August 31, 2024

Europe is being killed by drug gangs

If you're getting frustrated with our "Mainstream Media" lying about the November election, take a break with this article.  It's from the Wall Street Journal, and it's about drug gangs in Europe.

Most of Europe used to be relatively safe and clean.  Then for some reason--*which the WSJ writer implies not one person on Earth has been able to identify*--clean, safe Europe has gradually changed into...Los Angeles.  Chitcongo.  DC.  Philly.  Atlanta.  Houston.  St. Louis.

You get it.

It's a LONG article, and in classic liberal fashion the writer wastes LOTS of words on needless drama and background.  Short answer:  the dumb, corrupt tyrant politicians who rule almost every country in Europe did what the Democrat party has done here:  They opened their borders and allowed everyone from Africa and the Muslim countries to enter at will.

As no one could possibly have predicted, this did not work out well.  But it did work out the way everyone with a functioning brain predicted.  Just as in the U.S.:  Los Angeles and all the other big Dem-ruled shitholes are...well, shitholes is a good description.  The corruption stinks to high heaven.  The mayors of many of these shitholes are indistinguishable from communists: Chitcongo and Lost Angeles, certainly.

Now Europe's new immigrant gangs are doing what the Mafia did in the U.S. for the better part of a century: killing witnesses, judges and reporters.  They only had to kill a few, and the rest quickly got the message.

If you think Mexican drug gangs in the U.S. aren't getting ready to do the same thing here, you're too naive to breathe.

A recurring theme of the WSJ article is that drug kingpins--who have ordered numerous murders of rivals--have found that if they wail pitifully that *their* rights are being infringed, their allies in the leftist Media will write sympathetic stories.  "Doze po' refugees iz bein' *oppressed,* citizen!"  And spurred by the media, they'll find some corrupt liberal judge who will let 'em off.  

Can't go oppressing doze po' "newcomers," eh?

And when they're released, surely they'll stop killing pipo, right?  Cuz surely dey dun' learnt dere lesson, eh?

Hahahahahaha!  No.  They'll go right back to killing.

Of course there IS a solution.  But like all wars (yes, this war), good people don't want to admit we're at war for our survival.  Most good people are pacifists who would rather let the bad guys kill a few innocents a week for decades instead of making society safer by *killing the bad guys.*

Tell us, wusses: would society be FAR better off with *every* gang member and drug dealer dead?  Of course.  But supid liberal voters and corrupt political rulers have made that impossible in Europe --and 30 U.S. states.  

Now, I'm well aware of the objections to the death penalty: no one wants to allow an innocent person to be executed.  But even in non-death-penalty states, the criterion for conviction is "beyond a reasonable doubt."

And I'll certainly admit that some prosecutors cheat, either because they're on the take or are incompetent (as by withholding exculpatory evidence from the defense).  Gotta find a way to prevent that.

In any case, the article is good reading.  And the real hoot is in the *comments.*  Woof!  The pro-drug, anti-family, anti-freedom Left jumped on this article hard: "How DARE you blame drug sales and drug- or gang-related murders on doze po' "refugee" *immigrants*?!  You raaaacist!

No racism here: I think the same rules should apply to all drug sellers and gang murderers regardless of race.  Better?


Video from Aurora, Colorado (east Denver), taken over by Venezuelan gangs

Video from Aurora,  Colorado.  Aurora is essentially east Denver, and it's been taken over by Venezuelan gangs.  You don't know anything about that because...wait for it...the Lying rat-bastard Mainstream Media refuses to tell ya.

Think local Denver Media don't know about this?  Think they couldn't post videos like this?  Of course they could.  But of course they won't, cuz the mayor of Denver is a leftist Democrat shithead, just like the Democrat governor of the state, Jared Polis, who lives in the governor's mansion with "his" husband.

Oh, ya say you didn't know that either?  Hmmm... You don't suppose that's because the Mainstream Media totally supports the Dem party, do ya?  Nah, dat couldn't possibly be duh reason, citizen.   Cuz errybudy know duh Mainstream Media beez, like, TOTALLY unbiased, right?  

If dis wuz real it wud be SO insane dat duh Media wud surely tell ya, right? 


However much you hate the Lying Mainstream Media, it's not nearly enough.  The media is your enemy, because it covers for (protects) the Democrat party from being held responsible for its totally shitty, destructive, anti-American policies.  You might ask yourself why that is.

Which party's ideas would make the U.S. a better place?