October 16, 2024

Corrupt FBI quietly changes a fake violent-crime stat they bleated a year ago to help Biden

In September of 2023, with the corrupt biden facing what was looking to be rough road to re-election, the equally corrupt FBI issued a press release claiming "violent crime" for 2022 had fallen 2.1%.  

This quickly became (and remains) a Democrat bleating point to counter what every American knows is the truth: violent crime is soaring, in large part because the harris/biden regime has allowed 11 million illegals into the U.S. in just 3.8 years.

But now that it looks like Trump has a chance to win the White House and hold corrupt Deep-Staters to account, the FBI has quietly revised that violent-crime stat from a reduction of 2.1% to an increase of 4.5%.

The FBI didn't mention this revision in its September 2024 press release.

A watchdog group called "Real Clear Investigations" discovered the change by looking into a cryptic reference on the FBI website that read "The 2022 violent crime rate has been updated for inclusion in CIUS, 2023."

Ahh, "updated," y'say?  The thing didn't mention how the "violent crime rate" had changed.  But experienced Deep State watchers instantly realized that if the revised rate had been lower the FBI would have bragged about that, eh?  

Only by downloading both the old and "updated" report could anyone see that the reported rate had massively increased.

A professor who specializes in studying crime said "There were no revisions from 2004 to 2015.  From 2016 to 2020 there were small changes of less than one percentage point. The huge changes in 2021 and 2022, especially without an explanation, make it difficult to trust the FBI data."

When RCI asked the FBI to explain the huge change, and their refusal to announce it, a bureau spokeslackey just smiled.

Just kidding: the FBI didn't respond to RCI's repeated requests for comment.

Dishonest government--lies, omissions, refusal to answer questions--is a hallmark of the Democrat party at every level. 




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