October 14, 2024

The Media's shifting story of what predicts Dems will win next month

The Mainstream Media's ever-changing summary of the Democrats' campaign thinking:

Only the number of registered voters for each party matters!  Yay, Biden wins!

    Wait...what matters is...the national polls!  Yay, Biden wins!

    Wait...what matters is who has the best "ground game!"  Democrats, hands down!  Biden wins!

    Wait...what matters are...the state polls!  Yay!  Biden wins!

    Wait...what really matters are the national polls after all!  Really!  So...Harris wins!

    Wait...what really matters is which party has the most money and can do great ads!  Yay, Harris wins!

    Wait...what really matters is...which side has requested more mail-in votes!  Yep yep yep!  Yay, Harris wins!

    Wait...what really matters is the HUGE numbers of Republicans who are voting for Harris!  Yay!

So what's next?  Prediction: Cackles will start bleating that Trump is too afraid to do a second debate.  Or that he's too weak and crazy to be president.

Oh wait...she's already said both.

Open borders: how's that working out for ya?

Over the past 3.9 years of the harris/biden rule, the Dem regime has allowed roughly 11 million totally unvetted illegals to walk into the U.S. across our totally open southern border.  In many cases the so-called "refugees" have never even been positively identified--hence the huge piles of passports and identity papers thrown away at the border.

What if just a tiny fraction of those 11 million invaders are "sleepers"--military age males awaiting orders"?

Just for fun let's say the number is one-half of one percent.  That's 55,000 people.

Democrat: "Wait, dat un-possible! Dat jus' silly!"

Ah.  And you know that because...? Did the harris regime vet em all?  Of course not.  Hardly any.  So for you Democrats to bleat "dis not possible!" is simply wishful thinking.

You have no idea, and neither does the regime.  You're just guessing and hoping.

Democrats: "Dat ridiculous!  Deez pipo all beez nice refugees!"

I don't doubt that most are nice, even if they're not actually refugees but merely people who know how to grab a gift when they see it.  

And every single week they rape and/or murder a few more innocent American women and girls.  Even more Americans die because a drunk illegal crashes into their car.

Democrats: "Yew cain't blame duh po' 'refugees' fo' aksidents, raaacist!  Ebry day 'Merikans kill uddah Mericans in car wrecks, but it not intentional, so shut up, raaacist!"

Except...American kids learn to drive--after many hours of careful instruction--at 16 or so.  Lots of illegals don't, but stupid Democrat rulerz give 'em drivers licences anyway--sometimes without makin' em pass a proficiency test, let alone a test for English proficiency.

Democrat: "Requiring everyone to be proficient in English to legally drive is raaacist!"

Kinda' guessed you'd bleat that, Dem shill.

And if you think the current death toll is the end of it you're too dumb to breathe.

I'll readily admit that I'm leery of all the illegals, not remotely because they're foreigners, but because they broke our laws to illegally enter the U.S.

Suppose you heard a noise one night, and came downstairs to find a man of any race, standing in your living room with a big cloth bag.  Your front door is open, the frame broken.  When you start calling the cops the guy says "Why you do dat, deplorable?  I wudn't gonna steal nuffin.  I wuz jus' lookin' fo' my lost dog."

The rulerz of the Democrat party bleat that you should smile and say fine, I'll help you look.  But hopefully you're smart enough to realize that if the guy broke into your home he's up to no good, no matter what bullshit he throws out as excuses.
Democrat rulerz, seeing that more Americans aren't buying their bullshit, have a fallback: "Deez nice Dem voters did NOT enter the U.S. illegally.  Our wunnerful prezzy is using U.S. laws that say if a person from another country "feels threatened," as gays and trannies clearly do, they can enter the U.S. by promising to appear for an "immigration hearing" in a few years.  

But until that hearing they can go anywhere in the U.S. that they like.  The regime doen't track 'em or require 'em to check in every month cuz the fundamental assumption made by the regime is that none of 'em are involved in, say, drugs.

