagines that there would be enough applicants in DC on any day to keep an entire bureau busy, but having a bureau to do that puts more people into government jobs, so....)
The clerk asked the applicant for a photo ID--something the courts have said you can't require people to show to do trivial stuff like voting, but which you apparently must show to get married. The man gave them his New Mexico driver’s license.
The clerk--a government employee--appeared confused, and went away to talk with her supervisor. She then returned and told the applicant "My supervisor says we can't accept international driver’s licenses. Do you have a New Mexico passport?”
The astonished applicant told the clerk that New Mexico had been a U.S. state for over a century. But the clerk--almost certainly a product of DC schools--was having none of it. She knew Mexico was a separate country.
It took the applicant 20 minutes to convince the supervisor that New Mexico was a U.S. state.
If you think this story is funny--and it is--imagine how well things will work when the Democrats succeed in ramming through so-called "single-payer health care," which is cunning code for letting the federal government run all health care for 340 million Americans.
November 26, 2018
What happens when you make something "free" to users?
One of the basic teachings of economics is that for virtually every service or product, cutting the price results in greater demand, and vice-versa.
Offer people something that's free to them (though obviously not free to provide) and demand will skyrocket. Thus when you offer people "free money" if they meet certain criteria, suddenly the number of people claiming to meet the criteria will be far higher than the "experts" predicted.
Thus when Obamacare offered people "free" health care (free of any cost to the users, that is), the experts claimed to be absolutely sure this would "bend the cost curve" and reduce overall costs. But amazingly, demand for the myriad of services soared, and total costs rose, so that roughly 80 percent of the state-operated "health exchanges" have gone bankrupt.
Who could possibly have foreseen that, eh?
We've seen so many demonstrations of this principle that you'd think everyone in the U.S. would acknowledge its truth. But Democrat politicians don't seem to agree.
So here's an example I hadn't heard before: Guy moves to Oregon. One of his new neighbors is a nurse at the local hospital, and tells the guy that by state law, ambulance rides and ER visits are free to the user. The nurse tells the guy that some people call an ambulance for an insignificant complaint, ride into town and then walk from the few blocks from the hospital to Walmart to do their shopping.
The nurse also said their emergency room gets twice as many patients as those in cities of the same size but in other states. In other words, people were using the ER instead of going to a doctor for non-emergency conditions...because the politicians in Democrat-ruled Oregon had decreed that ER visits were "free."
Significantly, the nurse seemed OK with both laws since, as he put it, the cost was paid by ‘those who pay taxes.’
For political newbies, the capital of Oregon is Portland, run by a Democrat mayor. When the communist thugs of "Antifa" surrounded an ICE office and blocked access both directions, the clever, clever mayor ordered his city cops to do...nothing. Cuz he's a Democrat pol, and they love Antifa--because the thugs only riot against Republicans. Hell of a deal, eh?
Offer people something that's free to them (though obviously not free to provide) and demand will skyrocket. Thus when you offer people "free money" if they meet certain criteria, suddenly the number of people claiming to meet the criteria will be far higher than the "experts" predicted.
Thus when Obamacare offered people "free" health care (free of any cost to the users, that is), the experts claimed to be absolutely sure this would "bend the cost curve" and reduce overall costs. But amazingly, demand for the myriad of services soared, and total costs rose, so that roughly 80 percent of the state-operated "health exchanges" have gone bankrupt.
Who could possibly have foreseen that, eh?
We've seen so many demonstrations of this principle that you'd think everyone in the U.S. would acknowledge its truth. But Democrat politicians don't seem to agree.
So here's an example I hadn't heard before: Guy moves to Oregon. One of his new neighbors is a nurse at the local hospital, and tells the guy that by state law, ambulance rides and ER visits are free to the user. The nurse tells the guy that some people call an ambulance for an insignificant complaint, ride into town and then walk from the few blocks from the hospital to Walmart to do their shopping.
The nurse also said their emergency room gets twice as many patients as those in cities of the same size but in other states. In other words, people were using the ER instead of going to a doctor for non-emergency conditions...because the politicians in Democrat-ruled Oregon had decreed that ER visits were "free."
Significantly, the nurse seemed OK with both laws since, as he put it, the cost was paid by ‘those who pay taxes.’
For political newbies, the capital of Oregon is Portland, run by a Democrat mayor. When the communist thugs of "Antifa" surrounded an ICE office and blocked access both directions, the clever, clever mayor ordered his city cops to do...nothing. Cuz he's a Democrat pol, and they love Antifa--because the thugs only riot against Republicans. Hell of a deal, eh?
Who is identified with "Red"? Doesn't matter, comrade.
George Orwell showed that control of what things are named--i.e. control of your
language--is essential to honest reasoning and rational conclusions. (For young readers: Read "1984" to understand how he did this, and how effective control of terms is to a fascist government.)
"Of course that was fiction," say Democrats and socialists. "Doesn't happen in real life."
Really? Bullshit. It's been happening here for decades. One of the best examples is how deftly the self-styled "elites" who run the television networks and the rest of the Lying Media reversed the colors of Republican and Democrat parties to label Republican areas as "red states."
