February 28, 2025

After owner of the WaPo announces change in policy, staffers revolt! Some say they'll quit!

If you want a great start to your day--and you're not a Democrat/leftist/socialist--you need to read this surreal piece by CNN.  It's about all the oh-so-tough liberal, Dem-fellating "reporters" (actually propagandists) at the Washington Post who are declaring war on owner Jeff Bezos.  

They're threatening that if Bezos doesn't back down, they'll quit!  Angry soyboys!

Washington Post staffers are in open rebellion against Bezos

 --February 27, 2025

Current and former Washington Post staffers are rebelling against Jeff Bezos after he announced a significant editorial shift that will see the paper’s Opinion section focus on personal liberties and free markets.

Wait...did the CNN piece just say "and former staffers"?  Why would anyone give a damn about what former employees think, eh?  But adding "and former" makes it sounds like a bigger deal, so....

 Earlier this week Bezos, who owns the Post, emailed the paper's employees saying the paper would henceforth support opinion pieces supporting "personal freedom and free markets," and that viewpoints opposing those concepts would be "left to be published by others."
   Tellingly, the CNN propaganda did NOT mention what the two new viewpoints were.  Cuz you'd think most Americans would strongly support "personal freedom and free markets," eh?  So CNN couldn't mention those.

Starting to see how you're being played yet?

CNN also notes an even more serious complaint by the Post's so-called "reporters:" They're absolutely furious that Bezos seems to be getting more friendly with President Trump.

Included in the Wednesday announcement was the news that David Shipley, who edited the Opinion section, had resigned. Shipley had bitched about Bezos’ decision that the Post would NOT endorse the Dem candidate for prezzy--the wildly popular Cackles.

CNN claims 250,000 Post subscribers cancelled their subscription over the decision not to endorse the faaaabulous Cackles--who the Dems are convinced to this day would have been the best prezzy EVAH!

One dipshit, described by CNN as "the Post’s revered former executive editor," bleated that Bezos has actually "undermined personal liberties by cravenly yielding to a president who shows no respect for liberty.”

Seriously, CNN said Bezos “has prioritized his commercial interests over The Post, and is betraying The Post’s longstanding principles to do so.”  How DARE he!?

See, because of Trump's EO us taxpayers no longer have the personal liberty to have ouah tax dollars pay for sex-change surgeries for trannies.  We no longer have the freedom NOT to support $50-million-dollar grants to Sri Lanka to teach reporters how to use preferred pronouns.

Biological males no longer have the freedom to use the locker rooms of your teen daughters.  ALL those "lost freedoms," eh?  How can we survive?

How dumb is CNN?  Try this:

Cameron Barr, a former senior managing editor for the Post, said he would end his “professional association” with the Post.

Wait...Barr is a "former" employee, so what possible relevance does his opinion have to current operations, eh?  But of course: it's to make the squealing soyboys look like a big deal.

"David Maraniss, an editor at the paper, said he would “never write for (the Post) again as long as (Bezos is) the owner.”

I don't know how the nation can survive.

CNN bleats that another propagandist at the Post wailed that Bezos's new policy is

“...an abandonment of the principles of accountability of the powerful, justice, democracy, human rights, and accurate information that previously animated the section, replaced by a white male billionaire’s self-interested agenda.”


Though Bezos’ changes exclusively target the Opinion section, at least two reporters publicly assured readers they would not tolerate overreach into the newsroom.

That's SO butch, eh?  So masculine, so fierce!  You go, soyboys!  Cuz dey know dey won't be fired, cuz dat wud trigger a totally massive walkout, or strike, or...uh...whut are duh other threats, eh?

CNN quotes another dozen tough, masculine "reporters" bravely saying dey ain't gonna change dere reporting a whit!  The fierce declarations of independence by the leftist soyboys are like, totally convincing.  CNN says many Post subscribers are saying they consider supporting personal freedom and free markets to be intolerable!  The piece quotes a professor at Stanford Law School saying, “if you haven’t unsubscribed, it’s time.”