And surely you've heard that those faaaabulous, grifting NGO's have briefed all arrivals *before they get to the border* that if they want to be admitted all they have to do is claim they felt threatened in their home country.  Bingo.

We'll be feeling the effects of the Dem regime's open-borders policy for the next 50 years, minimum.

Thanks, Democrats.

Who would you think would sponsor a show called "Drag Me To Hell" (drag queens)?

With Halloween approaching, what entity do you think would be hosting a "drag queen" show called 'Drag Me to Hell'?

The sub-title: "Demonic Drag Performances and Costume Contest."

Would it be
  the State Department?
  "Young Democrats of DC"?
  Students for Justice in Palestine?
  Notre Dame University, or
  the University of Southern California?

That's a really close call, eh?  They'd all do it in a heartbeat.  But it's USC.
Organizers say they'll feature multiple 'demonic drag performances' led by professional drag queens.

One of the nation’s top universities in Los Angeles will be hosting a drag show later this month, which the organizers are calling “demonic.”

From the description on USC's website:
>>“Drag Me to Hell" is a one-of-a-kind Halloween event inspired by queer pioneers in 1930s–60s Los Angeles who found refuge in science-fiction fandom and the occult underground.>>

The event is organized by USC’s “Visions and Voices” department.  Yes, USC has an entire department called "Visions and Voices," because that's what elite U.S. universities spend money on today.

According to the university, “USC Visions and Voices is a university-wide arts and humanities initiative that features a spectacular array of interdiciplinary [sic] events.”  Clearly USC isn't spending money on basics like spelling "because we gots spell-chek fo' dat, deplorable!"

Turns out this insanity at USC isn't totally unique: many other colleges and universities holding on-campus drag shows this semester.

On Oct. 11 California State U at Monterey Bay will sponsor a drag show celebrating witches, called “Werk Witch Drag Show.”

“Celebrate the beautiful hxstory [sic] of drag culture with our Werk Witch Drag show,” a description page says.  (The cutesy use of "hxstory" is a bow to radical-feminists, who have convulsions over the usual spelling cuz it's so outrageously patriarchal, eh?

Last month Central Washington University hosted its tenth annual drag show featuring professional drag queens.

Also in September, Florida State University’s Pride Student Union helped organize a “cowboy themed drag show.”

The black female Democrat mayor of San Francisco appointed a local drag queen to the official position of "drag-laureate," which came with $55,000 in taxpayer money.

The above list doesn't even scratch the surface of all the events wokie Democrat pols and university adminishits are using your tax dollars to pay for.  

The Democrats probably already have half a million fake ballots ready to dump into the "vote-counting centers" in the swing states--neatly boxed up in the official boxes used by the precincts.  So the odds of Cackles being declared to have won despite Trump winning the legitimate vote are high.  But even if Trump does the impossible, here's the topper:

None of the adminishits at any of the universities mentioned above would even think of NOT funding all this shit next year--because dat would trigger duh wokie mafia to  scream and yell and break windows.

University adminishits are part of the semi-elite, but in reality are some of the most cowardly, wokie creatures on the planet.  They're scared to death of angering "specially-protected groups" of students.

So this "drag me to hell" shit will keep getting taxpayer funds from now on.

Amazing how dat works, eh?



October 13, 2024

John Kerry whines that his elite friends are finding it harder to control people due to "misinformation"

John Kerry is a demon from hell.  We always suspected it, but his monologue at a panel discussion of the World Economic Forum confirms it:

 ...and I think the dislike of...of...and anguish over social media is just growing and growing.  And as part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue: It's really hard to govern today.
   The referees we used to have who would determine what is a fact and what isn't have been weakened.  And people self-select where they go for their news or for their information [i.e. for sources they trust).  And you just get into a vicious cycle.
   So it's really really hard, much harder to build consensus today than at any time in the 45, 50 years that I've been involved in this.  And...and there's a lot of discussion about how to curb those entities [??) in order to guarantee that you're gonna have some accountability on facts.
   But if people only go to one source, and that source is sick, and, uh, you know, has an agenda, and they're putting out disinformation...