When the networks began making a huge production out of election-eve reporting, they showed Dem-controlled states in red, Republican states in blue. But for some reason, around 1970 they all simultaneously make the decision to reverse the color assignments.
Communism has always identified itself with the color red. In the Russian revolution the Bolsheviks called themselves "Red forces," while those loyal to the czar were White forces. In WW2 Soviet newspapers referred to their forces as the "Red army." Even today the Russian army choir bills itself as the "Red Army Choir."
If you think the color switch by the U.S. media was a coincidence or an accident, consider this: Like all profit-driven entities, the networks compete. No network would want to give up its own color assignment to please a competitor. Yet it happened all at once, in a single stroke. Hell of a coincidence, eh?
Just kidding, comrades. After all, comrade Orwell showed us all that "Freedom is Slavery" and "War is Peace." Labels mean nothing, comrade.
Unless We tell you what they mean. Then if you use the wrong term, we'llsend you to prison cancel your accounts on all social media.
"Of course that was fiction," say Democrats and socialists. "Doesn't happen in real life."
Really? Bullshit. It's been happening here for decades. One of the best examples is how deftly the self-styled "elites" who run the television networks and the rest of the Lying Media reversed the colors of Republican and Democrat parties to label Republican areas as "red states."
When the networks began making a huge production out of election-eve reporting, they showed Dem-controlled states in red, Republican states in blue. But for some reason, around 1970 they all simultaneously make the decision to reverse the color assignments.
Communism has always identified itself with the color red. In the Russian revolution the Bolsheviks called themselves "Red forces," while those loyal to the czar were White forces. In WW2 Soviet newspapers referred to their forces as the "Red army." Even today the Russian army choir bills itself as the "Red Army Choir."
If you think the color switch by the U.S. media was a coincidence or an accident, consider this: Like all profit-driven entities, the networks compete. No network would want to give up its own color assignment to please a competitor. Yet it happened all at once, in a single stroke. Hell of a coincidence, eh?
Just kidding, comrades. After all, comrade Orwell showed us all that "Freedom is Slavery" and "War is Peace." Labels mean nothing, comrade.
Unless We tell you what they mean. Then if you use the wrong term, we'll
November 24, 2018
Dems rushing to claim that popular policies they opposed were really their idea all along
When Democrats realize large numbers of voters are starting to support a conservative policy, they know just how to counter-attack: Claim that the policy (and its success) has almost nothing to do with conservatives (or a Republican president they hate), but was really the Democrats' policy and goal all along.
This, of course, is a brazen lie, but no mainstream media outlet will call 'em on it, cuz it would hurt The Narrative. Instead the Dems' media allies will enthusiastically support"revised history."
Thus we read an interview Hillary Clinton gave to the left-wing U.K. paper The Guardian last week, in which she said immigration was inflaming voters and contributed to the election of Donald Trump and Britain’s vote to leave the EU."
Similarly, the Lying Mainstream Media credits the booming economy--reportedly the lowest unemployment in 50 years--not to that eeeebil Orange Man but to... Barack Obama. Here's the New York Times:
Yup yup yup! Dat's da ticket, citizen! Had nothing whatsoever to do with more drilling and astonishingly higher U.S. oil output. Instead it's all due to electric cars, which got their start by Obama's spurring GM to produce the Volt.
Revisionist history--it's not just for the Russians anymore.
This, of course, is a brazen lie, but no mainstream media outlet will call 'em on it, cuz it would hurt The Narrative. Instead the Dems' media allies will enthusiastically support"revised history."
Thus we read an interview Hillary Clinton gave to the left-wing U.K. paper The Guardian last week, in which she said immigration was inflaming voters and contributed to the election of Donald Trump and Britain’s vote to leave the EU."
“I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame,” she said. “I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but...Europe...must send a very clear message – ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ – because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic.” ...
So we've got to "deal with immigration"? this the same Hillary Clinton who headed the party that called for open borders, unlimited immigration based on unverifiable claims that the wanna-be immigrant was seeking "asylum"? Cuz, you know, that sorta sounds like a complete reversal of her prior position.
Um...yes, that would be correct. Cuz a bare majority of voters don't like the Democrat open-borders goal. Solution? 'We never said we were for that. And look here: In an interview our wonderful leader--after Obama (pbuh)--said she thinks countries "need to get a handle on migration." See??'
Barely a day passes without President Trump boasting about the growing economy, claiming with a mix of hyperbole and fact that it is “booming like never before.” But former President Barack Obama finds all the Trumpian chest-thumping more than a little grating, given that the “booming” started on his watch.
Similarly, the mainstream media credit Obama with defeating ISIS. The Washington Post helpfully explains, "Obama’s ISIS policy is working for Trump ... an acknowledgment that in Syria, Trump is using President Barack Obama’s playbook. So far, it’s working out pretty well for him."
