Pelosi says she'll continue to oppose border wall, then claims "We can't allow Trump to say Dems don't support border security"
On Tuesday the ranking House Democrat, Nancy "Botox" Pelosi said President Trump's desire to drastically cut the number of illegal alien invaders waltzing across our southern border--by building a wall along the U.S-Mexico border--is simply a "manhood issue" for the president.
She said she will continue to oppose building a wall, and that she isn't interested in negotiating about it. “It happens to be like a manhood issue for the president, building a wall, and I’m not interested in that,” Pelosi said. She said building a wall is "probably the worst way to protect the border.”
The president has often said Democrats want "open borders."
Democrats have wailed for years that the U.S. simply must allow anyone who sneaks across our border illegally to stay here forever. They want the illegals to have the right to vote. They cunningly lie by claiming the illegal invaders don't suck up welfare benefits, because they know Americans who are hardworking and not Democrats think that's outrageous.
But “We can’t allow him to say we’re not interested in protecting the border,” she said.
Democrat leaders have even demanded that newspapers and TV networks NOT use the term "illegal aliens"--how f'd up is that? Guess the Dems think that if we call 'em "citizens"--as Pelosi famously said, she saw a "spark of divinity" in MS-13 gang murderers--that will make any problems vanish, eh?
But “We can’t allow him to say we’re not interested in protecting the border,” she said.
Many Dem congresscritters have screamed that they want to abolish ICE (the main agency that arrests illegals). They scream at Trump for separating illegal-alien parents from their fake children, but if the administration had kept the kiddies with their parents the liberals would have screamed that Trump was endangering the kids by putting them with an adult population--something no civilized nation in the world does.
But “We can’t allow him to say we’re not interested in protecting the border,” she said.
The Democrats have always been for open borders--stridently, unapologetically--and no honest reporter would let the cunning, corrupt Pelosi get away with claiming the opposite without asking her why the Dems have, in fact, always opposed securing our borders against illegal invaders.
Tell me, dear reader: How the hell could an honest reporter simply listen to her bullshit--her brazen, in-your-face lies--without asking a dozen pointed questions that would reveal those lies?
Oh, that's right: "The Hill" is a totally Democrat-supporting website.
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