April 30, 2021

Media: 'Biden got more votes than anyone in history!' So naturally 50-60 million tuned in to hear him bleat last Wednesday

See, the Lying Mainstream Media keeps insisting that Biden got the most votes in history--something like 81 million or so.  So with all those oh-so-ardent voters, and Biden refusing to give the traditional State of the Union address, naturally a majority of his allege 81-million voters were EAGER to tune in to hear his faaaabulous televised address to congress Wednesday, right?

I mean, with a constantly-claimed 81-MILLION votes (alleged), only logical that 50 or 60 million would tune it to hear the inspiring words of their Dear Leader, right?

Oooh, wait...this can't be right:


Keep telling us Biden got the most votes in history, media.  Keep up the lies.  Cuz if you keep it up, we'll all start believing you again.  Uh-huh.