 AHH, you mean like "The vaccine is SAFE and EFFECTIVE"?  
   Or "If you get vaccinated you cannot get or transmit covid!"  
   Or "The FBI would *nevah* pressure social media sites to delete user posts the Deep State didn't like!"
   Or "I will never order everyone to take the vaccine!"  
   Or "The laptop is Russian disinformation!"
   Or "The covid-19 virus could not possibly have been modified in a Chinese lab like the Wuhan Institute of Virology!"
   Or "The withdrawal from Afghanistan was perfectly planned and executed!"
   Or "The 2020 election was the most honest and transparent in our history!"
   Or "The biden economy--"bidenomics--is BOOMING, citizens!"
   Or "We were unable to determine who left the cocaine in the bin outside the White House library, but we're sure it wasn't Hunty!"
   Or "Joe is sharp as a tack!"
   Or "The border is totally secure! (Cackles and the communist Mayorkas)

What was that you were saying about "trusted sources," you lying son of a bitch?



Minnesota academic calls for overthrowing the U.S. Walz appoints him to head "ethnic studies" curriculum

 Brian Lozenski is an associate professor at a small, obscure college in St Paul, Minnesota.

Minnesota is a Democrat-ruled shithole.  The governor is a pedophile and communist sympathizer named Tim Walz--who, as you may know, has been chosen by Cackles as her insurance against impeachment.

Lozenski has called for the “overthrow” of the United States.  Seriously.

Now: Like other Dem-ruled shithole states, Minnesota's state-run public school system decided that instead of learning more about the Constitution or our nation's history, schools needed to use that time to teach the *far* more crucial topic of "ethnic studies."

So the Democrat governor was called on to appoint someone to write the curriculum for the state's new “ethnic studies” demands.

And I know you'll never guess who the shithead pedophile governor appointed, eh?

Yep, the academic who has called for the overthrow of the United States.


Lozenski is also the key organizer and leader for the radical leftist advocacy groups that Walz has effectively put in charge of rewriting Minnesota’s social-studies standards.

This is an example of the Democrats tipping their hand--showing us what they intend to do if elected.

Democrat: "NOOOoooo!  Dis not true!  Dis jus' a right-wing scare story!"

Except it is true.

Dem #2: "You deplorables don' understand.  See, ouah very smaht governor din' know dis professor said dat!  Din' know nuffin'!  See?  Duh problem wuz dat duh state eddycashun official who had the folder on dis prof had a flat tire and din' get the folder to duh guvnor befo' duh guvnor had already appointed duh guy!  Yep yep yep!  So not duh guvnor's fault!"

Dem #3: "Absolutely!  Jus' like ouah faabulous presidential nominee an' duh border!  Everyone in duh Border Patrol tol' her duh border was absolutely, totally closed and secure!  An' it took her two years to find out it wudn't true!  An' den she wanted to close duh border!  Reeeally!  She tried to tell duh guy who wuz preznit den (we don' remember his name) but he din' wanna close it, even though ouah faaaabulous nominee begged him to let her close it!  See??"

Mainstream Media: "Every word from the three Democrats above is absolutely true!"

Dem voters: "That is SUCH a faabulous story!  Such a brave woman, defying the awful, male-dominated Border Patrol who were telling her it was closed!  It's just SO inspiring!  Actually 'holistic!'  That does mean 'holy,' right?"

Mainstream Media: "You bet.  Well, close enough."

Dismembered body found in freezer in Mesa, Colorado. And no journalist seems a bit curious

Wanna see how the Mainstream Media bury a story they don't want you to know about?

Democrat: "Dat jus' crazytalk!  Conspiracy tales!  See, if dey tol' ya duh story, it beez obvious dey weren't tryin' t' hide nuttin'!  Geez, stupid deplorable!"

Thanks for playing, dumbshit.

