October 17, 2024

Video shows senior Meta employee admitting Fakebook is 'demoting' anything critical of Harris

James O'Keefe is famous for setting up interviews with corrupt sons of bitches working for either government agencies, public schools or--as in this case--rat-bastard pro-Democrat companies working for the Deep State, like Fakebook's parent company "Meta."

O'Keefe's usual method is to use what the military and FBI used to call a "honey-trap," in which an attractive person (often same sex) smiles at the Deep-State lackey and the pair have a drink in a local bar.  O'Keefe's agent asks what the Deep-Stater does, and seems totally impressed!  Naturally the lackey is flattered, and proceeds to tell all--all of which is recorded, both audio and video.  

The result should enlighten normal Americans who have no idea what the big pro-Democrat, anti-American companies are really doing: in this case, Fakebook is back to censoring posts critical of the Democrat candidate.

Oh wait...you think this censorship ended four years ago?   Months before the 2020 election the FBI warned all social media companies that the FBI had secret intelligence that Russia was gonna "drop a damaging story" about a member of the biden family, so the companies needed to delete all user posts about the story--cuz it was "Russian disinformation," eh? 

Dat not at ALL partisan, sed duh Fibbies.  Oh no no no no, citizen!  Instead the companies would simply be doing their patriotic duty to counter "Russian disinformation."  How could anyone object to that, eh?

And sure enough, just as the Fibbies predicted, the New York Post published a front-page story about a laptop belonging to Hunty biden.  The Post had examined a copy of the hard drive, and reported that it contained thousands of damning emails showing bribery, corruption and massive drug use by Hunty--and LOTS of damning photos.  But the Fibbies had told the social media companies the big story was "Russian disinformation," eh?

So the moment the Post's bombshell cover story was published, both Fakebook and pre-Musk Twatter deleted all user posts that mentioned it.  Twatter even locked down the Post's account so they couldn't mention their own story to Americans.  Wow.

But after biden was declared the winner, the Media grudgingly admitted the story was absolutely accurate in every respect.  And...the FBI knew it was accurate.  So the FBI's warning to social media that the story was "Russian disinformation" was a lie, intended solely to prevent Americans from learning information that would have cost Porridgebrain the damn election.

Months after the election--and after Musk bought Twatter for a staggering $44 BILLION--the FBI's pressure on social media was confirmed by hundreds of now-released emails between the FBI and Twatter censors.  The Supreme Court then ruled that it was unconstitutional for any government agency to pressure social media to censor posts the Deep State didn't like.  Too late, of course, but the ruling should still apply, eh?

Yeah, well...according to the shithead below, despite that ruling, Fakebook has brought back censorship favoring the Harris/Walz/Democrat candidates, but have given it a different name.  Instead of the cunning "shadow-banning, they call it "demoting."  So far there hasn't been any evidence the Deep State pushed Fakebook to do the censorship but...it's still censoring.

So here's how we know: The Deep-State communist piece of shit below is a "senior software engineer" for Fakebook named Jeevan Gyawali.


He talks about how the platform censors users that post comments critical of Democratic presidential candidate Harris and her party.  When asked by the undercover journalist who at Meta decides what posts to censor, Gyawali replied that there's an "Integrity Team" at Meta that builds "civic classifiers."

"So anything that [the classifier) detects to be a 'civic content' is demoted." meaning "automatically not shown."  The undercover journalist then asked if  the person who had been demoted would be notified, to which Gyawali responded that they would not. He said multiple cases of "civic classifier violations" would result in the user being "redlisted."

In 2019 a Fakebook insider came forward to speak about what Fakebook then called "deboosting," meaning shadow-banning (the user can see their post, but it's not visible to anyone else).  A few years later another insider posted a video showing Fakebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and another top executive telling employees how they were punishing "truth seekers."

Now they're doing it again--or more likely never stopped.

