October 13, 2024

John Kerry whines that his elite friends are finding it harder to control people due to "misinformation"

John Kerry is a demon from hell.  We always suspected it, but his monologue at a panel discussion of the World Economic Forum confirms it:

 ...and I think the dislike of...of...and anguish over social media is just growing and growing.  And as part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue: It's really hard to govern today.
   The referees we used to have who would determine what is a fact and what isn't have been weakened.  And people self-select where they go for their news or for their information [i.e. for sources they trust).  And you just get into a vicious cycle.
   So it's really really hard, much harder to build consensus today than at any time in the 45, 50 years that I've been involved in this.  And...and there's a lot of discussion about how to curb those entities [??) in order to guarantee that you're gonna have some accountability on facts.
   But if people only go to one source, and that source is sick, and, uh, you know, has an agenda, and they're putting out disinformation...

 AHH, you mean like "The vaccine is SAFE and EFFECTIVE"?  
   Or "If you get vaccinated you cannot get or transmit covid!"  
   Or "The FBI would *nevah* pressure social media sites to delete user posts the Deep State didn't like!"
   Or "I will never order everyone to take the vaccine!"  
   Or "The laptop is Russian disinformation!"
   Or "The covid-19 virus could not possibly have been modified in a Chinese lab like the Wuhan Institute of Virology!"
   Or "The withdrawal from Afghanistan was perfectly planned and executed!"
   Or "The 2020 election was the most honest and transparent in our history!"
   Or "The biden economy--"bidenomics--is BOOMING, citizens!"
   Or "We were unable to determine who left the cocaine in the bin outside the White House library, but we're sure it wasn't Hunty!"
   Or "Joe is sharp as a tack!"
   Or "The border is totally secure! (Cackles and the communist Mayorkas)

What was that you were saying about "trusted sources," you lying son of a bitch?




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