October 16, 2024

Do you believe Good ultimately triumphs over Evil?

Americans--and to a lesser extent citizens of all Western nations--naively (stupidly, dangerously) believe the reassuring, soothing belief that ultimately, Good triumphs over Evil.

Don't play "I'm too cool to believe that," because in your heart you believe it too.  It's part of how all of us over a certain age grew up in this fabulous, unique nation.

The men who founded our nation hated being ruled by an arrogant king,  so against all odds they rebelled against the most powerful nation on Earth--and (with the help of France), won our independence.

In August of 1914 WW1 started, quickly turning into a bloody stalemate.  Over 2.5 years later (April 4th, 1917) the U.S. finally entered the war on the side of the British and French, and 18 months later the war was won.  Of course one can argue how much of a role the U.S. had in that win, but the point was made.  

In September of 1939 WW2 started in Europe.  Again the U.S. stayed out for over two years, until the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941.  We entered a two-front war--normally something to be avoided at all costs--initially taking terrible losses, before finally defeating the "Axis Powers" (Germany, Japan and Italy).

Point made again.

So Americans believe good eventually defeats evil, because our traditions and our past security have led us to that soothing, sentimental, naive belief.

Hundreds of years of Western novels have been based on this same belief.  Decades ago, back when public schools taught literature, every school kid read "A Tale of Two Cities" (1859).  For over 130 years Westerners have been immersed in the idea that Right (Good) ultimately triumphs.

But as should be obvious to anyone, past results don't guarantee the same outcome next time.  The belief that everything turns out right in the end is obviously soothing and reassuring, but not grounded in logic.  More like the wishful thinking of children.

History is packed with examples of good nations that have been destroyed, either by brutal conquerors or by internal rot.  We believe that couldn't possibly happen here. But what logic supports that?

We're 20 days from an election, the result of which will come down to 120,000 votes over three crucial battleground states--well within the fraud range.  

As bad as that is, it gets worse.  Because half of the public is dumb enough to believe Democrats' and the Media's lies--and that number is likely to increase over time. 

If you're a Democrat you love that.  If you're a rational adult....


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