New report: upper atmosphere cooling, not warming. Known for 16 years, just now reported by...
You won't hear about this in the lying mainstream media--because it contradicts a cherished democrat screeching point--and huge vote-harvester.
A new study shows that the globe is cooling, not warming.
Of course you wunnerful "elites" don't know about this--because your faaabulous Lying Mainstream Media is ignoring it. And why? Because it contradicts one of the most important Democrat screeching points: That CO2, emitted mainly by Americans, is fatally warming our planet.
But if you click on the damn link you'll see that this report comes from...NASA.
Yes, that NASA.
As everyone should know, the sun normally produces sunspots. For at least a century astronomers have recorded the number of sunspots visible on the sun each day. This number changes like a sine wave, on about an 11-year cycle. And when the number of sunspots drops, Earth's climate gets significantly cooler.
The averages of the 11-year sunspot cycle also have a trend--and for the last 60 years or so it's been down. So now sunspots are at a 300-year low. And again, historically, fewer sunspots have been found to be linked to lower solar output. Which produces abnormally cold winters.
Of course you think I'm kidding--you can't believe any reputable agency would falsify the official temperature record to support the Democrats. But that's what they've been doing.
The official explanation is that they're simply "correcting" the actual measured temperatures. If you press 'em why the *actual, measured* temperatures are somehow defective--which they'd have to be for the agencies to claim they need to be changed (which they call "corrected") 70 or 80 years later--the fraudsters get...mealy-mouthed. "You wouldn't understand," they say. That know that will get almost everyone to back off. Cuz no one could possibly understand what NASA and NOAA do, eh?
If pressed by someone who most certainly understands damn near everything about scientific fraud they double down: "It's all done by a computer algorithm," they explain. This line gets the rest of the critics to back the hell off,...cuz, "Everyone knows computers can do things people can't, right?"
Sparky, I was programming main-frames before 80 percent of NASA's employees were born. When I started programming you did it by punching holes in "IBM cards." So don't try to wow me with bafflegab about computer algorithms, Sparky. Doesn't intimidate me a bit.
So back to our story: Because NASA and NOAA have changed the official temperature record (i.e. lied), the alphabet networks and liberal papers now have the "cover" to echo that lie. They do it cuz the fiction that the globe is a) warming dangerously; b) mainly due to CO2; c) produced disproportionately by developed nations; with the worst by far being...wait for it...d) Americans... helps the Democrats.
But as always, reality is what it is, even if every lying liberal media outlet and idiot socialist pol screams otherwise. (I would have written "Unfortunately for liberals/socialists/Democrats..." except being caught in a lie never causes anyone to call the socialists on their fraud. They don't miss a single beat...because only a few hundred Americans ever know about the lie.
Perhaps we can change that: The report noted at the top of this post concerns a sensor aboard a taxpayer-funded U.S. satellite. The sensor in question measures infrared radiation from the top of the atmosphere. The level of this radiation is a solid indication of the global average temperature. And the new report says that sensor found not only that the sun’s ultraviolet output has sharply dropped, but that this has resulted in significant cooling of Earth’s upper atmosphere.
The sensor--known by the acronym "SABER"--monitors infrared emissions from carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO). And those emissions are way, way down--about one-tenth of their usual value.
Now for the kicker: The satellite carrying this sensor was launched 17 years ago and has been measuring these same infrared emissions ever since. They've been steadily dropping as the sun's output has dropped. NASA scientists have been seeing this for years, but this is the first time anyone has written a paper on it.
You might well wonder why.
Because publishing a paper saying Earth is cooling instead of warming is what's known as a "career-ending move."
The co-author of the paper is Martin Mlynczak. Try googling "+ (his name) +SABER" and see how many media outlets have picked up this story.
Other than the obvious (that the planet is cooling instead of warming), there's another key takeaway here: Most people only know what the Lying Mainstream Media deigns to tell you. If they don't print or broadcast something, most people don't believe it happened.
You might keep that in mind.
For the skeptics (you know who you are), here's the actual sunspot data from 2000 thru November 5th of 2018.
Problem is NOT that the minima are getting lower (can't go below zero, obviously) but that the smoothed max of the current cycle is only about 63% of the last max--which in turn was down from the one before that. If sunspot activity is indeed linked to solar output--something that seems solidly known--the next dozen winters may all be a lot colder than normal.
A new study shows that the globe is cooling, not warming.
What?? This can't possibly be true, citizen! You must be lying! You must be a "climate denier!" You must hate dear Mother Earth, and puppies! And kitties! And children! Besides, I never heard of this, so you must have made it up! I'll bet this so-called "study" is from some moron blogger no one has ever heard of! Yeah, dat's it! You bloggers are all morons! Us smaht elites only believe stories printed by our honest, unbiased, cherished Mainstream Media!Sure, you bet, Sparky.