Damn, that's...odd. Here I thought that Obama-ordered rules of engagement barred U.S. forces from taking virtually any offensive action. As a former Air Force pilot I watched the details of our air operations very carefully, and while we flew lots of "combat missions," 75 percent of the time our planes came back from missions without dropping a bomb or firing a shot, due to bullshit rules of engagement. When Trump lifted those, our military started kicking ISIS ass.
But it sounds so GOOD to give Obama credit. Trump? Nada.
As Democrat pols now cast themselves as the defenders against the Russian menace, how many Americans recall how recently Obama sneered at Mitt Romney's suggestion that the Kremlin could ever be a threat? "Senatory, the 1980's called. They want their foreign policy back."
Boy, that was a great line, eh?. The WaPo and NYT were giddy about how cleverly our brilliant, accomplished black president ridiculed the upstart Romney's claim that the Russians could possibly be a threat.
One more: How's the price of gasoline now? Around here in flyover country regular is around $2.38 a gallon. And why? Because U.S. oil production is at an all-time high. We now produce more oil than Saudi Arabia, and even more than the former #1 producer, Russia.
But wait...didn't Barack Hussein say something like "It's ridiculous to think we can drill our way to energy independence"? The NYT and WaPo, CNN, MSNBC and the alphabet networks duly repeated this, solemnly endorsing the wise words of the man they regarded as more brilliant than any president before him, while ridiculing any voter who might be dumb enough to think we could do anything about energy prices.
So just watch: In a few months you'll start seeing stories about how lower gas prices are really due to the brilliant policies of...Obama. See, by ordering his Department of Energy to give billions of taxpayer dollars to GM to produce the technological miracle called the "Volt," it triggered Toyota and Nissan to build their own electric cars. Which has now reduced oil demand world-wide so much that the price of oil and gas have fallen!
So just watch: In a few months you'll start seeing stories about how lower gas prices are really due to the brilliant policies of...Obama. See, by ordering his Department of Energy to give billions of taxpayer dollars to GM to produce the technological miracle called the "Volt," it triggered Toyota and Nissan to build their own electric cars. Which has now reduced oil demand world-wide so much that the price of oil and gas have fallen!
Yup yup yup! Dat's da ticket, citizen! Had nothing whatsoever to do with more drilling and astonishingly higher U.S. oil output. Instead it's all due to electric cars, which got their start by Obama's spurring GM to produce the Volt.
Revisionist history--it's not just for the Russians anymore.
November 23, 2018
Killer was a politician. But which party? They don't want you to know
Example #568,945 of the outrageous bias of the Lying Mainstream Media to protect Democrats:
A former state representative from Cleveland, Ohio, later a state senator, then appointed by the mayor as a judge, stabbed his ex-wife to death in front of her children.
Worse: four years earlier the same guy flew into a rage against the same woman, punched her in the face 20 times and slammed her face into the dash of his car half a dozen times, breaking her eye socket and injuring her so badly that she had to have surgery.
After he was found guilty, the judge--trying a fellow judge from the same political party--sentenced the guy to a mere two years.
He actually served just nine months before being released.
After his was released, a new mayor appointed this vicious thug to a cushy job as "director of minority business development at $45,000 per year.
To recap: Former state rep, then state senator, then judge. Beats his wife severely in front of their kids. Gets a sweetheart early release, then is appointed to yet another cushy government job by a mayor of the same party who absolutely, positively knew about the guy's prior convictiona and too-short jail term. Now click this link from "" and read the article. Just 20 paragraphs, many just one sentence.
Notice how long they waited to mention the murderer's political party?
Still didn't see it, y' say? Gosh, that's...odd. The murderer was obviously politically "connected," and the special treatment he got--light sentence, early release, immediate re-hire by new mayor--screams "good ol' boy" politics, with all the corruption that implies. Surely you just didn't see it.
Nope, the reason you didn't see it 20 paragraphs the reporter and editor didn't think it warranted a mention. And of course the reason is...the guy is a Democrat.
Now imagine how the story would have been different if the killer had been a Republican. "Just one more example of the hate promulgated by the Trump administration!" "Outrageous how this guy was protected by officials in his party, to get such a short sentence for his vicious assault four years earlier!"
"This outrage proves that the party that runs our city is beyond incompetent, and should be thrown out of office!" And on and on. If he'd been a Republican.
But with a Democrat killer who clearly benefitted from political connections? Nary a mention of political party.
November 19, 2018
New report: upper atmosphere cooling, not warming. Known for 16 years, just now reported by...
You won't hear about this in the lying mainstream media--because it contradicts a cherished democrat screeching point--and huge vote-harvester.
A new study shows that the globe is cooling, not warming.
Of course you wunnerful "elites" don't know about this--because your faaabulous Lying Mainstream Media is ignoring it. And why? Because it contradicts one of the most important Democrat screeching points: That CO2, emitted mainly by Americans, is fatally warming our planet.
But if you click on the damn link you'll see that this report comes from...NASA.
Yes, that NASA.
As everyone should know, the sun normally produces sunspots. For at least a century astronomers have recorded the number of sunspots visible on the sun each day. This number changes like a sine wave, on about an 11-year cycle. And when the number of sunspots drops, Earth's climate gets significantly cooler.
