July 31, 2021

If you can't trust biden*fail, at least you can trust the CDC, eh? Uh...wait...

What do you know about "breakthrough cases"?

If you're like most Americans you've heard the term, but you don't find it alarming because...well, a "breakthrough" has always been considered a good thing, right?

But in this case it refers to people who have gotten the Chinese virus after having been fully vaccinated.

Wait...did you believe biden*fail when he said "If you get the vaccine you can't get the virus!"?  Ah, there ya go then.  I'll bet you also believed him when he said "If you get the vaccine you don't have to wear a mask," eh?


Well...consider the graph below.  It's got the CDC logo, so perhaps some hard-nosed "reporter" could ask Rochelle Walensky (head of CDC) "Do the percentages in this graph accurately portray CDC data as of May 1st?"  Then if the answer is yes, ask the followup: "Did the CDC create this graph?"  

Next, note the red "CONFIDENTIAL" notice at the bottom.  Nothing conveys openness, transparency  and honesty like a government agency slapping "Confidential" on data for deaths and hospitalization, eh?

Next, consider the slope of the blue line between April and May.  Rising fast, eh?  What do you think the percentage of deaths for fully-vaxxed people would be, say, two months later?  High.

Finally, consider the concerns and "directives" on the following slide:

Notice the CDC's concern:  cases among those fully vaxxed "may reduce public confidence in vaccines."  Gee, ya think?  So what's their solution?  As you see, it is NOT being open and honest, but rather "Important" to describe breakthrough cases as "rare" or as a "small percentage" of cases.

Nothing screams honesty like telling government agencies and news organizations how to report the news, eh?

Olympics "medical director" bleats "Trans women are women" and that letting 'em compete "protects women"

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has a "medical director," an absurd but highly-paid moron named Richard Budgett--who on Friday bleated “Transwomen are women” and should be included in women’s sport “when we possibly can.”

Insane statement to rational people, yet the "wokies" demand we obey them.  But his next statement absolutely lays bare the bullshit behind the whole tranny gig: “It’s up to each of the international federations to ensure that they try and protect women’s sport.

"...to ensure that they try [to] protect women's sport," eh?  And do you wokies really believe letting men compete as women will "protect women's sport"?

That should be all the proof you need that these wokies are insane.  And yet with the help of the biden*fail regime they're creating rules for the Olympics, and colleges and high schools. 


How two nations cope with a flood of illegal alien "immigrants"

Consider this story from the U.K:

UK immigration officials have become so overwhelmed by the number of new arrival migrants they have been forced to register them in parking lots and feed them take-out pizza.

Border Force agents are also concerned about overcrowding in migrant facilitates and how that could lead to violence and unrest among the migrants as waves of new arrivals come to the UK across the English Channel in small boats.

On July 19th the UK saw its highest daily number of new migrant arrivals with 430 arriving that day alone, far more than the Kent migrant reception facility can handle, as it is only meant to take in 380 people at a time

Most rational adults instantly see the insanity at work here:  Your nation is being so overwhelmed by illegal immigrants--over 9.000 so far this year--that the government has to buy 'em takeout pizza.  They don't assimilate, barely speak English and taxpayers will end up giving them homes and welfare.

The alternative, of course, is to turn them back to Europe (which was happy to be rid of 'em), and ultimately back to their home countries.  But of course the liberal pols who rule the U.K. won't even consider that, so...

In typical bullshit fashion, U.K. Home Secretary Priti Patel bleated “The British public should be in no doubt of our unwavering determination to stop these dangerous crossings from safe EU countries."

Really?  Cuz it seems like just the opposite:  You lot send your coast guard out to bring these people INTO the U.K.--every one you find.  "Unwavering determination to stop"?  Horse shit.  Reminds me of that biden*fail asshole DHS secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, saying "The border is closed!"  Except it's not, and everyone knows it.  We can see the f'n video!  Hours of it, with Border Patrol lackeys holding the damn gates open for the invaders.

Now consider this:  The U.K. has admitted over 9,000 illegals so far this year.  During the same period the biden*fail regime has admitted over a MILLION illegal immigrants, and flown most of 'em to cities all over the U.S.--typically without informing governors and mayors that hundreds of 'em are arriving.

Some months have seen 180,000 illegals admitted here, or roughly 6,000 per day.