Of course you wunnerful "elites" don't know about this--because your faaabulous Lying Mainstream Media is ignoring it. And why? Because it contradicts one of the most important Democrat screeching points: That CO2, emitted mainly by Americans, is fatally warming our planet.
But if you click on the damn link you'll see that this report comes from...NASA.
Yes, that NASA.
As everyone should know, the sun normally produces sunspots. For at least a century astronomers have recorded the number of sunspots visible on the sun each day. This number changes like a sine wave, on about an 11-year cycle. And when the number of sunspots drops, Earth's climate gets significantly cooler.
The averages of the 11-year sunspot cycle also have a trend--and for the last 60 years or so it's been down. So now sunspots are at a 300-year low. And again, historically, fewer sunspots have been found to be linked to lower solar output. Which produces abnormally cold winters.
"But we're not having colder winters, liar! The planet is getting warmer! We know that because the Washington Post and NYTimes and CNN and MSNBC and ABC/CBS/NBC all constantly tell us the Earth has been getting terribly, dangerously, fatally warmer ever since those awful, capitalist, climate-destroying Americans invented the gasoline engine!But I know you'll be totally shocked to hear that ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSPMS, WaPost and NYTimes aren't telling the truth: The planet hasn't warmed by a measurable amount in 20 years. They've been lying because for 20 years NASA and NOAA have been changing the actual, measured temperatures--the historical climate record.
Of course you think I'm kidding--you can't believe any reputable agency would falsify the official temperature record to support the Democrats. But that's what they've been doing.
The official explanation is that they're simply "correcting" the actual measured temperatures. If you press 'em why the *actual, measured* temperatures are somehow defective--which they'd have to be for the agencies to claim they need to be changed (which they call "corrected") 70 or 80 years later--the fraudsters get...mealy-mouthed. "You wouldn't understand," they say. That know that will get almost everyone to back off. Cuz no one could possibly understand what NASA and NOAA do, eh?
If pressed by someone who most certainly understands damn near everything about scientific fraud they double down: "It's all done by a computer algorithm," they explain. This line gets the rest of the critics to back the hell off,...cuz, "Everyone knows computers can do things people can't, right?"
Sparky, I was programming main-frames before 80 percent of NASA's employees were born. When I started programming you did it by punching holes in "IBM cards." So don't try to wow me with bafflegab about computer algorithms, Sparky. Doesn't intimidate me a bit.
So back to our story: Because NASA and NOAA have changed the official temperature record (i.e. lied), the alphabet networks and liberal papers now have the "cover" to echo that lie. They do it cuz the fiction that the globe is a) warming dangerously; b) mainly due to CO2; c) produced disproportionately by developed nations; with the worst by far being...wait for it...d) Americans... helps the Democrats.
But as always, reality is what it is, even if every lying liberal media outlet and idiot socialist pol screams otherwise. (I would have written "Unfortunately for liberals/socialists/Democrats..." except being caught in a lie never causes anyone to call the socialists on their fraud. They don't miss a single beat...because only a few hundred Americans ever know about the lie.
Perhaps we can change that: The report noted at the top of this post concerns a sensor aboard a taxpayer-funded U.S. satellite. The sensor in question measures infrared radiation from the top of the atmosphere. The level of this radiation is a solid indication of the global average temperature. And the new report says that sensor found not only that the sun’s ultraviolet output has sharply dropped, but that this has resulted in significant cooling of Earth’s upper atmosphere.
The sensor--known by the acronym "SABER"--monitors infrared emissions from carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO). And those emissions are way, way down--about one-tenth of their usual value.
Now for the kicker: The satellite carrying this sensor was launched 17 years ago and has been measuring these same infrared emissions ever since. They've been steadily dropping as the sun's output has dropped. NASA scientists have been seeing this for years, but this is the first time anyone has written a paper on it.
You might well wonder why.
Because publishing a paper saying Earth is cooling instead of warming is what's known as a "career-ending move."
The co-author of the paper is Martin Mlynczak. Try googling "+ (his name) +SABER" and see how many media outlets have picked up this story.
Other than the obvious (that the planet is cooling instead of warming), there's another key takeaway here: Most people only know what the Lying Mainstream Media deigns to tell you. If they don't print or broadcast something, most people don't believe it happened.
You might keep that in mind.
For the skeptics (you know who you are), here's the actual sunspot data from 2000 thru November 5th of 2018.
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