Federal judges block Trump's EO ending fed funding for sex-change procedures for kids
The Hill is a worthless Democrat-fellating website that sugar-coats every Dem policy or proposal no matter how harmful, while wailing about GOP policies, no matter how reasonable.
So...yesterday 89 Democrat members of the House demanded that Trump revoke an executive order that...as the lying propaganda-pushing bastards at the Hill put it, "broadly restricts access to gender-affirming health care for young people."
Of course what the Democrats call "gender-affirming health care for young people" is continuing to allow pro-tranny docs and shrinks to put kids as young as ten on the road to sex-change.
Democrats bleat that ordering confused kids to delay irreversible hormone treatments til age 19 is "unconstitutional and puts lives at risk." Seriously, they actually claim that preventing taxpayers from being forced to pay doctors to cut off healthy body parts of delusional kids is unconstitutional.
Seriously, you can't make this up.
With classic communist manipulation of language, the Dems bleat that Trump's EO "targets transgender rights." Wait, we have laws against minors drinking alcohol, and Dems don't bleat that prohibiting that "targets kids' rights," eh? But Dems have quietly, unilaterally decreed that kids have the right to change their gender at any age. Seriously.
The EO accuses medical professionals of “sterilizing children," (totally true) and orders that fed officials stop using taxpayer dollars to pay for puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones or sex-change surgery--all of which the Dems put under the soothing heading of "transition-related care"--for kids under 19.
So you can guess what quickly happened, eh? The tranny mafia immediately sued, and with clockwork precision federal judges in Baltimore and Seattle quickly blocked agencies from obeying the EO, forcing taxpayers to continue to pay for sex-changing work for kids under 19.
In a letter sent Trump, 89 House Democrats called Trump’s EO “an astonishing attempt to interfere in private health care decisions.” No. That's a cunning twist of the truth. The EO only said trannies and their Dem supporters couldn't force taxpayers to PAY for such crap.
The Democrats also claimed letting deluded kids change sex at 15 was "life-saving, evidence-based health care.” Wrong. That bleat was horseshit from the outset, but only recently did the U.S. government recognize studies in Europe that examined the question of whether delaying "sex-change operations" until 18 was associated with greater risk of suicide.
Turns out the EU suicide rates did NOT rise when "sex-change" was delayed til 19.
“As Members of Congress we will fight you every step of the way if you choose to go down this path. Let us be clear: your actions will mean young people suffer enormously.” That's not supported by the EU studies, but not one American in ten- thousand has ever heard of those studies--and the Media knows that.
Source: The Hill
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