The averages of the 11-year sunspot cycle also have a trend--and for the last 60 years or so it's been down. So now sunspots are at a 300-year low. And again, historically, fewer sunspots have been found to be linked to lower solar output. Which produces abnormally cold winters.
Of course you think I'm kidding--you can't believe any reputable agency would falsify the official temperature record to support the Democrats. But that's what they've been doing.
The official explanation is that they're simply "correcting" the actual measured temperatures. If you press 'em why the *actual, measured* temperatures are somehow defective--which they'd have to be for the agencies to claim they need to be changed (which they call "corrected") 70 or 80 years later--the fraudsters get...mealy-mouthed. "You wouldn't understand," they say. That know that will get almost everyone to back off. Cuz no one could possibly understand what NASA and NOAA do, eh?
If pressed by someone who most certainly understands damn near everything about scientific fraud they double down: "It's all done by a computer algorithm," they explain. This line gets the rest of the critics to back the hell off,...cuz, "Everyone knows computers can do things people can't, right?"
Sparky, I was programming main-frames before 80 percent of NASA's employees were born. When I started programming you did it by punching holes in "IBM cards." So don't try to wow me with bafflegab about computer algorithms, Sparky. Doesn't intimidate me a bit.
So back to our story: Because NASA and NOAA have changed the official temperature record (i.e. lied), the alphabet networks and liberal papers now have the "cover" to echo that lie. They do it cuz the fiction that the globe is a) warming dangerously; b) mainly due to CO2; c) produced disproportionately by developed nations; with the worst by far being...wait for it...d) Americans... helps the Democrats.
But as always, reality is what it is, even if every lying liberal media outlet and idiot socialist pol screams otherwise. (I would have written "Unfortunately for liberals/socialists/Democrats..." except being caught in a lie never causes anyone to call the socialists on their fraud. They don't miss a single beat...because only a few hundred Americans ever know about the lie.
Perhaps we can change that: The report noted at the top of this post concerns a sensor aboard a taxpayer-funded U.S. satellite. The sensor in question measures infrared radiation from the top of the atmosphere. The level of this radiation is a solid indication of the global average temperature. And the new report says that sensor found not only that the sun’s ultraviolet output has sharply dropped, but that this has resulted in significant cooling of Earth’s upper atmosphere.
The sensor--known by the acronym "SABER"--monitors infrared emissions from carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO). And those emissions are way, way down--about one-tenth of their usual value.
Now for the kicker: The satellite carrying this sensor was launched 17 years ago and has been measuring these same infrared emissions ever since. They've been steadily dropping as the sun's output has dropped. NASA scientists have been seeing this for years, but this is the first time anyone has written a paper on it.
You might well wonder why.
Because publishing a paper saying Earth is cooling instead of warming is what's known as a "career-ending move."
The co-author of the paper is Martin Mlynczak. Try googling "+ (his name) +SABER" and see how many media outlets have picked up this story.
Other than the obvious (that the planet is cooling instead of warming), there's another key takeaway here: Most people only know what the Lying Mainstream Media deigns to tell you. If they don't print or broadcast something, most people don't believe it happened.
You might keep that in mind.
For the skeptics (you know who you are), here's the actual sunspot data from 2000 thru November 5th of 2018.
Problem is NOT that the minima are getting lower (can't go below zero, obviously) but that the smoothed max of the current cycle is only about 63% of the last max--which in turn was down from the one before that. If sunspot activity is indeed linked to solar output--something that seems solidly known--the next dozen winters may all be a lot colder than normal.
A new study shows that the globe is cooling, not warming.
What?? This can't possibly be true, citizen! You must be lying! You must be a "climate denier!" You must hate dear Mother Earth, and puppies! And kitties! And children! Besides, I never heard of this, so you must have made it up! I'll bet this so-called "study" is from some moron blogger no one has ever heard of! Yeah, dat's it! You bloggers are all morons! Us smaht elites only believe stories printed by our honest, unbiased, cherished Mainstream Media!Sure, you bet, Sparky.
Of course you wunnerful "elites" don't know about this--because your faaabulous Lying Mainstream Media is ignoring it. And why? Because it contradicts one of the most important Democrat screeching points: That CO2, emitted mainly by Americans, is fatally warming our planet.
But if you click on the damn link you'll see that this report comes from...NASA.
Yes, that NASA.
As everyone should know, the sun normally produces sunspots. For at least a century astronomers have recorded the number of sunspots visible on the sun each day. This number changes like a sine wave, on about an 11-year cycle. And when the number of sunspots drops, Earth's climate gets significantly cooler.
The averages of the 11-year sunspot cycle also have a trend--and for the last 60 years or so it's been down. So now sunspots are at a 300-year low. And again, historically, fewer sunspots have been found to be linked to lower solar output. Which produces abnormally cold winters.