Twatter deletes yet another factual, reasonable statement by a conservative


Dave Rubin--a popular conservative commentator tweeted this:

They want a federal vaccine mandate for vaccines which are clearly not working as promised just weeks ago. People are getting and transmitting Covid despite vax. Plus now they’re prepping us for booster shots. A sane society would take a pause. 

Under the rule of the Democrat party we do not live in a sane society.

Rubin’s statements of fact were, I think, entirely correct.  The Democrats told you that if you got vaccinated, you were home free--no masks, no worry about covid.  So everyone should get vaccinated.

Now we are told that, contrary to the CDC’s unequivocal claims, vaccinated people are getting and transmitting covid in substantial numbers.  Regardless of whether that is true, the claim is being used to justify another round of hysteria, mask mandates and shutdowns.

Oh, and Twatter deleted Rubin’s tweet…


As we pass 125,000 cases in fully-vaxxed people, "ADE" seems to be kicking in


Does the acronym ADE ring any bells?

It stands for "antibody-dependent enhancement," a potentially fatal risk of ALL coronavirus vaccines (not just C-19) that has been known for decades.  In simple terms, because of the way some viral antibodies work, being vaccinated may actually increase the risk of death if a person encounters the actual virus. 

Non-neutralizing antibodies appear to actually help the virus enter target cells, or damage the immune response in other ways.

This is the reason why no coronavirus vaccine has been approved before. When they tried developing coronavirus vaccines in the past, the test animals seemed to develop robust antibodies but when they were challenged with the actual virus they all died.  This stopped vaccine development in its tracks. This fatal reaction has been also seen with Dengue Virus, Ebola Virus, HIV, and RSV vaccines.  It's not just a conspiracy story!

The clinical trials for the Covid-19 vaccines were much too short to do proper and complete animal testing, so the quick move to human trials, and to Emergency Use Authorization (not approval) of the vaccine means that the population is being used as the test animals in this experiment. The FDA, referring to it euphemistically as “vaccine-enhanced disease,” stated as much in their briefing document where they acknowledged that ADE will more likely be seen over time, following authorization or even after licensure, as vaccine immunity begins to wane.

Since ADE could potentially take months to years to occur in the various populations and demographics around the world, we may have a looming global disaster yet to come. One microbiologist has referred to it as a “ticking time bomb”.


In 1994 California voters passed an "initiative" to stop paying money to illegals. Federal judges killed it.

If you wanna see how corrupt liberal judges have set our nation on a short path to destruction, consider California:

Way back in 1994 California saw illegal immigration going exponential--and then as now, illegals were getting exactly the same "free" social-welfare services as U.S. citizens.  As the cost skyrocketed, voters approved an "initiative petition," Proposition 187, that prohibited illegal aliens from getting most state-funded social services.  

Backers went through a year-long process of gathering hundreds of thousands of signatures to put the measure to a vote, and the measure passed by 17 percentage points, indicating strong approval. 

Problem solved?  Not even close:  Liberal judges overturn the will of a majority of voters with the stroke of a pen, effortlessly nullifying all the time, effort and work to get Prop 187 on the ballot.

Illegal-alien "advocacy organizations" promptly sued. And as every American could have predicted, a federal judge issued an ORDER that illegals could continue taking every type of welfare available, just as before.  Later the successfully-passed proposition was overturned, on the absurd claim that it intruded on the federal government’s exclusive authority to regulate immigration. 

That reasoning was nonsense: Prop 187 didn't say a WORD about restricting illegal immigration, but merely directed that California taxpayers would give illegals money.  Totally bullshit reasoning by the judge.  But because California’s Democrat/liberal attorney-general refused to appeal that ruling, it still stands.

Today, considering all services (including costly education) illegal immigration costs California taxpayers $23 BILLION per year. 

Gee, wonder what great things $23 Billion per year would do for that state if they didn't have to pay illegals, eh?  Thank corrupt federal judges, and a corrupt Democrat A-G in California.



July 30, 2021

City of Austin will spend $10,000 per DAY to immerse cops in CRT propaganda

The business of insiders with fancy titles getting socialist mayors and city councils to funnel multimillion dollar contracts to supposedly train police not to be racist is booming:

The City of Austin has contracted the services of a systemic racism training group for $10,000 per day for instruction of the Austin Police Department (APD) as part of its “reimagining” of police initiative.

