November 23, 2018

Killer was a politician. But which party? They don't want you to know

Example #568,945 of the outrageous bias of the Lying Mainstream Media to protect Democrats: 

A former state representative from Cleveland, Ohio, later a state senator, then appointed by the mayor as a judge, stabbed his ex-wife to death in front of her children.

Worse: four years earlier the same guy flew into a rage against the same woman, punched her in the face 20 times and slammed her face into the dash of his car half a dozen times, breaking her eye socket and injuring her so badly that she had to have surgery.

After he was found guilty, the judge--trying a fellow judge from the same political party--sentenced the guy to a mere two years.

He actually served just nine months before being released.

After his was released, a new mayor appointed this vicious thug to a cushy job as "director of minority business development at $45,000 per year.

To recap:  Former state rep, then state senator, then judge.  Beats his wife severely in front of their kids.  Gets a sweetheart early release, then is appointed to yet another cushy government job by a mayor of the same party who absolutely, positively knew about the guy's prior convictiona and too-short jail term.  Now click this link from "" and read the article.  Just 20 paragraphs, many just one sentence.

Notice how long they waited to mention the murderer's political party?

Still didn't see it, y' say?  Gosh, that's...odd.  The murderer was obviously politically "connected," and the special treatment he got--light sentence, early release, immediate re-hire by new mayor--screams "good ol' boy" politics, with all the corruption that implies.  Surely you just didn't see it.

Nope, the reason you didn't see it 20 paragraphs the reporter and editor didn't think it warranted a mention.  And of course the reason is...the guy is a Democrat.

Now imagine how the story would have been different if the killer had been a Republican.  "Just one more example of the hate promulgated by the Trump administration!"  "Outrageous how this guy was protected by officials in his party, to get such a short sentence for his vicious assault four years earlier!"

"This outrage proves that the party that runs our city is beyond incompetent, and should be thrown out of office!"  And on and on.  If he'd been a Republican.

But with a Democrat killer who clearly benefitted from political connections?  Nary a mention of political party.



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