October 23, 2018

Live on MSNBC, Rosie O'Donnell says she wanted the military to remove Trump by force; hosts laugh

MSNBC is always doing its part to fan the flames of insane Trump-hate among their moronic viewers.  Recently they did a long segment featuring the laughably-stupid Rosie O'Donnell saying "I said we needed to send the military to remove Trump from the White House." 

And the other 3 morons hosting the MSNBC segment laughed uproariously.


That's brilliant, ya dumb bastards.  Are you really so dumb that you don't realize that that's calling for a military coup?  Oh yeah, that's really funny to you people, eh?

Of course the average liberal/Democrat/socialist/so-called "progressive" immediately screams "Well the eeeebil Rethuglicans did the same thing when our beloved savior Barack the Great was president, so turn-about is fair play!"  Except no one EVER appeared on MSNBC or CNN or any of the alphabets calling for a military coup.  You never saw it, cuz it never happened.

Because if a conservative had called for a military coup to overthrow the worthless socialist Obama, the Lying Mainstream Media would have replayed that clip ten times an hour for a month.  And you know that's true.  The media would be re-playing that even today, as a way to fire up their base to vote Democrat in the elections two weeks from today.

Rosie's literally crazy.  This is the same dimwit who claimed the World Trade Center couldn't have been destroyed by airliners crashing into it--fully loaded with jet fuel just after takeoff--because she hilariously claimed--on live tv-- "fire can't melt steel."

So, Rosie, how do you think steel is made, if it's not melted?  If it IS melted, and you claim fire can't do that, what magic *does* melt it ?

Rosie used her goofy "fire can't melt steel" idiocy to try to convince people that the twin towers had to have been destroyed, not by the hijacked jets but by...wait for it...explosives, cunningly planted by the eeebil Bush regime!  Yes, that's right:  It was a plot by Bush et al to destroy the WTC and kill 3000 Americans because...well she's not sure why he'd want to do that.  Probably conspiring with the Russians to steal the next election or something.

Of course if it was a Bush plot, the conspirators must have also managed to rig explosives to blow up the west entrance of the Pentagon--since anyone can just waltz into that building and start drilling holes and planting explosives.  Really.

And what of the 4th plane--the one where the desperate passengers--having learned of the other suicide attacks by phone, knew they had to act to avoid the same fate.  In Rosie-world the sounds of the passengers breaching the cockpit door and fighting the armed hijackers were faked.  Instead of the hijackers diving the plane into the ground, it was probably shot down by an Air Force fighter.

Yeh, dat's da ticket.

The fact that MSNBC and CNN give a national platform to idiots like Rosie and similar morons shows how demented their management is.  And their hosts, and analysts, and producers.  Idiots, every one of 'em.  But rich.


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