October 16, 2024

The elites hate freedom of speech. AT least *your* freedom of speech

America has the most useless "elites" in history.  Even the French fops marched to the guillotine in 1789 were towering specimens of humanity compared to the Michael Haydens, John Brennans, James Clappers, Mike McFauls and Rick Stengels who make up America's self-appointed thought police.

Today's so-called "elites"  have no honor, no humor, certainly no patriotism. They're both stupid and pretentious at the same time, which is hard to do.

They behave like herd animals, believing approved things with blinding zeal--until 51% of their comrades change their minds.  Then like the herd animals they are, they all bolt frantically in the newly-approved direction.

We saw the Democrat party--and all their media lackeys--demonstrate that with the "Biden is sharp as a tack/No, Biden must step aside for Mysterious Reasons, allowing us to replace him with the Politics of Joy and a younger black female" switcheroo.

"Freedom of speech" is a lofty idea: let ideas battle to see which is stronger.  The phrase has a ring to it. But it's been almost totally replaced by your "elites" claiming anything they don't like is "disinformation" or "misinformation."

But who is to decide what speech shall be banned?  Of course: shithead bureaucrats.  Busybodies afraid of free speech by "deplorables."  Because the bureaucrat and apparatchik knows that if free speech is allowed, his or her career is at risk.

ALL claims of massive election fraud, or claiming open borders are bad, or that the "vaccine" in fact was NOT "safe and effective" are automatically dismissed as mis- or dis-information, thus are an attack on the government--and thus on all of society.

As a result, "freedom of speech" is now often equated to hate speech.  A UN "High Commissioner" scolded Elon Musk that "free speech is not a free pass."

With that kind of order from "on high" the  handwriting is on the wall.  The elites see freedom of speech as dangerous.  Soon all that will remain of the issue for most people is a reflex reminding citizens to avoid thinking about it.

The end-game is no longer "controlling speech:" They're already doing that. The end-game now is getting us to forget we ever had that freedom, and to regard anyone who says things government thought-police don't like as a threat.

Adapted from a speech by Matt Taibbi

Source: Ace of Spades



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