SEE, citizen?  ALL duh "cool kids" are leaving!  We gon' show dat eeeebil Bezos guy dat if he insists on policies we don't like, we'll punish him by cancelling ouah subscriptions!  Yeah!

Other major outlets have also been accused of currying the president’s favor recently.  ABC News paid $15 million to settle a defamation lawsuit from Trump that many experts believed ABC could have won. And CBS News staffers have also expressed alarm that their parent, Paramount Global, is looking to settle a lawsuit from Trump that they call bogus.

How about this, assholes: If you're so sure CBS could win, why not put up a $5 million bond and take over the cases, eh?  Oh wait, a minute ago you were SO sure, but when your cash is on the line you're not quite so sure, eh?

You really need to read the CNN piece to see what total bullshit propaganda it is.

Source: CNN


February 27, 2025

Federal judges block Trump's EO ending fed funding for sex-change procedures for kids

The Hill is a worthless Democrat-fellating website that sugar-coats every Dem policy or proposal no matter how harmful, while wailing about GOP policies, no matter how reasonable.

So...yesterday 89 Democrat members of the House demanded that Trump revoke an executive order that...as the lying propaganda-pushing bastards at the Hill put it, "broadly restricts access to gender-affirming health care for young people."

Of course what the Democrats call "gender-affirming health care for young people" is continuing to allow pro-tranny docs and shrinks to put kids as young as ten on the road to sex-change.

Democrats bleat that ordering confused kids to delay irreversible hormone treatments til age 19 is "unconstitutional and puts lives at risk."  Seriously, they actually claim that preventing taxpayers from being forced to pay doctors to cut off healthy body parts of delusional kids is unconstitutional.  

Seriously, you can't make this up.

With classic communist manipulation of language, the Dems bleat that Trump's EO "targets transgender rights."  Wait, we have laws against minors drinking alcohol, and Dems don't bleat that prohibiting that "targets kids' rights," eh?  But Dems have quietly, unilaterally decreed that kids have the right to change their gender at any age.  Seriously.

The EO accuses medical professionals of “sterilizing children," (totally true) and orders that fed officials stop using taxpayer dollars to pay for puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones or sex-change surgery--all of which the Dems put under the soothing heading of "transition-related care"--for kids under 19.

So you can guess what quickly happened, eh?  The tranny mafia immediately sued, and with clockwork precision federal judges in Baltimore and Seattle quickly blocked agencies from obeying the EO, forcing taxpayers to continue to pay for sex-changing work for kids under 19.

In a letter sent Trump, 89 House Democrats called Trump’s EO “an astonishing attempt to interfere in private health care decisions.”  No.  That's a cunning twist of the truth.  The EO only said trannies and their Dem supporters couldn't force taxpayers to PAY for such crap.

The Democrats also claimed letting deluded kids change sex at 15 was "life-saving, evidence-based health care.”  Wrong.  That bleat was horseshit from the outset, but only recently did the U.S. government recognize studies in Europe that examined the question of whether delaying "sex-change operations" until 18 was associated with greater risk of suicide.

Turns out the EU suicide rates did NOT rise when "sex-change" was delayed til 19.

“As Members of Congress we will fight you every step of the way if you choose to go down this path.  Let us be clear: your actions will mean young people suffer enormously.”  That's not supported by the EU studies, but not one American in ten- thousand has ever heard of those studies--and the Media knows that. 

Source: The Hill


NYT and WaPo use of "accusatory words" skyrockets starting in 2010, near-perfect correlation

The graphic below shows how often the liberal/Democrat flagship papers, NY Times and Washington Post, used "accusatory terms" like "homophobic" or "transphobic" since 1970.  Anyone see a pattern?  (You should be able to enlarge by clicking on the image.)

Accusatory words are designed to elicit feelings of guilt in some listeners who aren't members of the group being defended.  Wow, huge increases starting in 2010.  Now why do ya suppose...?

Now note that "correlation coefficient" between the usage in the Times vs. the Post: A zero would be no relation between the two, while a one is they're always on the same page.  A 0.97 is really, really high.  You'd only expect that if they were taking orders from the same source, or if all the writers and editors had exactly the same outlook.  Hmmm...