National Public Radio has always been ridiculously far-left in its content. While they occasionally run stories on interesting subjects, they never seem to be able to avoid the snooty, chiding left-liberal comment somewhere along the line.
Now NPR has fired one of their (normally far left) contract analysts for a statement he made on the Fox News network.
The guy lives in D.C.--home to lots of Muslims--and had the audacity to say that when he flew on the airlines, seeing passengers in "Muslim garb" made him nervous.
Get outta here! Why on earth would Muslims on airplanes make someone nervous?
(What? Really?!
Three thousand killed?? Wow, I had no idea....)
So Juan Williams was fired for saying something quite benign, that comports with a factual event. (Well, factual unless you're one of the reported 30 percent of Americans who believe 9/11 was a government operation instead of an act by Muslim fanatics.)
This is just another example of how "political correctness"--as determined, of course, by liberal "elites"--is enforced, and incorrect speech is punished by the Left.
All of which is preamble to the point of this post: A couple of GOP congresscritters have said they want to stop all government funding for NPR.
I'm totally in favor of this. Problem is, NPR and all its sister leftist outlets have LOTS of friends and defenders, who will fight hard to keep your cash coming in, year after year.
Some on the left are even running smug pieces saying "the Repubs have tried this every year and it never works, because they can never get enough
Republicans to support pulling the funding." So there. Neener neener neener.
Wow. Gotta admire that kind of audacity.
Facing what seems to be shaping up as near-record losses in the midterm elections in ten days, the Left is doubling down, laughing at us poor dumb taxpaying Republicans: "You stupid retards keep trying to cut off govt funding of our captive liberal propaganda network, but you never can manage the votes. What morons! We shall carry on as usual, denigrating all things religious, conservative, patriotic, military and so on, and keep telling your kids how bad all those things are."
Here's the link. Warning, it'll probably raise your blood pressure.