October 12, 2024

In wokie New Zealand, navy ship sinks...and the fix is in to protect the defense minister

Wokie defense minister Judy Collins: "I haz decreed it wuzn't duh captain's fault"

Wokie policies are destructive, and every nation that adopts 'em will eventually realize that.  But sadly, nothing will change--the wokie nations will continue to turn to shit--because the wokiez will ensure that anyone in government who (correctly) says the emperor has no clothes will be fired.

Cunning, eh?

Latest case: New Zealand has a tiny military, but what they do have is full-wokie.  Until recently the country was ruled by the ghastly socialist female Jacinda Ardern--notorious for issuing decrees.  So because Jacinda was soooo smaht, naturally the country's defense chief is a woman.

One of the newest ships in New Zealand's tiny navy was a $61 million research vessel.  We say "was" because as of six days ago that vessel is no longer a "ship" in the normal sense of the word.  Now it's more like an artificial reef.  

Yes, it's on the bottom.  

You won't be surprised to learn that the woke defense minister's equally woke lackeys had appointed a female to captain their $61-million-dollar ship.

Now: Obviously ships have sunk for millenia with male captains, so I'm not saying the female captain was incompetent.  What I am saying is...

...you'll never learn the reason the ship sank.  The reason is that the country's woke female defense minister is outraged that anyone would even suggest that her diversity hire could have had any role in the sinking.

"There is a misogynistic narrative" surrounding the sinking, she said.  "We are all appointed on merit, not gender," adding that women in uniform were being abused in the street following the incident.

Ah.  Loss of a $61 million dollar ship is "an incident"?  I think we're starting to see the real problem here.

Collins went on: "The one thing we already know did not cause the incident is the gender of the captain."

Hey minister/moron, there are lots of servicemen with decades of service who never make general.  While 30 years is noble, it doesn't mean you're qualified to captain a ship.  

Again, the ship just sank six days ago.  There hasn't been enough time even to begin an investigation into what happened.  So the female Defense Minister should have kept her damn mouth shut.  But by expressing her outrage that anyone would even suggest that the female captain could have had a role in the "incident," she's directed the findings.

Given the angry insistence by the defense minister that the captain could not have had any part in the sinking, does anyone believe her subordinates will contradict her?  Of course not.
So let's take a quick look at what's been released about the sinking: the ship was built in 2003 in Norway.  New Zealand bought the ship in 2016.  Like all ocean-going ships (except freighters), it has twin props.  These are powered by electric motors and can rotate 360 degrees.

The twin screws are powered by 4 diesel generators.  Each generator can power either or both of the main screws.  So no single failure should have been able to disable the ship.  There are also 3 electric bow thrusters.

So...the official story is that the ship  somehow lost power and ran aground Saturday night.  By Sunday morning the ship was "listing heavily," and by 9 a.m. it sank.

Because of the 4 generators feeding two electric screws, it's highly unlikely that the ship lost power first, but if it did, and you're on a "lee shore" (wind is blowing you toward nearby land) the first thing you do is drop the anchors.  If even one of the four diesel generators was working the captain could have used used the props to pull the ship away from the nearby island, so it wouldn't have run aground.

Because of the multiple redundancies in the propulsion system, it's far more likely that the ship ran aground first.  But why would that have happened?  The ship has sonar depth-finders.  If they weren't working, only an incompetent captain would have maintained speed.  

If you're creeping along at two knots and the water starts getting shallow, an alert captain can easily stop the vessel without damage.  But that's not what happened.

So...here's what will happen: members of boards of inquiry know what each witness will say before they're called.  The members of this board well know the conclusion the defense minister wants, and that dissenting from that command will be a career-ending move.

So the only witnesses who'll be called to testify will be those who will testify that everything was done perfectly, all by the book.

This type of "leadership" has a very well-known name: cover your ass.  The agency head (defense minister) has decreed the predetermined conclusion.  

We've seen the same thing here in the U.S., whether with courts refusing to even hear evidence of election fraud in 2020.  NASA denying any culpability *at all* for killing the astronauts in Columbia and Challenger.  The assholes at the FDA and NIH and CDC denying all responsibility for allowing shithead to ORDER all Americans to take the ineffective, unsafe "covid vaccine."

The list is endless.

Now: There will always be accidents, eh?  Honest leaders want to *learn* the lessons every accident can teach us.  Problem is, in a corrupt ("wokie-ruled") culture, those lessons are never learned...because the rulerz order the CYA result that buries the lessons.

Now multiply that by 20 years.  How do ya think that's gonna work out for ya?

Wokies bleat that what I've just written is sexist or raaacis' or whatever.  They use that as a magic weapon to sneer their opponents into silence.

Let us know how that works out.  I'm unlikely to be around, so I don't really care.  But if you have children--or grandchildren--you have a huge reason to care.

Choose wisely.




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