November 30, 2018

Obama claims credit for booming U.S. oil and gas production--which he actually tried to kill

Ever since Donald Trump took office, Barack Obama has been claiming credit for Trump’s successes. The economy, unemployment, the stock market… you name it, he’s been going around the country and the world telling people that he deserves the credit for all the economic progress that didn't occur while he was in office.

One of those amazing successes has been that the U.S. has regained the title of the world's number-one oil producing nation.


While it’s true that oil production increased on his watch, that was in spite of Obama, not because of him. Here’s the real story.

In 2010, Obama issued a moratorium on offshore drilling. He used the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as an excuse, but the truth is, his 2010 budget had already planned for government revenues from offshore drilling to decline 72 percent over the following five years. The moratorium caused gas prices to skyrocket, reaching nearly $4.00/gallon at the pump. Gas prices would remain above $3.00/gallon for a record 1,410 days. Obama did nothing to encourage American oil production the entire time. 

Why not? Because he preferred to give away billions of scarce tax dollars to so-called green energy firms like Solyndra.  Obama also opposed proposed new oil pipelines like the Keystone XL.  In fact he did everything he could to reduce or discourage oil production in the United States. 

His administration cut back the amount of federal land available for shale oil production and blocked oil exploration in Alaska. Federal drilling permits were also delayed. On Obama’s watch, oil and natural gas production on federal lands dropped 6 percent and 28 percent respectively. Where oil and natural gas production increased was on private and state land—a whopping 61 percent and 33 percent respectively.  This shows that companies were eager to drill, but the Obama administration was making it far too hard to do that on federal land.

In 2011 he proposed more than $60 billion in tax and fee increases on American energy production.  In 2012 he increased regulations on oil and gas as part of his radical environmental agenda.

Now that vastly increased American oil and gas is helping keep prices low, Obama would like us to forget that he waged war on American energy resources like oil, natural gas, and coal.  With so much of his legacy in ruins thanks to Trump, Obama’s current strategy is to co-opt Trump’s legacy by taking credit for things he not only had nothing to do with, but actively sought to block.


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