Who is identified with "Red"? Doesn't matter, comrade.
George Orwell showed that control of what things are named--i.e. control of your
language--is essential to honest reasoning and rational conclusions. (For young readers: Read "1984" to understand how he did this, and how effective control of terms is to a fascist government.)
"Of course that was fiction," say Democrats and socialists. "Doesn't happen in real life."
Really? Bullshit. It's been happening here for decades. One of the best examples is how deftly the self-styled "elites" who run the television networks and the rest of the Lying Media reversed the colors of Republican and Democrat parties to label Republican areas as "red states."
When the networks began making a huge production out of election-eve reporting, they showed Dem-controlled states in red, Republican states in blue. But for some reason, around 1970 they all simultaneously make the decision to reverse the color assignments.
Communism has always identified itself with the color red. In the Russian revolution the Bolsheviks called themselves "Red forces," while those loyal to the czar were White forces. In WW2 Soviet newspapers referred to their forces as the "Red army." Even today the Russian army choir bills itself as the "Red Army Choir."
If you think the color switch by the U.S. media was a coincidence or an accident, consider this: Like all profit-driven entities, the networks compete. No network would want to give up its own color assignment to please a competitor. Yet it happened all at once, in a single stroke. Hell of a coincidence, eh?
Just kidding, comrades. After all, comrade Orwell showed us all that "Freedom is Slavery" and "War is Peace." Labels mean nothing, comrade.
Unless We tell you what they mean. Then if you use the wrong term, we'llsend you to prison cancel your accounts on all social media.
"Of course that was fiction," say Democrats and socialists. "Doesn't happen in real life."
Really? Bullshit. It's been happening here for decades. One of the best examples is how deftly the self-styled "elites" who run the television networks and the rest of the Lying Media reversed the colors of Republican and Democrat parties to label Republican areas as "red states."
When the networks began making a huge production out of election-eve reporting, they showed Dem-controlled states in red, Republican states in blue. But for some reason, around 1970 they all simultaneously make the decision to reverse the color assignments.
Communism has always identified itself with the color red. In the Russian revolution the Bolsheviks called themselves "Red forces," while those loyal to the czar were White forces. In WW2 Soviet newspapers referred to their forces as the "Red army." Even today the Russian army choir bills itself as the "Red Army Choir."
If you think the color switch by the U.S. media was a coincidence or an accident, consider this: Like all profit-driven entities, the networks compete. No network would want to give up its own color assignment to please a competitor. Yet it happened all at once, in a single stroke. Hell of a coincidence, eh?
Just kidding, comrades. After all, comrade Orwell showed us all that "Freedom is Slavery" and "War is Peace." Labels mean nothing, comrade.
Unless We tell you what they mean. Then if you use the wrong term, we'll
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