The contract with Joyce James Consulting (JJC) may be extended for up to five years and is not to exceed $2.9 million in total payment. In total, the contract provides for 58 days of consultation by JJC in the first year.

Founded by Joyce James, a former Associate Deputy Executive Commissioner of the Center for the Elimination of Disproportionality and Disparities of the Texas Department of Health and Human Services, JJC provides “an interactive, revolutionary exploration into how systems of racism work.”

Wow, the "Center for Elimination of Disproportionality and Disparities," eh?


July 29, 2021

More Americans under 65 are getting "free" health care on Medicaid than the number on Medicare!

Everyone's heard of "Medicare"--a federal program to pay most of the health-care costs of people over 65.  But if you're a college-age American you may not know about a similarly-named program called Medicaid.  

After the assassination of Dem president John F. Kennedy in 1963, his former VP, now the new president, quickly used the huge sympathy for the slain JFK to pass every Democrat wish-list freebie imaginable. Democrat congresspersons, in their never-ending quest to buy votes, were eager to help, and easily passed a bill to have taxpayers give essentially-"free" health care to people over 65.

But that didn't buy quite enough votes, so the bill also ordered that taxpayer funds be used to give low-income Americans of ANY age--or Americans claiming to be disabled--"free" health care--Medicaid.

Obviously it's not really free, but just free to the recipients, paid for by you and your parents.  Cuz members of congress don't hesitate to force Americans to give "free stuff" to Dem supporters.

The program was envisioned as a safety net for the poorest Americans, but like all federal programs it has expanded over the years.  As anyone could have predicted, as more people learned about the freebie, the number of people "enrolled" in Medicaid went exponential.  Now almost 74 million Americans under age 65 get "free" health care.  

Well, free to them, anyway.

In 2020 the Chinese "plandemic" prompted lots more Americans to sign up: From February 2020 through January of this year 9.7 million more people jumped on the freebie train.  Some of these signed up because the lockdowns by Democrat governors killed their jobs, income and health insurance.  But much of the increase is because of a rule change that was part of the first coronavirus relief law passed by congress.

That "relief law" gave states extra federal money (your taxes) to help states pay for what were anticipated to be ballooning Medicaid costs, but with a catch: to get the cash, states had to promise they wouldn't remove anyone from their Medicaid rolls until the federal government ended the Fauci-declared "public health emergency."  Which Fauci and friends assured us was anticipated to happen "real soon now."  

Anyone remember Fauci's bullshit phrase "We just need two weeks to 'flatten the curve'"?

(Of course you've read that the average age of people the CDC has declared to have died "from" the Chinese virus--even if they died in a car crash!--is higher than the average lifespan of all Americans.  But shhhh!  You're not supposed to notice that.)

Amusingly, Democrat leaders--experts at warping language for their advantage--call both Medicare and Medicaid "insurance programs."  They're not, of course, but by calling the programs "insurance" it makes people think the programs aren't just more freebies paid for by taxpayers.

So Medicare was used to get people to accept taxpayers paying for health care for retirees--which set the stage for Part 2: free medical care for the poor of any age.  And today, 11 million MORE Americans are getting "free" health care on Medicaid than the nearly 63 million Americans over 65 who are on Medicare.

Ya think anyone in congress thought that would happen?  More to the point, if you'd told 'em it was absolutely certain to happen, how do you think the Dems would have responded?

A month after biden* took office, the biden*harris regime nominated Chiquita Brooks-LaSure as CMS administrator.  Late last month she was confirmed, becoming the first black woman to hold that post.

Initially, to get "free" medical on Medicaid a person had to be low-income or have a disability.  But "disability" is...um...a VERY expandable term.  So I know you'll be shocked to hear this, but a "disability" became anything a scam artist could pay a corrupt doc to say was "disabling" him.  No independent verification was needed.  And if you just wanted to sit home and smoke dope all day, without looking for a job--thus "low income"--you could get free medical.

President Trump changed that rule:  people without a disability couldn't just loaf and expect free Medicaid.  Instead Trump's CMS director encouraged states to require non-disabled people to be actively looking for work to get the free medical.  But the corrupt Democrats managed to insert a faaabulous loophole:  You didn't have to be looking for a job if you were "in school."

That faabulous loophole probably won Dems another three million votes.  "Schools" began popping up all over the place, offering all sorts of paperwork to keep that "free" medical care coming.