"But we're not having colder winters, liar! The planet is getting warmer! We know that because the Washington Post and NYTimes and CNN and MSNBC and ABC/CBS/NBC all constantly tell us the Earth has been getting terribly, dangerously, fatally warmer ever since those awful, capitalist, climate-destroying Americans invented the gasoline engine!But I know you'll be totally shocked to hear that ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSPMS, WaPost and NYTimes aren't telling the truth: The planet hasn't warmed by a measurable amount in 20 years. They've been lying because for 20 years NASA and NOAA have been changing the actual, measured temperatures--the historical climate record.
Of course you think I'm kidding--you can't believe any reputable agency would falsify the official temperature record to support the Democrats. But that's what they've been doing.
The official explanation is that they're simply "correcting" the actual measured temperatures. If you press 'em why the *actual, measured* temperatures are somehow defective--which they'd have to be for the agencies to claim they need to be changed (which they call "corrected") 70 or 80 years later--the fraudsters get...mealy-mouthed. "You wouldn't understand," they say. That know that will get almost everyone to back off. Cuz no one could possibly understand what NASA and NOAA do, eh?
If pressed by someone who most certainly understands damn near everything about scientific fraud they double down: "It's all done by a computer algorithm," they explain. This line gets the rest of the critics to back the hell off,...cuz, "Everyone knows computers can do things people can't, right?"
Sparky, I was programming main-frames before 80 percent of NASA's employees were born. When I started programming you did it by punching holes in "IBM cards." So don't try to wow me with bafflegab about computer algorithms, Sparky. Doesn't intimidate me a bit.
So back to our story: Because NASA and NOAA have changed the official temperature record (i.e. lied), the alphabet networks and liberal papers now have the "cover" to echo that lie. They do it cuz the fiction that the globe is a) warming dangerously; b) mainly due to CO2; c) produced disproportionately by developed nations; with the worst by far being...wait for it...d) Americans... helps the Democrats.
But as always, reality is what it is, even if every lying liberal media outlet and idiot socialist pol screams otherwise. (I would have written "Unfortunately for liberals/socialists/Democrats..." except being caught in a lie never causes anyone to call the socialists on their fraud. They don't miss a single beat...because only a few hundred Americans ever know about the lie.
Perhaps we can change that: The report noted at the top of this post concerns a sensor aboard a taxpayer-funded U.S. satellite. The sensor in question measures infrared radiation from the top of the atmosphere. The level of this radiation is a solid indication of the global average temperature. And the new report says that sensor found not only that the sun’s ultraviolet output has sharply dropped, but that this has resulted in significant cooling of Earth’s upper atmosphere.
The sensor--known by the acronym "SABER"--monitors infrared emissions from carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO). And those emissions are way, way down--about one-tenth of their usual value.
Now for the kicker: The satellite carrying this sensor was launched 17 years ago and has been measuring these same infrared emissions ever since. They've been steadily dropping as the sun's output has dropped. NASA scientists have been seeing this for years, but this is the first time anyone has written a paper on it.
You might well wonder why.
Because publishing a paper saying Earth is cooling instead of warming is what's known as a "career-ending move."
The co-author of the paper is Martin Mlynczak. Try googling "+ (his name) +SABER" and see how many media outlets have picked up this story.
Other than the obvious (that the planet is cooling instead of warming), there's another key takeaway here: Most people only know what the Lying Mainstream Media deigns to tell you. If they don't print or broadcast something, most people don't believe it happened.
You might keep that in mind.
For the skeptics (you know who you are), here's the actual sunspot data from 2000 thru November 5th of 2018.
November 16, 2018
Watch video as illegal invader tried his best to kill a cop after traffic stop
Watch as an illegal alien invader--exactly the correct term--tries his best to kill a cop after traffic stop. Invader fires about 15 rounds at short range. Blind luck the cop didn't get shot.
This is the kind of killer the Democrats are determined to let waltz into the U.S. at will--open borders, no screening, no filters. They want to welcome drug cartel members and assorted killers and rapists.
Top Democrat leaders are absolutely determined to destroy the U.S. you grew up in. They're totally bragging about how they want open borders, want to abolish all agencies that try to catch invaders. Kamala fucking Harris--almost certainly the next Dem candidate for president--has compared ICE to the KKK. They're all nuts, yet the Lying Mainstream Media support 'em completely.
This is war. You just don't recognize it...yet.
Sooner or later you will. Only question is, will it be too late.
This is the kind of killer the Democrats are determined to let waltz into the U.S. at will--open borders, no screening, no filters. They want to welcome drug cartel members and assorted killers and rapists.
Top Democrat leaders are absolutely determined to destroy the U.S. you grew up in. They're totally bragging about how they want open borders, want to abolish all agencies that try to catch invaders. Kamala fucking Harris--almost certainly the next Dem candidate for president--has compared ICE to the KKK. They're all nuts, yet the Lying Mainstream Media support 'em completely.
This is war. You just don't recognize it...yet.
Sooner or later you will. Only question is, will it be too late.
November 12, 2018
Lying Media lies again, always to help Democrats, part #856,976
Wanna see how brazenly your so-called "elites" in the Lying Media lie to protect Democrats?
Brenda Snipes is "Supervisor of Elections" for Broward County, Florida. Florida law requires all county supervisors to submit their county vote totals to the state office 30 minutes after the polls close. All counties except Broward and Miami-Dade complied.
