January 31, 2025

Video of a hundred lying "elites" SWEARING Covid couldn't have come from a Chinese lab!

Guess y'all have seen that the new head of the CIA just released a report saying Covid-19 was most likely modified in a lab in Wuhan, China, eh?

So now--unbelievably!--many of the brazen, shithead liars in government and the Mainstream Media--including the ghastly liars at NPR--who sneered and swore up and down that this was impossible!  Had been "thoroughly debunked!  Was "pure xenophobia!"  And parroted Fauci's bullshit that it just "evolved naturally" and jumped to humans from someone eating an infected bat--or was it a pangolin?--sold in the "wet market" in Wuhan, are now claiming they "NEVER" dismissed or denied the lab release theory!  

Yep, they're claiming dey always kept an open mind about the origin!  Dey always continued evaluating the evidence!  You know, like real scientists!  

See, dey Kool!  Smaht, like Joy Reid, Steven Colbert, Jon Stewart, Chuck Schumer, eh?  Smaaht!  Way smahtah den us deplorables, eh? 

So when dey sed "Dis virus dun 'evolved naturally,'" you were supposed to nod and salute and say "We believe you, cuz yew are gruberment experts, or media experts.  Or what the major networks call "comedians."

Here's nine full minutes of sneering, shithead liars claiming you're stupid if you believed the virus was modified in a lab in Wuhan to make it lethal to humans.

My only complaint is that the vid doesn't do a freeze-frame on each of these sons and daughters of satan and put their evil, malevolent names over their faces so every American can know who they are.  (There are so many it's hard to know who's who.)

No matter how much you hate the Mainstream Media, it's not nearly enough.  Hard not to wish all of them painful deaths, eh?