No, if the Media says *nothing* about an obvious atrocity--a ghastly crime, like dismembering a 16-year-old daughter--people realize the Media is complicit...
... which makes people not believe the Media
... which reduces the number of people the elites can control by using their media lackeys.  Hmmm...

In this case, in Mesa Colorado, a family moved out of a home, leaving behind lots of junk, including a freezer.  The new owners offered the freezer to anyone who wanted it.  Someone did, and was cleaning it out to take it.

And in doing so they found a severed head and arms.

That happened way back on January 12th of 2024.  Never heard about it, eh?  Hmmm...

See, dat's cuz stuff like dis happen all duh time now.  No one even bats an eye, eh?

Just kidding: even with the huge spike in ghastly murders by gangs of illegal invaders, a severed head should make the news--unless someone doesn't want it to.

Now: one can understand why the sheriff would be tight-lipped, lest some hotshot defense attorney accuse him of doing something to get the case thrown out.  But with the property address known, NBC's local stringers could easily look up the property records, find the name of the owners and determine whether they were the people living in the home.

And if the owners were conservatives or religious, think NBC would have done exactly that?  Of course.

But here the local newzies didn't do...anything.  "Severed head and arms?  Nah, nuffin' odd about dat.  Happens every day.  No reason to look into it, try to give our few viewers a heads-up, eh?  

Wait, too soon?  "Severed head," see?  It's a joke, but you probably have to be a media elite to get it.

SOoo...turns out the body was a 16-year-old girl named Amanda Leariel Overstreet.  She was last seen in April of 2005 *but no one ever reported her missing.*  Obviously that's a big damn red flag, but no "reporter" seems to be asking any questions.  Why is that?

"Say, didn't we have a daughter here?  Haven't seen her in a few days.  Wonder whut happen to her?  Eh, if we had one she'll probably turn up in a few days, eh?"

But the sheriff does give us one clue: "The death is being investigated as a possible homicide."

Now that there is some first-class detective work. "How kin yew be shure, dere, sheriff?  I mean okay, it's prolly not suicide, but coulda been a aksident, right?"

See, like the FBI "trying to authenticate Hunty biden's abandoned laptop," we hazta take our time here an' be reeeel careful not to jump to conclusions, right?

Say, sheriff, have ya put out one o' those neat "be on the lookout fer" bulletins on the pipo who moved out?

Here's another clue: the "family" had previously lived in Harris county, Texas.  For those unfamiliar, Harris county is Houston.  It's the most populous county in Texas, and the third largest population in the whole U.S.  It's absolutely packed with "immigrants."

And here's one more clue: the woman who sold the home was Amanda's mother.

It took the state of colorado NINE MONTHS to find that the dismembered body was the daughter of the homeowner?  Wow, must be a LOT of backlogged DNA cases in that state, eh?

One would expect some "reporter" to have asked the sheriff, "Do ya know where the mother is?  Has anyone bothered trying to question her?"  Of course we don't wanna hurt anyone's feewings or jump to any conclusions, but you'd think some corrupt, dipshit "journalist" might have at least *asked* some of these questions, right?

Are they all just stupid beyond belief?  Or is there a reason no one seems to be the least bit exercised about a dismembered 16-year-old girl who vanshed 19 years ago but was never reported missing.  Wow.



October 12, 2024

In wokie New Zealand, navy ship sinks...and the fix is in to protect the defense minister

Wokie defense minister Judy Collins: "I haz decreed it wuzn't duh captain's fault"

Wokie policies are destructive, and every nation that adopts 'em will eventually realize that.  But sadly, nothing will change--the wokie nations will continue to turn to shit--because the wokiez will ensure that anyone in government who (correctly) says the emperor has no clothes will be fired.

Cunning, eh?

Latest case: New Zealand has a tiny military, but what they do have is full-wokie.  Until recently the country was ruled by the ghastly socialist female Jacinda Ardern--notorious for issuing decrees.  So because Jacinda was soooo smaht, naturally the country's defense chief is a woman.

One of the newest ships in New Zealand's tiny navy was a $61 million research vessel.  We say "was" because as of six days ago that vessel is no longer a "ship" in the normal sense of the word.  Now it's more like an artificial reef.  