Now, a full SIX DAYS after the election, Snipes still doesn't have the totals for votes in her county.
The only reason, one assumes, is that it takes time to produce enough fraudulent ballots to steal the election for the Democrats (who trail in both governor and senate races).
Snipes has a history of legal violations regarding elections. And in the current election, even though a judge ordered her to produce the total vote numbers of her county two days ago, she has adamantly refused to comply. Also, she threatened to have news crews filming the corrupt ballot-counting process arrested!
It takes a bit for that to sink in. "Refused to comply" with a judge's order. And there's no state statute that says crews can't film in a public office. She simply ordered them to leave because...why? Because she didn't want to have anyone accidentally record the vote fraud on camera.
Now, the ghastly prog propagandist Andrea Mitchell has her own show on MSNBC--which I gather is a cable network. On Monday, Mitchell claimed that Brenda Snipes "is hardly a democratic official.” “We should point out that Brenda a Republican, appointed by former governor, then-Governor Jeb Bush,” said Mitchell. “She’s hardly a Democratic official, or someone doing the bidding of the democratic candidates there.”
Snipes is in fact a Democrat.
Now, an honest network would force Mitchell to correct that on the air, or would have another "elite" talent make the correction in the next segment. But as you could guess, MSNBC didn't bother to correct the lie.
Like all the Lying Media, MSNBC wants to "poison the well" of public opinion by convincing voters that the bullshit happening in Snipes' office "couldn't possibly be fraud, because she's a republican!" Clever. Cunning.
Brenda Snipes is "Supervisor of Elections" for Broward County, Florida. Florida law requires all county supervisors to submit their county vote totals to the state office 30 minutes after the polls close. All counties except Broward and Miami-Dade complied.
Now, a full SIX DAYS after the election, Snipes still doesn't have the totals for votes in her county.
The only reason, one assumes, is that it takes time to produce enough fraudulent ballots to steal the election for the Democrats (who trail in both governor and senate races).
Snipes has a history of legal violations regarding elections. And in the current election, even though a judge ordered her to produce the total vote numbers of her county two days ago, she has adamantly refused to comply. Also, she threatened to have news crews filming the corrupt ballot-counting process arrested!
It takes a bit for that to sink in. "Refused to comply" with a judge's order. And there's no state statute that says crews can't film in a public office. She simply ordered them to leave because...why? Because she didn't want to have anyone accidentally record the vote fraud on camera.
Now, the ghastly prog propagandist Andrea Mitchell has her own show on MSNBC--which I gather is a cable network. On Monday, Mitchell claimed that Brenda Snipes "is hardly a democratic official.” “We should point out that Brenda a Republican, appointed by former governor, then-Governor Jeb Bush,” said Mitchell. “She’s hardly a Democratic official, or someone doing the bidding of the democratic candidates there.”
Snipes is in fact a Democrat.
Now, an honest network would force Mitchell to correct that on the air, or would have another "elite" talent make the correction in the next segment. But as you could guess, MSNBC didn't bother to correct the lie.
Like all the Lying Media, MSNBC wants to "poison the well" of public opinion by convincing voters that the bullshit happening in Snipes' office "couldn't possibly be fraud, because she's a republican!" Clever. Cunning.
"Death by Democrat"--thanks to sanctuary cities and states. And Democrat officials.
Here's another story you will NEVER see on your TV, nor read about in any Dem-owned paper:
A Mexican national charged with killing three people in Missouri in early November was released from a New Jersey county jail in 2017, despite being the subject an active immigration detention request, federal authorities said Friday.
In Missouri one Luis Perez, 23, was arrested for murdering two former roommates on Nov. 1.
Then just a day later Perez allegedly shot and killed a woman who had accompanied him to the first two murders.
Perez--a Mexican national--only recently arrived in Missouri, and no one in the state police or state government would say whether he was in the U.S. legally.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed Perez was an illegal alien and that they'd issued a "detainer" asking any state agency that jailed him to notify ICE before releasing him so they could pick him up. And here's the kicker:
Perez had been arrested in Middlesex County, New Jersey last December. But last February New Jersey officials released him despite the "detainer" request, allowing him to vanish instead of being picked up by the feds and deported.
They released him because New Jersey is a so-called "sanctuary state," meaning they refuse to cooperate with ICE on detainer requests, instead preferring to release illegal alien invaders and let them disappear into the vast illegal community, in which they are effectively invisible.
Now: Until you read this, you hadn't heard a word about it. Nor would you ever have--because it hurts The Narrative--the propaganda pushed by the Democrats that open borders are absolutely wonderful, and that illegals commit fewer crimes than U.S. citizens.
It's utter crap, of course, which is why the Lying Mainstream Media has to lie about it. Cuz if voters had even a faint idea of the truth the Dems would lose millions of votes.
Wow, can't have that, eh citizen?
A Mexican national charged with killing three people in Missouri in early November was released from a New Jersey county jail in 2017, despite being the subject an active immigration detention request, federal authorities said Friday.