Of course, as you could have predicted, a federal judge struck down that policy, ruling that it the government couldn't require low-income people to be looking for a job to get "free" Medicaid.  Nice.

And under the biden*harris regime, and the regime's newly-confirmed administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, you can expect rules for Medicaid eligibility to be further relaxed.

MSN dutifully parrots the Left's claim that 30 million Americans are still uninsured.

Medicare is totally federal.  By contrast, Medicaid is touted as "a shared responsibility" between the federal government and states, with the federal government paying part of the cost, depending on a state’s wealth, and setting basic rules for what the state has to pay for.  The Mainstream Media disingenuously claim "States decide the rest."  

But that key phrase, that the gruberment sets the "basic rules" is--by design--infinitely elastic, and the DeepStaters in the Center for Medicare and Medicaid have made a RULE (agencies can do dat unless barred by law) that both of those programs will now pay for...wait for it...sex-change operations.  Seriously.

Wait, it gets better--if you're a Democrat pol or scammer, anyway:  Because almost ten million people jumped on Medicaid in 2020, states stopped checking whether people were really eligible to get money.  And now the biden* administration has said  the "public health emergency" triggered by the plandemic will continue at least through the end of this year, meaning states won't be urged to resume checking for eligibility until then.  Chiquita Brooks-LaSure echoed that two days ago.

But if you think resuming checking eligibility will take ineligible people off Medicaid--i.e. reduce fraud-- think again: Brooks-LaSure says her agency will "closely monitor state Medicaid officials to ensure they handle eligibility reviews properly."  That's code for "don't remove ANY of 'our' Dem voters from Medicaid unless you want to be penalized."

In case anyone didn't get the code, Chiquita added “We are very focused on making sure we don’t lose our gains in coverage through *unnecessary hoops.”*

Ah, requiring people to actually prove that they're eligible for "free" medical care is now phrased as "unnecessary hoops."  Got it.

Brooks-LaSure also said some people whose incomes have risen too high to stay on Medicaid would become eligible for private health plans sold through "ACA insurance marketplaces"--i.e. Obamacare. A "reporter" for MSN quotes Chiquita as saying “We should be getting whatever coverage they’re eligible for.”  Doesn't seem to make sense but then Chiquita is supposedly smaht, so I prolly don't understand.

BTW, "low income" is 138 percent of the official "federal poverty level" — today about $37,000 for a family of four.

The American Rescue Plan, the most recent coronavirus aid package that became law in March, includes a new, generous incentive for states to broaden their safety net. The incentive would add extra federal aid for each person in the program.  That is, the more people a state gets to sign up, the larger the extra "bonus" federal dollars.  Wow, nothing like bribery, eh?

Right vs. Left--in 5 sentences

The left wins support (power) by selling the seductive lie that people can have a comfortable, crime-free life without work or self-discipline, regardless of terrible personal choices--and that the only thing preventing this utopia from being achieved is selfish racists. 

The extra bonus for Leftists is that they don’t have to actually deliver this effortless utopia, but just have to convince their followers that their political enemies are preventing them from having it. 

By contrast, conservatives believe civilization is incredibly difficult to achieve, and requires hard work, self-discipline and good decisions to maintain.  They recognize that civilization is constantly under siege by those who seek to steal from those who work, and those who want to terrorize others, believing they can reap the spoils of the resulting chaos. 

Thoughtful conservatives are finally beginning to realize that disastrous Democrat policies--rammed through because the Dems control every level of government-- our civilization has used up all its "design margin"--the thin margin of safety that separates us from chaos, anarchy, constant crime.

How CNN translated Trump statements (and continues to do so)


Here's how the experts say we can beat the "delta variant" of da Chinese virus!


"Don't home-school," they said. Cuz they said your kids would be weird...


July 28, 2021

Funniest thing on the internet today.

Hey, that senile cabbage in the White House sure did act like he was against use of illegal drugs, eh?  In the clip below he brags that he got a FEDERAL law passed that would have put people caught with crack cocaine amounting to the weight of a 25-cent piece in jail for 5 years!

Gee, wonder if that law has ever been enforced?  Eh, no matter.  Laws are for forcing the Little People to obey ya.  Not for the president's son, the crack-head Hunter.   (Pic below is a screenshot.  Click link for video.)


Two sets of laws, citizen.

Thanks to Citizen Free Press and Twatter user BigFish3000.