October 13, 2024

Minnesota academic calls for overthrowing the U.S. Walz appoints him to head "ethnic studies" curriculum

 Brian Lozenski is an associate professor at a small, obscure college in St Paul, Minnesota.

Minnesota is a Democrat-ruled shithole.  The governor is a pedophile and communist sympathizer named Tim Walz--who, as you may know, has been chosen by Cackles as her insurance against impeachment.

Lozenski has called for the “overthrow” of the United States.  Seriously.

Now: Like other Dem-ruled shithole states, Minnesota's state-run public school system decided that instead of learning more about the Constitution or our nation's history, schools needed to use that time to teach the *far* more crucial topic of "ethnic studies."

So the Democrat governor was called on to appoint someone to write the curriculum for the state's new “ethnic studies” demands.

And I know you'll never guess who the shithead pedophile governor appointed, eh?

Yep, the academic who has called for the overthrow of the United States.


Lozenski is also the key organizer and leader for the radical leftist advocacy groups that Walz has effectively put in charge of rewriting Minnesota’s social-studies standards.

This is an example of the Democrats tipping their hand--showing us what they intend to do if elected.

Democrat: "NOOOoooo!  Dis not true!  Dis jus' a right-wing scare story!"

Except it is true.

Dem #2: "You deplorables don' understand.  See, ouah very smaht governor din' know dis professor said dat!  Din' know nuffin'!  See?  Duh problem wuz dat duh state eddycashun official who had the folder on dis prof had a flat tire and din' get the folder to duh guvnor befo' duh guvnor had already appointed duh guy!  Yep yep yep!  So not duh guvnor's fault!"

Dem #3: "Absolutely!  Jus' like ouah faabulous presidential nominee an' duh border!  Everyone in duh Border Patrol tol' her duh border was absolutely, totally closed and secure!  An' it took her two years to find out it wudn't true!  An' den she wanted to close duh border!  Reeeally!  She tried to tell duh guy who wuz preznit den (we don' remember his name) but he din' wanna close it, even though ouah faaaabulous nominee begged him to let her close it!  See??"

Mainstream Media: "Every word from the three Democrats above is absolutely true!"

Dem voters: "That is SUCH a faabulous story!  Such a brave woman, defying the awful, male-dominated Border Patrol who were telling her it was closed!  It's just SO inspiring!  Actually 'holistic!'  That does mean 'holy,' right?"

Mainstream Media: "You bet.  Well, close enough."


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