May 31, 2021

Apparently a popular new paradigm...

In the cartoon below, the black gal starts to say "I'm not oppressed..." but before she quite finishes, the white liberal gal interrupts to insist that her black acquaintance IS oppressed.  Hmmm....

Living in Flyover Country I've never actually *met* anyone of the purple-hair persuasion, but I understand they're very common on both coasts.  

Now that I think about it, it's good that I haven't met one.


Your senile imposter "president" speaking last Friday--attention diverted to...

Xao Bai-dem has been caught in scores of photos showing what seems to be fondness for pre-teen girls.  Last Friday Xao gave a speech at Langley AFB, and here's what happened:



Click here to see the video and hear your senile imposter speak.