In Missouri one Luis Perez, 23, was arrested for murdering two former roommates on Nov. 1.
Then just a day later Perez allegedly shot and killed a woman who had accompanied him to the first two murders.
Perez--a Mexican national--only recently arrived in Missouri, and no one in the state police or state government would say whether he was in the U.S. legally.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed Perez was an illegal alien and that they'd issued a "detainer" asking any state agency that jailed him to notify ICE before releasing him so they could pick him up. And here's the kicker:
Perez had been arrested in Middlesex County, New Jersey last December. But last February New Jersey officials released him despite the "detainer" request, allowing him to vanish instead of being picked up by the feds and deported.
They released him because New Jersey is a so-called "sanctuary state," meaning they refuse to cooperate with ICE on detainer requests, instead preferring to release illegal alien invaders and let them disappear into the vast illegal community, in which they are effectively invisible.
Now: Until you read this, you hadn't heard a word about it. Nor would you ever have--because it hurts The Narrative--the propaganda pushed by the Democrats that open borders are absolutely wonderful, and that illegals commit fewer crimes than U.S. citizens.
It's utter crap, of course, which is why the Lying Mainstream Media has to lie about it. Cuz if voters had even a faint idea of the truth the Dems would lose millions of votes.
Wow, can't have that, eh citizen?
A thought about military service the day after Veterans' Day
A day after Veterans' Day I've been thinking about how much the "dominant ethos" of our nation--as indicated by the votes of a majority of citizens and the "elites" who determine what news and culture trends will be deemed hip and cool--has changed since WW2.
One think seems to me to be pretty certain: I suspect fewer young men still believe this nation is worth defending with their lives. The dominant party (in votes; if you're confused, that would be the Democrats) has declared that they're determined to a) open our borders to anyone; b) to bring us to socialism; c) to teach your children that the U.S. is and has always been, from its founding, intrinsically evil; d) that all whites are raaaacist; e) that homosexuality is great; f) that our military must not only allow people who don't know what sex they are to join, but must use scarce defense appropriations to pay for them to get sex-change operations; and a dozen other things.
It would never, ever occur to any of the so-called "elites" to wonder what effect this might have on the willingness of young men to put their lives on the line to defend this country. For starters, the "elites" believe there are no threats to this nation except for "nationalism"--a phrase they routinely use to bludgeon the president. All the lessons of history say that view is moronic, but everything I see every day says that the "elites" have never, and will never, learn anything from history.
One tiny exit fact: Fakebook closes the accounts of conservatives for the tiniest "thought crime," but refuses to close any of the scores of accounts started by "Antifa"--which is a known-violent organization. Fakebook protects those accounts because they like what Antifa is doing.
One think seems to me to be pretty certain: I suspect fewer young men still believe this nation is worth defending with their lives. The dominant party (in votes; if you're confused, that would be the Democrats) has declared that they're determined to a) open our borders to anyone; b) to bring us to socialism; c) to teach your children that the U.S. is and has always been, from its founding, intrinsically evil; d) that all whites are raaaacist; e) that homosexuality is great; f) that our military must not only allow people who don't know what sex they are to join, but must use scarce defense appropriations to pay for them to get sex-change operations; and a dozen other things.
It would never, ever occur to any of the so-called "elites" to wonder what effect this might have on the willingness of young men to put their lives on the line to defend this country. For starters, the "elites" believe there are no threats to this nation except for "nationalism"--a phrase they routinely use to bludgeon the president. All the lessons of history say that view is moronic, but everything I see every day says that the "elites" have never, and will never, learn anything from history.
One tiny exit fact: Fakebook closes the accounts of conservatives for the tiniest "thought crime," but refuses to close any of the scores of accounts started by "Antifa"--which is a known-violent organization. Fakebook protects those accounts because they like what Antifa is doing.

November 09, 2018
Let's name a new Navy ship after...war hero? Nah, let's name it for a gay San Fran supervisor
Years ago--before the U.S. was taken over by crazy Democrats--Navy ships were named after famous naval battles, or states, or cities, or war heroes.
That was then--back in the dark ages, apparently. Today our "leaders" are much more...sophisticated. Nuanced. And the Lying Mainstream Media is totally thrilled.
If you wanna see how much the elites running this country have changed since 2000 or so, in 2016 Obama's Secretary of the Navy announced he was planning to name a new navy ship to honor a homosexual former San Francisco "supervisor" (they run the city), Harvey Milk.
If the people of San Fran want to have the whole place run by homosexuals, that's their call. But can you imagine how the leaders of Russia and China and other international rivals must have laughed themselves silly when they learned about this?
The fate of a horse in Venezuela--"Miss Congeniality"--shows the results of socialism to those who can see
The midterm election is history, and while Republicans held the senate, anti-capitalism, pro-socialist Democrats took control of the House. This happened because today in the U.S., by a small majority, voters support the seductive lures offered by the rat-bastard Democrats and socialists: Open borders, higher taxes, banning private citizens from owning guns, offering more "free stuff" (hint: ain't nothin' free), sanctuary cities and states, forcing taxpayers to pay for sex-change operations--the damn list is endless.
