July 31, 2024

In just the first seven months of this year, what's happened with the national debt?

In just the first seven months of this year our nation's total debt has increased by one TRILLION dollars.

If anyone thinks this is either good or sustainable, you're too damn dumb to breathe, let alone reproduce.

And yet everyone just shrugs: "Whut kin we dooo?  Duh gruberment--both Kongress an' duh biden/harris regime--spends mo' an' mo' money every day!  We iz totally hepless!"

Helpless.  Hmmmm....


July 30, 2024

Stupid PhDs, episode #956,834

Hours after the attempt a professor at Carnegie Mellon University--Uju Anya--claimed the assassination attempt "was staged” and that the shooter was part of a “stupid show.”

This brain-tumor even had a cunning way to account for Corey Comparatore being killed and two others seriously wounded by gunfire: “People dying doesn’t make the attack any less staged," she bleated.  "Someone who thought the attack was real could’ve killed others trying to prevent harm."

Ahh, so according to this moron's theory, someone other than the would-be assassin, reacting to the early shots, fired their own gun and killed Corey--and presumably struck the other two victims too?  

Who this mythical shooter was, or why they fired in that direction, Uju didn't need to say.  Cuz..."I beez a perfesser."

Say, brain-trust: Think doctors recovered slugs from Corey or the two victims who survived?  If they did, those could be absolutely matched to the shooter's weapon, eh?  It's called "rifling marks," but I suspect from your utter stupidity you have no idea about that.  You probably don't know a .223 from a 9mm.  And yet you bleat--and stupid people believe you--cuz yew beez a perfesser, eh?

Staged, eh asshole?  You bet.  And space aliens could have kidnapped you when you were ten.  Both are equally likely.