Yes, it's on the bottom.  

You won't be surprised to learn that the woke defense minister's equally woke lackeys had appointed a female to captain their $61-million-dollar ship.

Now: Obviously ships have sunk for millenia with male captains, so I'm not saying the female captain was incompetent.  What I am saying is...

...you'll never learn the reason the ship sank.  The reason is that the country's woke female defense minister is outraged that anyone would even suggest that her diversity hire could have had any role in the sinking.

"There is a misogynistic narrative" surrounding the sinking, she said.  "We are all appointed on merit, not gender," adding that women in uniform were being abused in the street following the incident.

Ah.  Loss of a $61 million dollar ship is "an incident"?  I think we're starting to see the real problem here.

Collins went on: "The one thing we already know did not cause the incident is the gender of the captain."

Hey minister/moron, there are lots of servicemen with decades of service who never make general.  While 30 years is noble, it doesn't mean you're qualified to captain a ship.  

Again, the ship just sank six days ago.  There hasn't been enough time even to begin an investigation into what happened.  So the female Defense Minister should have kept her damn mouth shut.  But by expressing her outrage that anyone would even suggest that the female captain could have had a role in the "incident," she's directed the findings.

Given the angry insistence by the defense minister that the captain could not have had any part in the sinking, does anyone believe her subordinates will contradict her?  Of course not.
So let's take a quick look at what's been released about the sinking: the ship was built in 2003 in Norway.  New Zealand bought the ship in 2016.  Like all ocean-going ships (except freighters), it has twin props.  These are powered by electric motors and can rotate 360 degrees.

The twin screws are powered by 4 diesel generators.  Each generator can power either or both of the main screws.  So no single failure should have been able to disable the ship.  There are also 3 electric bow thrusters.

So...the official story is that the ship  somehow lost power and ran aground Saturday night.  By Sunday morning the ship was "listing heavily," and by 9 a.m. it sank.

Because of the 4 generators feeding two electric screws, it's highly unlikely that the ship lost power first, but if it did, and you're on a "lee shore" (wind is blowing you toward nearby land) the first thing you do is drop the anchors.  If even one of the four diesel generators was working the captain could have used used the props to pull the ship away from the nearby island, so it wouldn't have run aground.

Because of the multiple redundancies in the propulsion system, it's far more likely that the ship ran aground first.  But why would that have happened?  The ship has sonar depth-finders.  If they weren't working, only an incompetent captain would have maintained speed.  

If you're creeping along at two knots and the water starts getting shallow, an alert captain can easily stop the vessel without damage.  But that's not what happened.

So...here's what will happen: members of boards of inquiry know what each witness will say before they're called.  The members of this board well know the conclusion the defense minister wants, and that dissenting from that command will be a career-ending move.

So the only witnesses who'll be called to testify will be those who will testify that everything was done perfectly, all by the book.

This type of "leadership" has a very well-known name: cover your ass.  The agency head (defense minister) has decreed the predetermined conclusion.  

We've seen the same thing here in the U.S., whether with courts refusing to even hear evidence of election fraud in 2020.  NASA denying any culpability *at all* for killing the astronauts in Columbia and Challenger.  The assholes at the FDA and NIH and CDC denying all responsibility for allowing shithead to ORDER all Americans to take the ineffective, unsafe "covid vaccine."

The list is endless.

Now: There will always be accidents, eh?  Honest leaders want to *learn* the lessons every accident can teach us.  Problem is, in a corrupt ("wokie-ruled") culture, those lessons are never learned...because the rulerz order the CYA result that buries the lessons.

Now multiply that by 20 years.  How do ya think that's gonna work out for ya?

Wokies bleat that what I've just written is sexist or raaacis' or whatever.  They use that as a magic weapon to sneer their opponents into silence.

Let us know how that works out.  I'm unlikely to be around, so I don't really care.  But if you have children--or grandchildren--you have a huge reason to care.

Choose wisely.