I'll post more about the election results later. But for now, if you're under the age of 30 or so I'd like to show you something about socialism, and what adopting it would mean for you and your children:
The story below is from the Miami Herald. You won't hear a word about on any of the alphabet networks, nor read a word about it in the NYSlimes or the WaPo. Then only reason the Herald ran it is that tens of thousands of people from South America live in Miami, so stories about Venezuela are considered "local interest."
The same thing has been happening in Chicago and other large Democrat-run sh*thole cities for years. Oh wait, you never heard that? Wow, I can't imagine how you missed that.
The recent US. election shows that a majority of voters support Dem candidates who promise them socialism and free stuff--just as Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela. Now everyone not in the government down there is starving. The country has rolling blackouts, water is intermittent, hospitals have no medical supplies or disinfectant. It's hell.
This is the system Democrats want to impose here. They don't want the same result, of course. And they're dumb enough to believe they can get prosperity from the same system that's trashed every country where it's been tried. Worse yet, the fools who want to impose this system cannot...I repeat, taught by the hard lessons of other countries. Cuz Democrats here are, like, really smaht, y'know? They know they're smarter than ordinary folks--and especially vastly smarter than ordinary, hard-working Americans--whom they call "deplorables."
Dems are a slight majority, which means we're heading for Socialism. Trump simply delayed the arrival date by a couple of years.
I'll post more about the election results later. But for now, if you're under the age of 30 or so I'd like to show you something about socialism, and what adopting it would mean for you and your children:
The story below is from the Miami Herald. You won't hear a word about on any of the alphabet networks, nor read a word about it in the NYSlimes or the WaPo. Then only reason the Herald ran it is that tens of thousands of people from South America live in Miami, so stories about Venezuela are considered "local interest."
Rafael Toro, a student at Venezuela’s top veterinary school, suspected something was wrong when a beloved horse called Miss Congeniality didn’t greet him at the fence one recent morning along with others in the campus’ small herd.
During the night, thieves had slaughtered the bright-eyed bay mare for her meat — either to sell or to feed their hungry families.
“I burst into tears,” said Toro, who delivered the grim news to other students. “We came here, and together we all cried.”
The slaughter has become common across Venezuela, as the once-wealthy oil nation’s economy continues its collapse and sky-high inflation leaves residents struggling to afford scarce food. Not surprisingly, the crime rate is soaring--inflicting a huge toll on animals. Ranchers across the country say thieves are slaughtering their livestock.
Professors on campus at Central University of Venezuela in Maracay complain that thieves steal air conditioners and electrical wiring.
The same thing has been happening in Chicago and other large Democrat-run sh*thole cities for years. Oh wait, you never heard that? Wow, I can't imagine how you missed that.
The university reports each case but no one is ever arrested. The university's security guards walked off the job, leaving the campus an open target.Just 20 years ago Venezuela had the highest per-capita income in all of South America. Then a power-hungry socialist thug offered the people "free stuff"--and a bare majority of stupid, uneducated, gullible voters bit, electing the guy. He imposed socialism, and things started going downhill right away.
The recent US. election shows that a majority of voters support Dem candidates who promise them socialism and free stuff--just as Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela. Now everyone not in the government down there is starving. The country has rolling blackouts, water is intermittent, hospitals have no medical supplies or disinfectant. It's hell.
This is the system Democrats want to impose here. They don't want the same result, of course. And they're dumb enough to believe they can get prosperity from the same system that's trashed every country where it's been tried. Worse yet, the fools who want to impose this system cannot...I repeat, taught by the hard lessons of other countries. Cuz Democrats here are, like, really smaht, y'know? They know they're smarter than ordinary folks--and especially vastly smarter than ordinary, hard-working Americans--whom they call "deplorables."
Dems are a slight majority, which means we're heading for Socialism. Trump simply delayed the arrival date by a couple of years.
Labels: Venezuela
November 05, 2018
University "diversity provost" sends email to all students urging them to oppose Trump's policies
A week before the election an official at the University of Louisville--paid an outrageously high salary as the "diversity administrator"-- used her position to send an email to all students urging them to oppose several of President Trump’s policies.
Taylor-Archer, "vice provost for diversity and international affairs, "
sent an email to the campus community encouraging students
to “join the fight against racism, sexism, anti-Semitism,
In an email the following day, Taylor-Archer issued a non-apology, not apologizing for sending the email but saying she "regretted if the university appeared it was taking a political stance."
She knew exactly what she was doing, and is unrepentant. Cuz in the U.S. today, university professors and officials can abuse their positions to make brazenly pro-liberal statements and not have to worry about any consequences. Cuz university employees can be partisan and paid by the public--as long as they're pro-liberal, pro-Democrat, pro-socialist.
Doesn't work the other way, of course: Imagine the screams from Democrats if a conservative college administrator had sent an email to all students urging them to oppose Obozo's policies! The sender would have been fired within a day or two.
These damn double-standards got old years ago, yet nothing has changed.
Mordean Taylor-Archer, "diversity provost" |